What the FUCK


New member
WHat the fuck happened to me today? God damn!!!! Im feeling absolutely insane!!!!

I dunno if its the methyl-1-test, I dunno if its the carb up from the CKD, I dunno if its the clen, or if its the 2g Test Enanthate I front loaded today, but I just had the most incredible fucking workout today...and Ive been feeling totally pumped and sooooo good today.

My workout...shit, I got so much strogner from where I was the week before, I had an absolutely insane pump going the whole time, I was so focused and pushin myself sooo hard in the gym. Fuck Im still feeling the pump and major soreness, and it feels so damn good too. I just feel so energitc and Im in such a good mood too.

Heres what happened this weekend:

Ive been on little to no carbs since last sunday, finally on friday I started carbing up and lasted all the way through last night. Ive been on methyl-1-test @ 20mg a day for the last 14 days. Ive been on ECA for 2 weeks, but sweitched to Clen today, did 160mcg about 3 hours before working out. I also frontloaded 2g of Test about 2 hours before I worked out.

Thing is, when I carbed up last week after 5 days of being on no carbs, I really didnt get a crazy ass pump in my workouts. I didnt gain strength either. Ive been on 20mg of Methl-1 and though I have been getting nice pumps, it wasnt anything like on Dbol, the strenght gains were OK, i guess I expected more, but I also expected the CKD to have a negative effect on it. Ive taken Clen before, not at 160mcg, but at 120mcg...but I never really got a good energy buzzz like this from it before,never gained strength on it and never got crazy pumps on it. I am hella shakey though. Ive also frontloaded 2g od Test Enan before, but NEVER had it work in...2 hours? Shit!!

WHat the fuck is da deal today!!
sounds great!!! i'm jealous i haven't had a day like that in a long time. although when i did it was much smaller doses than that too!! :D

hopefully you keep those workouts going, it's great to train when you feel like this.
When I was doing M1T (20mg per workout) I had feelings like that. But with all the other things in your system who knows.

