high rep training


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Ive never done high rep training - anything over 10 reps. For the last few years Ive not gone over 6 reps often, building most of my bulk during this time.

I have switched up my training to where I do 3 sets of each exercise. One for 20 reps, one for about 12 and last one for about 6 reps. I of course get a better pump, but with some parts (especially legs), I get so pumped that it hurts. I mean a better pump than Ive gotten on gear (doing low reps at that time of course).

here lies the problem - I want to keep doing this while I cycle (check "cycle logs" forum for info.) but am afraid the pumps with be so bad they will be disabling. I can barely walk after the 20 and 12 rep hack squats on leg day. Then I still gotta do 6 reps with playdoh for legs.

anyone else experience this, nearly disabling pumps while using NO gear?
Yeah I have almost passed out and saw stars before and had pain from intense reps before. Why don't you try this-cycle your workouts. One week go for higher reps, the next week low reps and sets for strenth. Then repeat this. This is what I do, keeps me cut and still builds strenth and mass for me.
Glen Whitestone said:
Yeah I have almost passed out and saw stars before and had pain from intense reps before. Why don't you try this-cycle your workouts. One week go for higher reps, the next week low reps and sets for strenth. Then repeat this. This is what I do, keeps me cut and still builds strenth and mass for me.

Well, Im getting the best of both worlds by doing low and high reps on the same day. I see about the same stars I do when lifting heavy low reps, but I do sweat alot more.
I just dont know how I can continue doing this if on gear. The pain is pretty bad but bearable - Im no pussy. But I can kinda see how bodybuilders and the whole Nubain thing got started.
always do high intenisty on or off cycle
off cycle it is harder because of the joint pains-no deca
even when using machines
I have had good experience with high reps workout, the pumps and the definition and the vascularity is awesome....I will be doing a week of highs reps and then week of low reps...and see how it goes...
I do something similar but i work it in reverse. I read dorian's blood and guts years ago and do something similar 2 sets of ultra-heavy weight and then drop and knock out one set of high reps. I think i get the strength and the pump and vascularity that way. It might be worth a try and cut down on the painfulness of the pump.
fast twitch and slow twitch muscles is why it works, you build muscular endurance and that helps you add reps to your weights so if you can bench 315 for 1 rep you'll be able to get it twice faster by adding higher reps to your lower weights.
I'm on a new routine that incorporates higher reps. Essentially, you start out doing 15 rep sets for two weeks with a lighter weight, then the next two weeks you do sets of 10 reps with a little heavier weight, and then the last two weeks you do sets of 5 reps with a heavy weight. While you go through this, you keep volume consistent and muscle groups are exercised three times a week instead of only once per week. The method is called HST or Hypertrophy Specific Training, and it was conceived by a well known trainer called Bryan Haycock. So far, I am liking the results very much.
I've read nothing but great responses about Haycock and the HST system, I never tried it myself because I'm always looking for functional strength versus bodybuilding because I need to be able to run long distances and carrying excess muscle that's "all show and no go" would cost me but I am definitely going to incorporate it as soon as I stop racing
I actually happen to work with Bryan at my new job. That's how I found out about it. One other thing I noticed is that my joints seem to be able to handle better what I'm doing so that is a great side benefit. I always used to have sore knees or elbows, but the pain is starting to diminish.
I do the high rep/low weight as a warm up set, and try for about 12-15 reps (though I do as many as I can). Then I do the low rep, high weight (for 3-8). I rarely do more than two sets.

I will also play with this by doing some exercises as high rep, and some as low rep.

I never do this for all of the exercises. So the pumps are good.