Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench


New member

Stats 207lbs 8%
bench PR 450

Goals to be set by Dec 31st 2011
Bench 500lbs
Kabuzi aka Chris Duffin my coach
Been rehabing shoulder so bench prob in low 400's right now

240lbs @ 10bf
This is going to be close to impossible but watch me if i dont give it one **** of a try

Been on a cut for some time and i expect to get a quick 10lbs of muscle rebound..The next 23lbs are not going to be so easy. This will consist of atleast 2 cycles

There is nothing i will not do to achieve these gaols

You name if ive got it and lots of it
Gonna be some interesting protocols its gonna be one massive abuse of AAS damn right gratuitous

Cycle will commence in 12 day time pending blood work

Cycle, Pictures, Sups diet etc to follow

Please feel free to ask any questions

Off to Mexico tomorrow and im gonna eat alot of calories for 9 days then when back i will be carb cycling very strictly


Libido check? Hell yes
I need HELP

My arms are my weak spot I have good strength but no size and this is exaggerated by the fact I have long arms, area of concern is my damn triceps. Havnt been able to do dips or skull crushers due to 2 shoulder injuries

Need a routine to add size without these 2 moves, I've tried everything my triceps are not close to the size of my biceps which is ridiculous. Hoping that when I get this cycle under way Deca EQ and HGH will allow me to hit the the heavy dips but until then HELP
Taking off for Mexico city HGH up my arse G2G with prescriptions for everything else.

6 whole eggs n scoop for breakfast 5.30am 2lb ground turkey cooked with marinara sauce seasoned and I just picked up a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and salmon 435 cals I'm G2G until arrival and there is a Golds Gym in Mexico City as I doubt hotel one will cut it
Taking off for Mexico city HGH up my arse G2G with prescriptions for everything else.

6 whole eggs n scoop for breakfast 5.30am 2lb ground turkey cooked with marinara sauce seasoned and I just picked up a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and salmon 435 cals I'm G2G until arrival and there is a Golds Gym in Mexico City as I doubt hotel one will cut it
you might want to apply igf to the tricep bro, works wonders for everyone else i know doing this,
I'm in the same boat as u....bad shoulder and no skull crushers...I can do bodyweight dips if I lean forward almost making it like a push up (YouTube branch Warren
Doing dips)....close grip bench going down only 3/4 the way (lower is just chest anyways) and pre exhausting
Ur tris before going to heavy compound movements (dips, cgbp) helps.....

Ever try very very light skull crushers? Like 40-50lbs and
Letting the elbows out wide?

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you might want to apply igf to the tricep bro, works wonders for everyone else i know doing this,


I already do 30mcg each tri, I think I just gotta wait until I feel comfortable with weighted dips and skull crushers

I'm gonna apply the Igf pre wo and then post wo slin and hgh in same application bilaterally also
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Got to hotel had good.shoulder WO absolutely no discomfort which is good 100mg of viagra makes for some wicked pumps, i ate really well nothing bad at all maybe 100 carbs over normal. Then bam got sick, something didn't agree with me and I was praying to the porcelain god all night. Didn't even have dinner. Hope I can keep some food inside me today gotta just tough it out :(
Back in action

Had huge buffet breakfast 2 omelettes plate of cold cuts grandly yogurt and fruit and I'm about to sit down and eat a hug 24oz steak :) life is good again

Finished with my museum duties time to lift

That didn't go so well I hit the local gym which was very small and so crowded, I waited to get on the flat bench and just rotated with people between that and the fly machine. It was chaos did bench 225 x 20 which was ok but had to bail and head back for dinner and dinner was divine, second steak of the day and yes I had the black beans and all the condiments
Gained some weight about 4lbs already but I tho I deserve this, I went 11 months straight no cheating and I can do it again no problem and to be honest bf% was to low for heavy weights IMO 10% bf just about right. I'll lay out my cycle in the next few days

Monday am off for some yellow fin tuna fishing and some spear gun fun my other passion and this is the meca of tuna down here.

WO sucked yesterday so gonna hit just tris today at the hotel gym, cardio has been zero but 3 hours walkking a day and ill get a couple of runs in on the beach and then its home, blood and off to the races

I feel as tho my bench is prob in the low 400 but not really sure, I should he able to get that to 450 my previous PR in 4-6 weeks, deca/eq should have kicked in nicely by then and it will be time to hit up the program that Chris Duffin has put together for me to get to 500, ill post that up too

Everything is in place suspension and tren ace are on the way, few ancillaries required, I picked up some more humalog in Mexico, how convenient
I need HELP

My arms are my weak spot I have good strength but no size and this is exaggerated by the fact I have long arms, area of concern is my damn triceps. Havnt been able to do dips or skull crushers due to 2 shoulder injuries

Need a routine to add size without these 2 moves, I've tried everything my triceps are not close to the size of my biceps which is ridiculous. Hoping that when I get this cycle under way Deca EQ and HGH will allow me to hit the the heavy dips but until then HELP

Well, IMHO dips and close grip bench would be your best bet IF you can do them without pain. Something you may be able to do that shouldn't involve your shoulders is a variation of a skull crusher I learned over at IM.
They call it a dead tricep or something like that. Bascially you lay on the floor, do the over the face tricep extension like normal, but you return the weight to the floor so every rep is from a dead stop. Total tricep annihilation on this one. I would warm up, and then do three to five working sets on this starting pretty heavy if you can without pain, and then drop weight every set going to failure each set.
Do that that twice a week and then incorporate your dips and CGBP as your shoulder feels better. I wouldn't do more than two exercise though, but hit em hard and often. If you diet is up to snuff you'll grow.
Well, IMHO dips and close grip bench would be your best bet IF you can do them without pain. Something you may be able to do that shouldn't involve your shoulders is a variation of a skull crusher I learned over at IM.
They call it a dead tricep or something like that. Bascially you lay on the floor, do the over the face tricep extension like normal, but you return the weight to the floor so every rep is from a dead stop. Total tricep annihilation on this one. I would warm up, and then do three to five working sets on this starting pretty heavy if you can without pain, and then drop weight every set going to failure each set.
Do that that twice a week and then incorporate your dips and CGBP as your shoulder feels better. I wouldn't do more than two exercise though, but hit em hard and often. If you diet is up to snuff you'll grow.

Thanks, that sounds like a good solution until I can comfortably do dips, i will definitely give that a try
Well, IMHO dips and close grip bench would be your best bet IF you can do them without pain. Something you may be able to do that shouldn't involve your shoulders is a variation of a skull crusher I learned over at IM.
They call it a dead tricep or something like that. Bascially you lay on the floor, do the over the face tricep extension like normal, but you return the weight to the floor so every rep is from a dead stop. Total tricep annihilation on this one. I would warm up, and then do three to five working sets on this starting pretty heavy if you can without pain, and then drop weight every set going to failure each set.
Do that that twice a week and then incorporate your dips and CGBP as your shoulder feels better. I wouldn't do more than two exercise though, but hit em hard and often. If you diet is up to snuff you'll grow.

Those a killer...done them a
Couple times

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Well vacation is over and yes I did catch a nice yellow fin tuna :) calories were high but I think I gained muscle and fat abs still visible + 10lbs in 10 days :) some serious rebound from all that dieting

My shoulder was in a lot of pain from wenesday back WO really thought I had taken a giant leap back with my rotator cuff but 2 days later lateral movement is fine yet pain persists, I think I've pinched a nerve or maybe strained somthing in there

So tentatively I'm still good to go pending blood work which ill be getting done Monday morning as stated in my first post cycle is going to be a pretty ridiculous abuse of drugs

Cycle Layout - length undetermined
Ill be blasting Tren Ace ED for first 6 weeks with 100mg each of Drol and Dbol ED for first 30 days already crusising on 200mg Test cyp

Test Cyp will be bumped to 800mg addding
EQ and Deca at 600mg EW
Tren Ace will be dropped as EQ and Deca kicks in at week 6
Test Suspnsion will be replacing orals for total of 8 weeks
at week 16 ill drop EQ and Deca add Tren E and finish with 30 days of Halostein

HCG 300ius 2 x EW
Proviron 50mg ED

Aromasin and Prami on hand

HGH 6ius WO days 4ius Off days
SLIN - Humalog breakfast and post WO
IGF1 lr3 cyclling 4 weeks on 4 weeks off

Re evaluate

1 Year plan
Goals 500lb bench
240lbs @ 10% bf or better

I will not be using an AI out of the gate and yes there are enough aromatizing compounds in there to give a gorilla gynomastica. I have very low estrogen sensitivity so will monitor closely and for prolactin control ill be using vitex 1200mg ed

Back on US soil, I've had great vacation now for 2 days of rest and blast off this coming week. I'm a big fan of hitting it 6-7 days a week for the first 30 days, all I can say is that its worked well for me in the past and I'm sticking with it
Gotta say Anadrol is nothing short of amazing :) I took 100mg dbol and 100mg drol yesterday split 2 doses on a day of rest.

This morning took 100mg dbol 90 min pre WO with 50mg drol upon waking.. At first I thought placebo effect but no I checked my logs and chest lifts were up approx 15% day 1 was so Fucking stoked I went back in the evening for 2nd session Bis/tris same thing

Totally lost track of time I had a blast and prob over trained but who cares it was the bomb apparently the A Bomb

Now I must state my bench was way off my highs due to injury and dieting so still long way before PR's but biceps were real close to PR's. With all Orals I've used before I've gained immediate water and glycogen weight but strength typically comes around day 10

Quite amazing if I didn't have my logs to refer back to I wouldn't have believed it myself, energy was off the charts I just didn't want to stop. Chest was real solid Bis/tris I over trained

I'll post detailed summary of day WO and diet bit later, I can't tell you how excited I am to hit the gym for back tomorrow I may well do shoulders in the evening, talking of which shoulder held up and felt great