Your Best Cycle Ever???

What's Your Best Cycle Ever?

  • D-bol/Test Enanthate(Cyp)/Deca

    Votes: 23 22.8%
  • D-bol/Test Enanthate(Cyp)/EQ

    Votes: 13 12.9%
  • Test Prop/EQ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Test Prop/Tren

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • Test Prop/Tren/EQ

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • Test Prop/Tren/Winny

    Votes: 17 16.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 27 26.7%
  • Prohormones

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters
woody01 said:
i am soo impressed.i finally found a bb female i enjoy talking to.keep it coming sweetie.#1 class act.nice

Presser said:
well I follow this board day in and day out and with that being said i have read all ur posts hun, and I have absolutly no doubt you have pissed off a few guys ,lol, who probably think to themselves "who is this bitch think she is giving advice to" lmao, im sure of it actualy, but some gys simply cant take being out witted in this industry and sport by a female or a another male for that reason, just thought i would throw that in there since u brought it up, so i couldnt agree with you more, however we have a very mature crew of site reps and members for the most part, so i doubt you wil see much shit talking about how much you know or for giving advice to men, anyhow good to have ya, the last 5 or 6 site reps we added have been fantastic to for this site and our members!

plus I like a women rough around the edges, like my spick wife,lmao,

i don't mind being the resident "bitch" :)

BTW~youre little "spick" wife probably kicks your ass all over the place:D
CzarShel said:
This is one of the longest living threads I've ever seen,

I think its because of QOD

shall we keep it going?:D


  • 11weeksmall.jpg
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jaywooly said:
Love the BB pics, but anymore of the "classy nude" things though?

like this????????


  • ass.jpg
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you're getting closer, but not exactly what i had in mind =) you look great thought QOD! your hard work definitely shows
its funny how i get so excited when i see a built women.i think its a look fantastic!i'm all over those i mean it, i'm actually all over
woody01 said:
its funny how i get so excited when i see a built women.i think its a look fantastic!i'm all over those i mean it, i'm actually all over

did you get any on your puter screen?:eek:
ok mine was my last cycle and it was a longer lasting but lower dosed cycle than my previous.
wk 1-24 400mg enant. 400mg of EQ,
wk 1-4 50mg dbol ed
wk 5-11 100mg winny ed
wk 1-24 50mg masteron ed
wk 19-24 100mg tren eod
also weeks 10-24 deca 300mg wk

I took adex through out entire cycle and it cut down on the bloat and used only nolva to come off as opposed to clomid and had great success with it. that was what i had decided to be my last cycle cause of family issues and was over a year ago so i have did pretty good. however a few months ago i was in a bad car wreck and got put on lots of meds and layed around and got really fat, i still cant work out either, im gonna try maybe a light workout this week but not sure how it will go. really sucks cause i tell ya gear is starting to look really good now cause of it. but I'll try to push through it though.
More picks of Queen of the Damned.. please....

Dont remember what I did 10 years ago... All I know is I still cant bench what I did at 18..... I know anadrol was a big part of it.. hee hee.

Do you know what its like to peak at 18???