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  1. M

    Women wtf???

    When you ask if they are on their period they go crazy then 3 days later tell you their period came. Lol. My experience! I have been around a LONG time. IMO they are all crazy, you think you found a "normal" one, then find out she is crazy too. "THE DUDE" is the only exception Lol Love the...
  2. M

    Are Heavy Weights Necessary for Maximizing Muscle Growth?

    I have to keep the weight heavy to even hold my size. I have switched to the crazy pump workouts. My muscles blow up. It's awesome, lol. BUT, after a while of just pump workouts I start to loose size. Probably just me, but, even after years, I have to keep up heavy weight to even hold my size.
  3. M

    DMSO - for sprains and strains

    I remember that lol, used it by itself, for lingering groin injury. Helped but that funky "garlic" smell comes out of your pores. Smell wasn't worth it after a while. If I remember right, they used it for inflamed joints on horses, I figured if good enough for horses then good enough for me. Lol
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    A True Man Eater ,

    WARM Water ?????? Lol
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    Doing Dumb Shit on Test?

    I don't get any anger or aggressive on tren ! Am VERY mellow when doing high doses, like now. Always calm and polite! Wait a minute, I think I hear that Fucking old Chinese lady going thru my fucking garbage looking for cans ! I am going to snap her neck and stomp her face into the sidewalk...
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    Nate Diaz Bareknuckle Fight (2002)

    Don't like Diaz brothers, but gotta respect their skills. Good fighters
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    Ronda's ESPN Interview

    Presser, I SENSE A Little JEALOUSY, think you're really HOT for her. It's OK, you can admit it. Lol
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    Mother-Fucking…….I.R.S. …...

    cracks me up when someone wealthy relocates out of country and they put them down as just trying to get out of paying taxes. FUCK YES lol got fucked myself this year. FUCK lol
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    Viagra before show

    makes your trunks stand out.
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    deactivated facebook and i'm already happier

    why do people want the post every meal they are going to eat. Do they think someone gives a shit??? Or pics of their cat taking a nap! Wow, I must be on it too much. lol
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    controlled delivery

    lol, that was the good old days. miss em.
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    Newbie needs your help

    just my opinion, but for a first timer 250 should give you some gains. I did for me. DIET, will make the biggest difference. Dont expect to look like the guys in the magazines, lol, but you should (will, in my opinion) put on some quality muscle on that dose. 8 to 12 lbs and you will look...
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    Just some pics I found funny

    my health care went up over 25 % . I can see 5 % , but over 25%. Funny to me, when they passed the health care the democrats who voted it in, copped to not even reading it before voting. (Pelosi ect...) Dont get me started on another rant. lol
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    Robin Williams dead

    aug 11th (day he did it) was also his sons birthday
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    What test do u like the best

    test E, longer between applications
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    Toilet paper usage?

    I try not to shit at the gym.
  17. M

    Taking a Break: How long without losing??

    funny, I remember taking about 10 days off and thought I would loose a lot. First day back my bench was up about 5 lbs. lol You body (and mind) need a break every so often. I usually try not to miss workouts so when things get crazy and I cant make the gym for a while I just tell myself I need...
  18. M

    should i coach???

    I coached both my daughters, basketball and vollyball. Every year I always asked if it was ok with them first. Like everyone says, It was awsome and something you AND THEY will never forget. Quality time with your son. Great memories (I am glad its over though, lol) Glad you chose to do it.