What Kind of Workout Routine/Split are you doing??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey guys,
Just wondering what kind of workout routine your using??

Days on vs. Days off??

What Muscle groups on what days??

Etc. Etc. Etc....

I am always strict on body parts but am not so strict at the moment. Break it into 3 days for full body. I will
work as many days in a row as I can, until my body says to take a day off. With my life sometimes I will have
to miss a few days, (kids, double shift at work ect, life) so I dont feel guilty and take those days as rest days.
Works good mentally for me and dont feel guilty when I have to miss. Those are my off days.
I do a 2 days on and 1 day off split except for when I have to work my one weekend a month. Which puts me out of the gym 2 days in a row. So, I make up for it by workin out an extra day before my work weekend...

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Shoulder
Day 3: off
Day 4: Arms
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: off
Day 7: Back
I train everyday and do cardio every day (well except for the last month when I literally have gotten in only 2-3 sessions total bc of business). Off days come when I am too busy to get in the gym. I train completely on instinct and have the following "days": squat, deadlift and front squat, incline/flat/dumbell bench and triceps, back, standing press and biceps and then repeat. For my numbers, I rely on 531, but after I satisfy those numbers I train until failure. For squat and deadlift I always work up to a 500lb minimum. I train abs and traps every day except for days before a squat and deadlift day and I do cardio every morning and after every training session except the morning of a squat or deadlift day. Cardio is almost never jogging. It's either 1500-2000 reps of jumping rope, pushing a sled, or walking with a weight vest. Every day also ends up being a full body day because I do lots of compound movements like "deadlift walks" where I deadlift a weight and walk it 10 yards, throw it down, turn around deadlift it again and then walk it back. I do these with 500 lbs usually in my front yard or in the parking lot of the gym. I also do curls to shoulder press and snatches.

To fuel this I consume tons of calories mostly from fat and protein and cycle carbs out before and after my workout only except for 2-3x per week cheat windows.

It has been months since I have gone more than a day or two without picking up at least something that weighs 350+ lbs and in most cases it's more like 450+ lbs.

I train and eat like a caveman and would have it no other way.
Hey guys,
Just wondering what kind of workout routine your using??

Days on vs. Days off??

What Muscle groups on what days??

Etc. Etc. Etc....


I do the twins and angry wife split, which is whenever the fuck i can workout i try to sneak in and hit it, before the wife gets pissed off at me for leaving!
Yeah buddy. I remember when my kids were little and having time to take a shit was a stretch. It gets better brother. Probably doesn't seem like it at the moment though. Just hang in there.
And, like I heard Dorian Yates say once, 3 days a week is all you really need to build a great physique.
Yeah. That helps. My little lady understands my obsession....lol....Well, as long as I stay away from Tren. We have an agreement for no more Tren. It drives me fuckin insane!!!

Cardio 1-4 times a week depending on how busy I am.

I go two to three days in a row followed by a one or two day off. 4-5 times a week is my average.

I have a 5 day split because I believe a lot of volume works better for me. 10-15 sets a muscle group.

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wed-usually rest or make up day
sat-usually rest or make up day

some weeks a little more some weeks a little less but thats what i shoot for. ive been hitting shoulders twice a week with either chest/push or back/pull days

i need to do legs twice a week
Monday- Bench. I rotate between strength and volume training.
Tuesday- Back for volume.
Wednesdays- Shoulders. rotate just like bench.
Sometimes I switch shoulders and back if I want to deadlift. which tends to be every other week. but I've got a little knee issue going on right now so no DL's for me ATM.
Thursday- Arms. sometimes I move that to Friday if I'm doing yoga which I do on tuesdays and thursdays before training if I can get out of work in time.
Saturday- Squat. come hell or high water. I do a similar rotation as bench with strength and volume training.
I train M-W-F and recently changed to doing:

Chest, Back

Quads, Calves, Hams

Shoulders, Biceps/Triceps/Forearms

I do some supersets on chest/back and on arms, and I also do a combination of volume on some exercises and DC training rest-pause on others. I don't think there has been a day yet where I haven't been sore afterwards.
I train M-W-F and recently changed to doing:

Chest, Back

Quads, Calves, Hams

Shoulders, Biceps/Triceps/Forearms

I do some supersets on chest/back and on arms, and I also do a combination of volume on some exercises and DC training rest-pause on others. I don't think there has been a day yet where I haven't been sore afterwards.

The Arnold Split! You're more of a man than me brutha. I tried this and failed miserably....Press on MrBigZ
Back in the 80s i did the Lee Haney push -pull
Back &Bis
Chest &Tris
When Dorian came on the seen i totally bought into the one bodypart per wrkout philosophy and its worked wonders for me. I do 1 bodypart and just freakin smash it. Sometimes 30 + sets per B.P. I love drop sets . Forced reps, shit i love it all!! If i do T.N.E. 1 hr. Pre-wrkout you have to drag me outta the gym. Lifting is like life...You only get out of it...What you put into it!!
Back in the 80s i did the Lee Haney push -pull
Back &Bis
Chest &Tris
When Dorian came on the seen i totally bought into the one bodypart per wrkout philosophy and its worked wonders for me. I do 1 bodypart and just freakin smash it. Sometimes 30 + sets per B.P. I love drop sets . Forced reps, shit i love it all!! If i do T.N.E. 1 hr. Pre-wrkout you have to drag me outta the gym. Lifting is like life...You only get out of it...What you put into it!!

Love it brother!!
Currently I am doing a CrossFit Program. I started at the beginning of October. I go 5-6 days/week. Always take Fridays Off.

20 Min Warm Up (Resistance Cardio)


The "official" CrossFit Warm-up is in the April 2003 CrossFit Journal.
3 rounds of 10-15 reps of
Samson Stretch (do the Samson Stretch once each round for 15-30 seconds)
Overhead Squat with broomstick
Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup.

Then I do my WOD (Work out of the Day) (Welcome to CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness -> posts new WOD everyday)


I usually switch my training style every 8 - 12 weeks with a 1-2 week break in between doing just cardio and yoga/stretching

I have tried many types of routines and splits including:

5 Day/week Power Up Your Game (Full Body Strength)

A + B Days Push/Pull

5 x 5 Training

OVT (German Volume Training)

5 Day/Week Individual Body Parts

6 Day/Week Individual Body Parts (Do Legs 2x)

Reverse Pyramid Training LeanGains Style (Strongest I have ever been)'

PHAT Training

FST-7 Training

Saturday-legs (if feel like it and have time)

Sets and reps vary depending on how I feel and how much time I have or feel like being in there....usually between 14-20 sets. I don't go in with any set workout in mind....go by what is available and how I feel once get started. I may do 4-5 sets of something if I'm liking it, and I may just do 2 sets if I feel like it's not doing much for me or just so pumped I need to switch it up.