Some pics of Showtime


New member
Gold Member
These pics are about a month or so old. I'm 6'2 @ 250lbs and still trying to pack more solid weight for my show. I start dieting in mid december not sure what weight class yet, just going to leave it too see where i end up at with my diet. My goal is for heavy but depending how it goes might end up as a big light heavy. Taking more pics tomorrow after legs and will post them asap. Any feedback or any advice would be appreciated.
Have you competed before?
I like to grow into the class. Meaning gaining muscle while dieting

Haven't competed yet, next April is my first show. I will start dieting around mid decemeber have a good idea what to do but looking for some one to assist and monitor me.
Yea still holding 250 everytime I reach 255 or 260 I lose it quick. I have just finish taking a week and half off from training due to my shoulder injury. So gonna start hitting it hard again tonight. Starting igf again today as well after taking about 3 weeks off. Hoping to put on just a little bit more solid weight before I start dieting in mid december but dont see that happening. So just gonna tweak my meals up a bit then go from there. Will post up new pics about two weeks and post every other week till i start my log for my diet in december. Going to ask for alot of advice from everyone, I'm pretty much doing my diet on my own so going to need as much help as possible.