What to do??


National Strongman Competitor
Quick question for you guys that have been in this awhile...

I have had this problem for years, but its at the point where I am seriously going to lose my mind...

When I go to the gym, especially a gym where I know people, or even at a new gym, after awhile, I have people line up to speak to me...Now I used to take this as a compliment, because people always want to ask questions about lifting, or how to get strong, etc, etc...

But now it just pisses me off...No matter where i go, people wait and then come over and compliment me on lifts..and then want to try to have conversations...

Now it has crossed over to the fact that at gyms I am training people, people at the gym come over and loiter near where we are training and try to talk to me and my clients during training...

Have tried to be nice, facebook posts, telling people in a nice way to please do not disturb, but honestly half of me wants to just say Get the Fuck away from me...

Again, its nice because people usually want to compliment me, I have been in the gym 20 years so I get that part..But it's at the point I wear a hoody, headphones, and go in a corner of the gym to workout and I still find people trying to speak to me...

I want to go to a gym, and not be spoken to at all, by anyone, friends or not...What have you guys found effective for this or what would you do??? I have told even my best of friends that when I am at the gym, wave to me say hello and keep moving, and they dont' listen...had to yell at a few and after a bit, it just goes back to the same old routine...

I think I am going to snap on someone and seriously put them in a figure four if it continues...The gyms I go to, I have been at for years and don't feel like I should have to change, besides after a few weeks at newer gyms, people begin to approach me for tips on getting stronger..Its old to say the very least...

No one ever really trys to talk to me other than people I know, it's kind of alienating to be honest.

I think just wearing headphone seems to deter most. you seem to have some hardcore "fans" though.

Not sure how to get rid of them if they are that persistant.
Thats a hard one...cause im sure over the years, you have answered all there questions and they are just use to you being there for them....Maybe, just post on FB or if there is a gym newsletter, that you need time to train, or trian clients and that if they need questions answered they can email you or make a time for a appointment to answer your qeustions and then pay you for your time....
Thanks CSuperman :)

And Chris, you hit it on the head...I have always helped these people over the years...My own family goes to the gym and I have even had to tell them at the point of upsetting them to not speak to me...

I wonder if I am any different then you guys, maybe it's me, but the gym is "personal time" and it's "all business"..by this I mean I don't go there to have fun..i don't care if I have known you for 20 years or not at all, I do not want to speak to you under any circumstances...Outside of the gym absolutely..

This being one of the bigger issue is alot of the people I do know and care for, BUT again, I need to focus and I do not even like being spoken to when I am preparing to train heavy..

The 2 gyms I have the most issues at are commercial gyms..so lets say you put 405 on a bench press, or 500+ on a squat, to these people it's an event, to me and guys like you, its regular training...

I even thought about wearing a shirt that says "do not disturb"...I really need one of these gyms, its the closest thing to me and I can't afford to travel every single day to train...

Any other thoughts ideas?? I know someone here has to have dealt with this issue successfully...How do IFBB guys deal with this?? Like Jay Cutler and Ronnie, etc?? Im just a normal guy, I can't imagine what they deal with...I'd go in disguise if I were them.
I here ya,

I get people stare all the time, im ulgy as fuck but 5'11 198 and strong. I keep ear phones in(ibuds) so people cant talk to me. I have had trainers come up to me after a workout and tell me im a show off. I am into gymnastics for a long time and can do much more than most in the gym.
Quick question for you guys that have been in this awhile...

I have had this problem for years, but its at the point where I am seriously going to lose my mind...

When I go to the gym, especially a gym where I know people, or even at a new gym, after awhile, I have people line up to speak to me...Now I used to take this as a compliment, because people always want to ask questions about lifting, or how to get strong, etc, etc...

But now it just pisses me off...No matter where i go, people wait and then come over and compliment me on lifts..and then want to try to have conversations...

Now it has crossed over to the fact that at gyms I am training people, people at the gym come over and loiter near where we are training and try to talk to me and my clients during training...

Have tried to be nice, facebook posts, telling people in a nice way to please do not disturb, but honestly half of me wants to just say Get the Fuck away from me...

Again, its nice because people usually want to compliment me, I have been in the gym 20 years so I get that part..But it's at the point I wear a hoody, headphones, and go in a corner of the gym to workout and I still find people trying to speak to me...

I want to go to a gym, and not be spoken to at all, by anyone, friends or not...What have you guys found effective for this or what would you do??? I have told even my best of friends that when I am at the gym, wave to me say hello and keep moving, and they dont' listen...had to yell at a few and after a bit, it just goes back to the same old routine...

I think I am going to snap on someone and seriously put them in a figure four if it continues...The gyms I go to, I have been at for years and don't feel like I should have to change, besides after a few weeks at newer gyms, people begin to approach me for tips on getting stronger..Its old to say the very least...


lol, thats what i use to do as well bro, i would put the earbuds in my ear even if i didnt have music playing,lol, and people would still walk up behind me and tap me on my shoulder to get my attention, now thats just fucked up, lol, but theirs not much you can do other then start bieng a total asshole, which i am pretty good at!!!
Don't make eye contact with anyone at the gym. Keep your head down. Don't give them any chances to talk to you - Keep moving around like you've got somewhere to go. In fact just ignore people or brush them off if they attempt to talk to you. If you feel really bad you can tell them your are finishing up your workout and will chat with them later if you have time. Leave the gym immediately after finishing your workout. lol. I guess I'm saying if people are screwing up your workouts or training sessions you need to just be an asshole or look completely unapproachable.
get a custom made t shirt for 21.00 that says "Do Not Distub, WORK IN PROGRESS".

Buy about 5 of them...always where with baseball hat down low over eyes and headphones in ears

Problem solved...if people still approach, simply point to the shirt and keep moving
get a custom made t shirt for 21.00 that says "Do Not Distub, WORK IN PROGRESS".

Buy about 5 of them...always where with baseball hat down low over eyes and headphones in ears

Problem solved...if people still approach, simply point to the shirt and keep moving

lol, i love it!
I never remove my headphones and look at the floor constantly. Or I'll toss out a "hey ill catch up with you, I've got to get through this workout, I've got plans later
Thanks guys, looks like alot of you have dealt with this...It's so very annoying..

I think I am going to get new workout clothes, wear a hoody with a low hat, and I do like the idea Mike Ross threw out about the shirt.. And BS with the no eye contact and head down...I certainly do not try to bring attention to myself as is. I like to be left alone by everyone.

I train a few professionals and now its at the point where people hang out during their sets and interrupt me by asking them if they can talk to them after the set about their line of work, or they will listen in on our conversations and then try to fit a story in... some need legal advice, etc.....The clients trying to be nice, always try to help, but to me this is beyond rude, I am working..and I tell people constantly that we are training...Thus why I am ready to just put the next person in a chokehold since they have no sense of respect or common sense.

Makes me hate training at certain gyms, or most commercial gyms. Try these new ideas and see what happens...
I work out really fast most of the time and give my self little time in between sets which helps with the interruptions or giving someone a opportunity to chat with me. I have no desire to be in the gym for more than an hour at a time nor am I looking for friends so it doesn't bother me. Wow, That makes me sound anti-social which I guess is sort of true. lol.
I guess different kinds of people could take this different ways
- The business man would take this opportunity to make revenue
- the short tempered man would stay looking pissed all the time and ppl wouldnt want to speak with you (what I used to do, not that I am shit in the gym, but it was just an over all zone I was in)
- The people pleaser would tell people quick advice
- The inward inflection guy would wear really big headphones
- The lazy guy would use it as an excuse not to go to the gym
That's probably the only appropriate options to take up, I'd prolly go the headphone route, and have an excuse to buy nice ass headphones
Good list Metal...

Im more like BS, I am anti-social when training. I don't go to the gym for friends, to talk, to catch up, nothing. Someone asking me one question now pisses me off, even if its something personal, like how my family is.

I personally would not be frustrated as much but without exaggerating, I'd say I get well over 20 interruptions by different people during one session at one particular gym...more then any person would tolerate IMO.

I brought a family member and a training partner from another State with me, and they both said they don't know how I do it...My bodybuilder friend will never return to that gym...When people know you compete and are a trainer as well...its a recipe for disaster.

Made my 3rd facebook post, and 2mrw I am dressing differently..Its fucking ridiculous to have to go this route...I have a feeling 2morrows the day I rip a few people apart.
I look like a pissed off ass in the gym, been going to the same gym for over 6 years and you can count on one hand how many people I've ever talked to...

my wife is a personal trainer and has to go to a diff. gym to work out because people won't leave her alone
get the huge badass headphones than bro. On a similar note what happened at the gym today wayyyyyyyyy more obnoxious---- ppl stating what they used to do, and how they were the most badass...... who fuckin cares, I can weight lift, and than I can do my other like 5 hobbies well too