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  1. CzarShel

    Your Best Cycle Ever???

    It will never die with that hottie
  2. CzarShel

    This gets old...

    I just got a new Honda so one of my new hobbies is making it into a lil rice racer, my friend has a prelude with the 2.2 VTEC and I have the Civic with the 1.6 VTEC, and my girl has a 2000 Civic all of them are black and all have limo black tinted windows. They bought there new I bought a very...
  3. CzarShel

    Find New Gym?

    Very good advice thanks, I've had some of those pushy sales people try to make me buy super duper memberships before
  4. CzarShel

    Find New Gym?

    I'm trying to build my self up to go to some of the local gyms and get some yearly price quotes. I've always done all my lifting at home with free weights, benches ect. But I'm at the point now where I need to be in a fully equipped gym to move to the next level and beyond. I don't know anyone...
  5. CzarShel

    creatine while on gear

    creatine is good on cycle or off, I keep it
  6. CzarShel

    M1t question

    Yeah mine was in powder, I mixed up a batch for a friend and made it 33.3mg / ml (just how it worked out)
  7. CzarShel

    M1t question

    I took about 75 - 100 mg a day and got good size gains off it.
  8. CzarShel

    new to the board says hi

    Welcome to MC Bro ! :wave:
  9. CzarShel

    Your Best Cycle Ever???

    This is one of the longest living threads I've ever seen, I think its because of QOD
  10. CzarShel

    Introducing myself

    WELCOME! its always good to have new cool people to talk with here at MC :wave:
  11. CzarShel

    losing gains

    Have you considered a good bridge between cycles, or maybe adding tren to your pct, It has worked wonders for me.
  12. CzarShel

    I've gained 17.5lbs in about 3 weeks

    I still cannot break my 220 mark no matter what I try, but I will keep trying untill I do!
  13. CzarShel

    Any of you use Blood Pressure Meds?

    well its good to know I'm not the only one
  14. CzarShel

    Any of you use Blood Pressure Meds?

    Blood pressure problems last couple of days, metallic taste in mouth, dizziness, ect. I have an extensive Med background and I know this could be bad. Too bad I don't have my old ECG's and med equip, Hell I cant even find my stethoscope. LOL It was bad yesterday after training, but today it was...
  15. CzarShel

    What Exactly causes Test Flu

    Yep Thats what I think :)
  16. CzarShel

    (((((((((Free Supplements Contest)))))))))))

    I want it I want it ! oh ...wait ....someone else needs to get it SO GET ON IT!
  17. CzarShel

    post workout shake

    I hate the taste of bananas , a lot I like to add a cap full of vanilla extract for flavor or something else
  18. CzarShel

    post workout shake

    Bump my Question pleaze^
  19. CzarShel

    What Exactly causes Test Flu

    Ok my last littlie 200mg Kicker of test prop/with fina did give me as medium sore lump but nothing I haven't seen before and although slightly sore nothing I haven't had before. It took it a day or two to get sore, I think it was more technique rather than content. And it won't stop me from...
  20. CzarShel

    post workout shake

    Questions for my bro's and Hotties Questions for my bro's and Hotties I havebeen looking allover fot the thread where we were taking about what we put in our own homeade shakes, I cannot find it ! (nevermind I just found it duhh) So Heres What I want to know I've started adding simple...