Whats your weekly workouts like?


New member
Ok girls- I am teaching so often in the gym- that with my daughter (who hasnt been doing that well in school) I am rarely working out on my own.. its really very sad actually.. Ill give you a run down on what Im teaching each week... all classes are an hour unless I note it.. my day job is 8-230 mothers hours.. so Im home for her when she gets out of school- so all these classes are mostly evenings a couple are early mornings..

Mondays- Cardiokickboxing class and a 45min- Lowerbody/abs class
Tuesdays- CardioKickboxing
Wednesdays- CardioKick and a Total body weight class
Thursdays - 45minStepclass
Fridays- Step class
Saturdays - Total body class and Kickboxing
Sundays off-

Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach at 545am- so I try to lift at night if time allows.. and lately with my daughters softball I havent at all..

Pretty much Im doing mostly cardio and very light weights in class...

So there you have it!

My diet is junk- I havent put any focus there at all..
Thats my scedule at the gym-- classes I get paid for.. its really sad I dont have time for my own workouts anymore.. It would cut into time with my daughter.. shes 10.. and a sweet kid..
Thats a lot of kickbox cardio. your endurance must really be built up to be able to do it that much becuase i know that is not an easy thing to do esepecially when you have a wicked kickbox instructorr that likes to kill her students.lol but it shows in your figure and how your body is really toned.
sugaa said:
Thats a lot of kickbox cardio. your endurance must really be built up to be able to do it that much becuase i know that is not an easy thing to do esepecially when you have a wicked kickbox instructorr that likes to kill her students.lol but it shows in your figure and how your body is really toned.

Thanks sugga- but Im really doing alot of cardio-so I almost feel weak when I do find time to lift!

Whats other peoples workouts like?
woo yeah!
Lotsa cardiokickboxing.. no wonder you're in such healthy shape!

hmm.. lemme see.
I only get into the gym twice a week so I hafta fit in a full body work out while I'm there.. to build bone density & increase skeletal muscle.

I warm up 15 minutes on the stationary bike.
15 minutes on the cross trainer.

*Leg Press~ 3 sets of 10
*Leg Extensions ~ 2 sets of 10, last set til exhaustion
*Alternate between seated ~OR~ lying Leg Curls~ 2 sets of 10, last set til exhaustion
*Hip Abduction~ 2 sets of 15
*Hip Adduction~ 2 sets of 15
*Pullover ~ 3 sets of 10
*Alternate Lat Pull down ~OR~ Row ~ 3 sets of 10
*Alternate Pec Deck & Over head Press ~ 2 sets of 8
~OR~ Vertical Chest 2 sets of 8
*Tricep extensions ~ 1 set of 8, second set til exhaustion
*Bicep curl ~ 1 set of 8, second set til exhaustion
*Abs ~ alternate between weighted crunches ~OR~ free hanging knee raises.. usually 3 sets of 10

Then another 15 minutes on the cross trainer.

In between gym visits@home~
chin ups
cartwheels, handsprings *lol*
push ups
weighted squats or lunges
cardio everyday~ run, bike, horsebackride, hike, aerobic tapes..
Sachet- how long are you in the gym for??

Thats a hell a workout for one day!

I like the addition of cartwheel and Handsprings.. great crosstraining!HAHA
About two hours, but warm up & cardio take 45 minutes of it..
Depends on how quickly machines are available & if I get yappin' or not *lol*
I wish I could break it up a lil more & stretch it out to 4 days a week, but I just don't have the time to get into the gym.
Give it a shot sometime & you'll see that it's really not as much as it looks written down..

Yeah, I can't let the lil squirts in ponytails on my street out do me in cartwheels so I hafta keep practiced! :D
I will tell you I was just thinking I should get a job as a personla trainer so that I could work out all day and get paid.

Today I did legs and tries.
Leg press machine built up to ten plates high reps
Rope pull downs high reps 4 or more sets
dumbell overhead 5 sets of 25
back push tri dumbell
over head cable tri pushes

Leg exten high rep low weight
Squats light at 225 for 12
back to the leg press for a set
back to the leg extension for a few sets heavier this time
hammie curls
hip abductors inside and outside
Because I thought to myself after 15 years plus of being in gyms what if I dont do those then I get injured this football season with a hip injury. So rather then being mad at myself later I tried them.

Then I did 6 or 7 sets of abforward crunchs on the machine building up to 150lbs

Then I did some dumbell shrugs
Oh yeah earlier I also did some barbell shrugs w/ 225 for 12 reps 4 sets or 5

and also earlier I did some lie down bent bar tri extensions fro 12 and then super set w/ 12 similar to pressing the wieght.

I feel pretty fucking good right now.

Except I was out of energy to do my 3 miles running on the tread mill and 3 miles walking like I did on Wednesday.

I had Thursday off though so I was trying to make up for it and I had tons of energy.
Hey nicole how do you find time to party? Do you have joint custody or is it you full time?

I spend a lot of time in the gym now becaus eduring the Winter I can only maintain. I have a snow plow company with several hundred customers. I am a nervous wreck during winter!

There is always a million things to do and not enough time to do them! Each year gets much better though.

Plus I have been really getting back into it! We all know how that is I just hope I can maintain the enthusiasm for the entire summer.~I like words that have asm in them ~Dont YOU?!!!!!!

Last May June I was in the gym 3 hours a day then I went to work at a bar in july till 4 and 5am and my gym motivation whet out the door.

This year I hope to be in the gym 3 hours a day 4 or 5 days a week through the summer into the football season.

I make enough money in Winter to coast through summer.
Incrediblebulk said:
Hey ladies, I hope you dont mind my intruding in your thread I went to new posts and did not bother to look at the category

You're not intruding ;)

hip abductors inside and outside

What did you think of them? :)
Okay, for the summer I have begun doing the strength training program that is outlined in the Body For Life book *lol*
It's quite a challenge doing four sets with elevating the weight with each set & I've noticed more definition in my triceps & the front of my thighs already.