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  1. J4CKT

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    Quads would be difficult simply because of the amount of places to pin and the sheer volume required. If I ever used it again I would most likely do calfs.
  2. J4CKT

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    Bump, good post.
  3. J4CKT

    What is the one supplement that must have?

    Jack3d is another im hooked on ever since i tried it for the first time.
  4. J4CKT

    power lifter accident

    wow, holy shit...
  5. J4CKT

    What is the one supplement that must have?

    Synthetek's protein and the syntheselen/synthetine combo are probably my favourite products that i have found so far. Been using them for over a year now.
  6. J4CKT

    Fake Synthetek Products

    Yeah, its pretty hilarious how bad of an imitation it is lol
  7. J4CKT

    Fake Synthetek Products

    Well they do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.. just goes to show how good the product is. Glad you guys got the little shit taken care of and removed from ebay.
  8. J4CKT

    Syntherol on cycle

    LOTS of people have used the product aswell as posted about it. Check out this website, has a lot of before and after for Syntherol as well as other products. Each post with pics also has links back to the thread created by the user where you can read about their experience with the product...
  9. J4CKT

    New sterile syringes website!!!

    You won't be disappointed bro, I've been using them ever since I found synthetek through the banner on their site. Always quick delivery and the customer service guys always respond asap whenever i need help or had any questions.
  10. J4CKT

    Syntherol and Pro's

    The only other SEO before Syntherol was Chris Clark's Pump 'n Pose.
  11. J4CKT

    Syntherol advice

    1. Lots of nerves in there. 2. I would imagine it would be quite painful, 3. You would need to be lean enough to see exactly where you are shooting. I wouldn't want to try it. But if you are intent on doing it then i suggest you research anatomy of the arm extensively so you know exactly what...
  12. J4CKT

    Syntherol advice

    Never thought of that, will definitely check that you. Thanks bro.
  13. J4CKT

    Attention! Synthergine special!

    I got mine in 4 :p
  14. J4CKT

    Syntherol advice

    Let us know how you go bro. Would be great to hear your experience with it.
  15. J4CKT

    Syntherol advice

    Here is something i posted on another thread asking about triceps. Hope this helps.
  16. J4CKT

    Free Syntherol!

    Definitely! Bump!
  17. J4CKT

    Attention! Synthergine special!

    Awesome deal!
  18. J4CKT

    synthetek vs clenbuterol

    Bump, Syntheselent along with Synthetine make an awesome fat loss stack. Been on it year round ever since I first tried it.