Test Prop and Masteron as TRT


New member
Hey Brothers, just wondering if anyone on here running both as their preferred TRT. Lately my body seems to lose its hardness and I have been having a bit of loose and sagging skin. Been trying to harden up but nothing seems to be working. My bloodwork showed up extremely low levels of Test. And where I reside there is no TRT clinics so this is all self medicated.

I am gyno prone and bloat easily. At the moment I am on 150mg/wk of Test Prop with 0.5 adex twice a week which is working fine. I try not to use more Adex as it causes my joints to feel like they are grinding against a stone.

I would like to add Masteron as I know it was created lower estrogen and does and it is great hardener, also freeing up Test. Masteron was initially marketed as a treatment of female breast cancer, similar to Arimedex.

I would like to know if anyone is using this Prop and Masteron and at what doses. Furthermore, has anyone used Proviron in their TRT regimen?

As far as libido, use of Adex has negated that. So I am hoping with the addition of Masteron I could lower the Adex dose further.

Lastly, I am curious to know if anyone here uses Sustanon as their TRT due to the various blends of Test esters?

Many thanks in advance for your input!
Arimidex is killing your labido bro at that small dose?? That doesn't sound right. as for sustanon for TRT, its kind of tough to keep levels constant depending on the blend of sustanon your using. And lastly i have never used masteron so i can't help there brutha. sort
Bro, I almost tried that very same thing. Then I was told masteron really doesn't do much at all at low doses...which turned out to be true. I was recommended to try proviron instead. Now I don't cruise without it. It is a miracle for libido and sense of well being and also promotes muscle hardening similar to masteron. The two are very similar, proviron can pretty much be considered the oral form of masteron. I started at 50mg/day split into 2 doses. Noticed an instant increase in mood and libido. Bumped it to 100mg and could feel a very noticeable difference in both departments. Also at 100mg I noticed a tightening of my physique and a hardening effect. Also increased vascularity. I actually improved my physique on a cruise.

Very easy on the liver so it can be run long term (liver support recommended). Also blood work showed no effect on lipids. It's virtually side effect free.

Definitely something to look into.
Thank you Brothers, appreciate the response. @Jozifp103 I have Proviron, thanks a lot for your positive response. I will give it a try.
Yes 3 times a week Brother! And I was thinking of doing the same with Mast Prop. However Jozif pointed out differently. What are your thoughts @IronJulius?
Bro, I almost tried that very same thing. Then I was told masteron really doesn't do much at all at low doses...which turned out to be true. I was recommended to try proviron instead. Now I don't cruise without it. It is a miracle for libido and sense of well being and also promotes muscle hardening similar to masteron. The two are very similar, proviron can pretty much be considered the oral form of masteron. I started at 50mg/day split into 2 doses. Noticed an instant increase in mood and libido. Bumped it to 100mg and could feel a very noticeable difference in both departments. Also at 100mg I noticed a tightening of my physique and a hardening effect. Also increased vascularity. I actually improved my physique on a cruise.

Very easy on the liver so it can be run long term (liver support recommended). Also blood work showed no effect on lipids. It's virtually side effect free.

Definitely something to look into.

good stuff
im on TRT but right now cycling with 500mg test E and 400mg masteron E adex .5mg twice a week. I dont have any blood work but im pretty horny and acne is pretty bad but that could be from the heat

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i have also heard proviron is the great on low dose test/cruising
God I am so thankful I never got acne from using gear! Ive seen some bad acne on guys from gear, yuck
I'm with you Presser. Its weird. I've very oily right now too, all day long it feels like, no acne thank god. I will occasionaly (very rare) get a stray pimple but that's it.
I'm with you Presser. Its weird. I've very oily right now too, all day long it feels like, no acne thank god. I will occasionaly (very rare) get a stray pimple but that's it.

yeah i hate the oily skin shit, my face gets oily sometimes, but like you i just get that stray once in a while, but its usually a real doozy when i do get one lol,
May be I am wrong.. but.. I would drop adex for proviron.. with only test, it's best combination.. and for sure your libido will go to the roof.