I've gained 17.5lbs in about 3 weeks


Gold Member
Hmm, I've just realized I've gained 17.5 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks on Prop/Tren.

That's pretty weird I must say. I'm running the following:

200mg Test Prop EOD
150mg Tren EOD

It's weird to me because I haven't been eating nearly as much I should be....plus my workouts haven't been 100%. I've just started to get my workouts to where they should be...I still need to work on diet, but I already have a hard time consuming food now.

Any advice on ways to keep food intake high? (Besides more drugs)
BiggerStronger said:
Hmm, I've just realized I've gained 17.5 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks on Prop/Tren.

That's pretty weird I must say. I'm running the following:

200mg Test Prop EOD
150mg Tren EOD

It's weird to me because I haven't been eating nearly as much I should be....plus my workouts haven't been 100%. I've just started to get my workouts to where they should be...I still need to work on diet, but I already have a hard time consuming food now.

Any advice on ways to keep food intake high? (Besides more drugs)

Sounds great so far- I would add cals at 500cal increments. It takes time to learn to digest more cals- trust me.
try eating more often and not more per meal, and in time ur going to be hungry every 2 hours , it helps me eat more when i start eating more often, after about a week my body needs to eat every 2 hours plus u will burn more fat this way as well by speeding ur matabolism, i am sure you knew this but sometimes we overlook the basics
yeah....I eat often (every 1.5-2 hours or so) but I it seems as though I can only eat very small meals. Less than a teenage girl it seems...lol

My stomach gets very full. I need to be consuming more protein per meal. I might just start drinking lots of protein shakes instead of meals. (like 4-5 per day) Then only eat like two solid meals per day.
Eating that many times a day is going to slow digestion, right? I thought it was best to keep it at every 2.5-3 hours. That will help you with the size of your intake. Eat only 6 times a day instead of 8 or 9. Your portions will be bigger.

What I strongly suggest, treat eating like working out. You have to work it hard, eat until you can't eat anymore - then have a few more bites. That will make your stomach grow.
try just slamming protein shakes every 2 hours. that's all i do...it's too damn hot to eat. im off-season and i only eat 1 or 2 solid meals a day, the rest are shakes.

BTW~great gains:)
There's no evidence that supports eating huge amounts of protein helps to build muscle. That's why you still gained 17 lbs in 3 weeks and didnt eat as much as you did last time...

Overeating is the number one mistake of most bodybuilders...it will do you no good and make you fat...
Either way it takes 3500calories to gain 1lb....That means I must of had an excess of 60,000 calories (in 3.5 weeks) unless a lot of it is water (which I am looking slightly puffy.)

Let's just say that 10lbs of it is muscle/fat. Still that's an excess of 35,000 calories in 3.5 weeks - Extra 10k per week. I know I'm not eating 1.5k calories above maintainance. So how did I gain this weight? I was only eating around 500 calories above my maintanance intake, if that.
Campeon said:
There's no evidence that supports eating huge amounts of protein helps to build muscle. That's why you still gained 17 lbs in 3 weeks and didnt eat as much as you did last time...

Overeating is the number one mistake of most bodybuilders...it will do you no good and make you fat...

WTF? I'm sorry, this is no flame, but this is the stupidest post I've read in a while.

I think he gained 17.5 pounds of mostly water, plus your body fluctuates pundages daily. That's why he gained that much weight in three weeks. Do you think he actually gained 17 pounds of tissue in three weeks from not eating right or working out 100%? I don't. So this thread has NOTHING to do with diet, except maybe too much sodium.

If you want to be 300lbs of muscle, you have to eat like a 325 pound man.
Campeon said:
There is no evidence to suggest that high protein diets help in bodybuilding...

You're right, that's why Ronnie and Lee only eat 100grams of protein a day. And screw the shakes, they do nothing.
Campeon said:
There is no evidence to suggest that high protein diets help in bodybuilding... [/QUOTE

is there any evidence that this statement is valid?
Campeon said:
There's no evidence that supports eating huge amounts of protein helps to build muscle. That's why you still gained 17 lbs in 3 weeks and didnt eat as much as you did last time...

Overeating is the number one mistake of most bodybuilders...it will do you no good and make you fat...

im sorry, if you have any knowledge of nutrition, you will know that athletes need excessive amounts of protein to grow (1.5-2lbs of protein per pound of lean body mass). your muscles NEED protein to grow!

and as far as getting fat from excessive amounts of protein, it's VERY difficult(almost impossible) for your body to convert protein into fat.
I always liked the prop/tren combo and dose and had nice, fairly quick results too. I think the 17lbs is bit fast for basically 4 weeks of being on without really having the diet and training in check first though. Any chance that number is exxaggerated a bit? ...a couple pounds of water differential on the starting poundage, a couple more pounds of water on the ending poundage, plus a slight dose of anxiousness to grow quickly...next thing you know a 17.5lb gain is really a 10lb gain, which is still really good. Look in the mirror or see how your clothes fit. That's the real test if what you're doing is working. In any case, good luck on your continued progress!

Campeon, I thought you were joking bro... Sorry, that's out of left field. With the rare exception of fortunate genetics, you simply can't get bigger than the average Joe without taking in more protein that what most consider adequate. And that's pretty much been proven to be 1.0-1.5lbs of protein per lb of LBM (Lean body mass).
I agree that only maybe 10lbs is tissue...the rest being water. I have noticed that my weight fluctuates up to 5 lbs per day. The day I wrote this post happened to be where my weight fluctuated a lot. I think the real figure is around 10-12lbs.

I agree with everyone else on the protein issue. You need to consume large amounts of protein to support large amounts of muscle.
Campeon said:
There is no evidence to suggest that high protein diets help in bodybuilding...
you want proof? here you go....i asked a friend of mine, who happens to be a nuerosurgeon to print me up some proof, so here goes;)

Anyway, it’s simple. Muscle fibers don’t reproduce, I guess you that already. When you induce a muscle fiber into stress you cause hypertrophy (from the Greek trofe, meaning nutrition or growth) which you know as well. But this hypertrophy has nothing to do with a bigger number of cells, but with bigger cells and specially, a bigger amount of extra cellular matrix. What’s the main component of fibrous matrix? Collagen. What the hell is collagen composed of? Yeah, you’re right, protein!! Yes, it’s true, you can synthesize protein mono blocks (amino acids) in your body, except for three of them (I don’t remember exactly right now, but lecithin and methyonine are two ot those, I’m only missing one. Although there are supposed to be 20 essential amino acids, in certain circumstances it’s possible for your body to produce 17 of those). But you need nitrogen from any source to do so. The only available source of nitrogen your body can use is external nitrogen. Yes, you’re right, from protein in your diet. I would really like to know how your guy finds his nitrogen sources.

Collagen is in charge of protecting the muscles from traction forces. I don’t know, I might be wrong (I’m not, I’m just making a little bit of fun from it), but don’t you think the fact that you can “maintain” more weight at the same time without failure means you might simply have a better response to traction? Wouldn’t that mean more collagen fibers? Might be, don’t you think?

If you want to put it simpler, just think of a cell which needs to grow. If we start from the fact a cell is 40% protein (just counting structure, obviously 80% of a cell is water). If your cell grows twice its size, having to maintain the rate of 40% protein, where does it get the protein from?
I believe a gallon of water weighs a little more than 8 pounds so you're suggesting his body is holding over 2 gallons of water???

that seems a bit excessive to me