What do YOU say?...


New member
Remember that cheesy movie Stallone did where he was a professional arm-wrestler?...

Best (maybe only good) part was when he was talking about how when he's going to compete, he turns his hat around and its like flipping a switch and he becomes a machine.

When it's "go time" what do you do or say in the gym?... Does it happen when you shake out your hands?... Have a little phrase that you mumble or say out loud to get the mojo workin'?...

For me, the phrase is, "Who's your fu#*in' Daddy?" believe it or not. No, I don't go screaming that across the gym (which would be friggin' hilarious!!!) - its just muttered when its time hit it.

How 'bout you?...

Yes, I don't think that would have 'em flockin' to ya.

Ya know, I suppose, if that's the thought running through your mind, you could scream that when you're slappin' yourself around down in the nether-region.. That would really get you fired up!!!...

Shaking doesn't feel as good as a slow stroking......


You should have known that I couldn't be serious when you made this post..... :)
homonunculus said:
Interesting, Crank. More than I wanted to know, but whatever works. Do you scream this across the gym?...



When it is time to "go" I just think about someone or something that has pissed me off in the past...usually I do say things like "let's get this shit!!" or "c'mon m'fr!!". I usually do say it but not very loud-only those near me hear it. If there are some older people or non-intense people around I usually try to contain myself out of respect to them.
Usually I am kinda pissed and "agitated" in the gym...just to stay fired up. Sometimes I think people really think I am mad at someone-makes me laugh a little. Not many people start conversation with me....that's the way I like it.
kinda funny , never really thought about it, or realized it until you made me think. When mentally preparing for a big lift or a heavy set ,I take a few deep breathes and then I say to myself ...
." OK - TIGHTEN UP." Ive said it for as long as I can remember, and I usally tell my partner that before his or her big set. What does it mean? WHO F'ING KNOWS?
"C'mon, who the F**k's gonna stop you?" I am usually listening to rock music and KORN usually does the trick. A lot of energy in their music and concerts so I envision all those people and all that power. It makes my hair stand up and I get chills sometimes. I also envision the determined mind of a dog. I have a 22lb dog, and that little SOB never gives up, NEVER! I can rough him up for hours yes literally hours, my fiance gets pissed, and he always comes back for more. Someone just posted what they called "the Dog Training Principle". One part of it was
TRAIN LIKE AN ANIMAL- A pissed off dog does not stop, does not give up and has no fear. Train like this in the wt. room. I printed this and hung it up in my office.
my technique on my powewrlifting days is to stare directly into my eyes in the mirror and tell myself "you are the best looking guy in here" jk. what i do is i say to myself over and over "you got this, no problem, empty bar, empty bar"
QBMuscle said:
what i do is i say to myself over and over "you got this, no problem, empty bar, empty bar"

Well it's pretty easy to say that and convince yourself when the bar really is empty..... you should try it with a couple of 10 pound plates next time........ LMAO!

Just kiddin with ya.... ;)
I sometimes say....she loves me, she loves me not..and I get very emotional and begin to well up. This causes me to feel very efeminate and I know if I cant get all 8 reps with the 15lb dumbell the big guys will laugh at me and call me a Mary..and that makes me very angry, so I get really mean and growl and the mirror and blow snot bubbles out of my nose. right before I lift i reach down and pinch my weenie really hard and I get really fired up ! GRRRRRR I am a meanie when I train, so you better stay out of my way!
sweatmachine said:
I sometimes say....she loves me, she loves me not..and I get very emotional and begin to well up. This causes me to feel very efeminate and I know if I cant get all 8 reps with the 15lb dumbell the big guys will laugh at me and call me a Mary..and that makes me very angry, so I get really mean and growl and the mirror and blow snot bubbles out of my nose. right before I lift i reach down and pinch my weenie really hard and I get really fired up ! GRRRRRR I am a meanie when I train, so you better stay out of my way!


ummm no I don't want to train with you... thanks for the nice PM tho....
crankin'stein said:
Well it's pretty easy to say that and convince yourself when the bar really is empty..... you should try it with a couple of 10 pound plates next time........ LMAO!

Just kiddin with ya.... ;)
thanks DICKin'stein lol