to eat junk or not eat at all?


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Gold Member
just wondering what you guys do when caught between a rock and hard place when it comes to diet. I sometimes find myself in a tough spot because of work, where I can't eat for a few hours or I can eat fast food or junk or snacks. I keep RTD's at the office all the time as well as healthy snacks but there's times when i'm either on the road or in meetings etc. with clients whatever and I can either eat cafeteria/fast food or just not eat until I can get some healthy grub. My question is what's better/worse for you... my goal is to not let myself get hungry and eat every few hours but is it better to grab a slice of pizza or just skip a meal. what to do, what to do
Got it man...thanks!!
Seriously though, I've always heard eating a junk meal is better than missing a meal. As long as you don't make a habit out of it and it doesn't happen often. But what do I know, my diet is eat everything I see.
ocasional junk food is good for the soul. Once in a while is good (in my opinion)
unless you have a contest coming up. I was dieting for a small gym contest a
long time ago and having a very tight diet I had one day to eat whatever I wanted,
I just didn't go overboard on portions. Looking forward to that day got me thru the
week. I'd say dont sweat it and keep portions reasonable.
Yeah, it's better that missing a meal. Ususally you can find something somewhere that would fit into your diet anyway. Now if your're bulking, it's never a problem is it, lol.
I agree. Gotta eat something or the body starts eating itself.
well I ended up eating junk but kept it to a minimium and skipped the sides and devoured a big salad when i got home and a protein shake. Man I miss the days of bulking and eating whatever I want. Presser send me my damn IGF so I can start cutting again! lol
i just restocked the office fridge with protein shakes so hopefully I'll be able to avoid this from happening again anytime soon!