Whats your best Deadlift you have pulled?


MuscleChemistry member
I got 500lb for 4 reps today. I know thats not great, but its the most I have done, so I was happy. lol
405x4... that was all I had. But as Crg said, I'm just a little guy. That's almost twice my body weight.
The most I've done was 468 in a competition at a bodyweight of 170. I'd never even attempted above 450 before that and I'd hit my first 2 pulls and figured I'd go for a PR
5 years ago when I was doing them regularly I did 495 for 12 reps, but with a belt and wrist wraps and I didn't start from the floor. Just started again last week and I struggled with 405 for 10.
Got 485 for 1 yesterday, tried that last last week and couldnt even move it ... not huge but a milestone for me :)
in 2000 (when i was in the brig) i did 405 at about 165...can't remember if i used straps or not.....i've been sticking to rack deads now.....last year is got 455x8 rack deads (with straps)....i like rack deads much better
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485 for 7 I believe. Honestly Nuk that is QUITE impressive. I find, and I'm quite sure everyone else will agree with me on this, that once you hit 430-450 it becomes very very difficult to keep adding weight. If you are able to add body weight then yes it helps, but still it is so difficult to do without hurting yourself. Please be careful bro, as I have herniated so many discs from deadlifting that I simply stay away from heavy deadlifts for the most part now.
I dl'd 465 for 8 from the floor last week with straps...my best was 545 for 5 when i was heavier...now i'm @230 6'0
also Nuk you're taller.....not trying to make an excuse for you, but you do have to start in a lower position and lift a greater distance than some of us shorter guys
Do you guys all start from the floor?? I pick it up off of a rack and touch the ground and come up. Constant motion. I'm too scared to grab it from the floor.
Do you guys all start from the floor?? I pick it up off of a rack and touch the ground and come up. Constant motion. I'm too scared to grab it from the floor.

when i do full deads i start from the floor......otherwise i'm doing rack deads
495 x 2
405 x 10

Not ground breaking...but both were done 6 weeks out from a show. An endurance feat about 3 months ago I did 315 x 20...I saw jesus after I was done
595 from the floor for one rep. No way I could do that now. I did 455 a few weeks ago and it was heavy as shit. I could proly get 495 if my life depended on it.
495x3 @ about 235lbs at 6'1''

pulled 405x5 and 455x1 and failed a 495x1 today @ 205lbs. just about 2months into heavy lifting again.
Do em at the end and have never gone over 365 for reps. I really don't like doing a ton of weight on this exercise - I like sticking to 3 plates most times. We'll see where I'm at here in a few months though.
Do you guys all start from the floor?? I pick it up off of a rack and touch the ground and come up. Constant motion. I'm too scared to grab it from the floor.

I don't like pulling from the floor in the beginning either so I take it off the rack, too.

If I remember right, I think I did 465 for 2 as my heaviest.
525x1 + strong bands (jumpstretch, looped once around bar)
thought my head was gonna explode with that much tension+bar weight.
Shortly after I came down with mono, still recovering from the fatigue.
Deadlift is, by my guess, nowhere near that now.
I dont know what tension that equals at the bottom or top, but its a lot for me. Was a PR by 20 lbs... now a month off and its gonna take AWHILE to get back there...