Search results

  1. Glen Whitestone

    Damn no wonder

    There are millions and millions around the country packing into gyms with the wrong idea right now. They are F.U.B.A.R.-my buddy was eating less, dieting like a woman having salads and eating twice a day and then overtraining in the gym for like 3 hours a day. He would not listen to my advice...
  2. Glen Whitestone

    Ripped or HUGE!?!?!

    I am sure I like where I am at. But going with the two options I would choose 1. Ripped gets more reaction only when you take your shirt off but chicks dig it. Option 2 you would not have to take your shirt off but you might run the risk of being called "just another fat ass, has been...
  3. Glen Whitestone

    Pics 7 Weeks Out Junior Nationals

    Looking good bro. If you want a critique I would say your back is your strong point. Very developed. Maybe on show day you will show less water and looked even more ripped. I think you will do well.
  4. Glen Whitestone

    where you at?

    Vertigo I am gonna take a guess and say you live in um????-Garden City! Me, I used to live in Whitestone. Had a nice view of the bridge too. Now I live in Jersey and thats all I gonna say.
  5. Glen Whitestone

    what is the best way to train lats?

    I would say pull-downs and chins worked best for me but my lats really did not start to pop out until I started with deads too. I have always done rows but I feel they are more for thickness of the back. The wide grip pull up is good for width. I feel you have to be able to do enough with...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    Poll: Which would you rather look like?

    I am a retro guy-drive a classic car, wear a classic watch, prefer the classic look-evenly proportioned. I would say that is what I am more able to achieve anyway since there are very few here that can go or are pro. I don't do it for the competition-I do it for the chicks, respect and self...
  7. Glen Whitestone

    Gear that causes a change in mood?

    I have started running EQ, Deca-which I cut out and dianabol. Now I feel pretty shitty. I have felt like deep fried shit for a few days now. Just depressed, lazy, non-motivated. Could it be the gear?
  8. Glen Whitestone

    when is the best time to take IGF??

    I would say after a workout on workout days and then prior to bed on non-workout days.
  9. Glen Whitestone

    New workout stategy!

    Hoorah, well Vertigo, first since you are off on campus I wrote an article of cheap food for building, look it up and give it a read. Since you are on a budget you know to stick to tuna, cold cuts, lean shit should not be hard, you are not a stranger to the site. Yeah, about the workout. I...
  10. Glen Whitestone

    Pregnancy Info Needed PLEASE!!!

    Sorry for the double post, cpu running slow. As a last thought question I thought the test would run off her horomone output and have nothing to do with yours. The urine of the female would secrete a horomone indicating she is pregnant so if she is then I do not think it would have anything to...
  11. Glen Whitestone

    Pregnancy Info Needed PLEASE!!!

    Bro, ask yourself and you will find the answer. Are you seeking an explaination? Sounds like such. Well, then look to make it work, in what ever way you think yours with you. If the girl claims to be pregnant, ask her for the results, go to the clinic, get a second opinion. But the way you...
  12. Glen Whitestone

    New workout stategy!

    My results are good. I am sticking to it. I feel that is the problem with so many friggin people. They get into lifting and change up their style too soon due to being impatient. Nobody is more impatient than me but I stick to the fucking workout you know. Nothing says "no heart" more to me...
  13. Glen Whitestone

    I hate waiting!!

    Yeah, I think I will do the same next time. Nothing sucks more when you are off cycle for a few weeks and start to loose strenth, energy and weight. Even though you are still bigger, stronger than before you feel like a big weakling.
  14. Glen Whitestone

    Just had a really good workout

    I agree with Dreww. You wont get any bigger doing a large number of sets. Look at someone who works in day labor-they lift all day but their bodies get used to it so they do not get big. You have to stress the muscle and keep reps and sets relatively low to build mass. Further more you...
  15. Glen Whitestone

    high rep training

    Yeah I have almost passed out and saw stars before and had pain from intense reps before. Why don't you try this-cycle your workouts. One week go for higher reps, the next week low reps and sets for strenth. Then repeat this. This is what I do, keeps me cut and still builds strenth and mass...
  16. Glen Whitestone

    leg workout

    Ever try to split leg workouts before? I tried quads and calves one day with abs and hams and glutes another day with bi's. Man for a once in a while thing this gave me great results. I did not get results every week but when I kept this at a once a month cycle thing wow-my legs put on about...
  17. Glen Whitestone


    Yeah, similar situation I guess. Materialistic as hell but dumb to follow which made it suck. I am attracted to a woman who is intelligent-education does not mean intelligence in my book either. I have met a bunch off college chicks who could not tell me who Fidel Castro is.
  18. Glen Whitestone

    Ever been sexually harassed?

    AZ1-well that is the way I think sometimes. But this girl is pretty solid. She does not play advocate. I mean she laughs but shit, I can take that. There are a lot other ways she could be a fucking bitch like being money seeking hungry bitch. As for the threat at hand I left a message on...
  19. Glen Whitestone


    Fort Salanga?
  20. Glen Whitestone


    Who out here has done the deed and dated a stripper?? WHat was the final outcome? Inquiring minds want to know! I will tell you that I did-I was young and needed the money of course. No, it was fun-but only for a young guy. I knew right then and there that for me it is not the type of girl...