Doing Dumb Shit on Test?

I don't get any anger or aggressive on tren ! Am VERY mellow when doing high doses, like now. Always calm and polite! Wait a minute, I think I hear that Fucking old Chinese lady going thru my fucking garbage looking for cans ! I am going to snap her neck and stomp her face into the sidewalk, then I'm going to get a bat and beat the shit out of the rest of her family ! Like I said, tren doesn't affect me, be right back!!!! (Seriously, I think if your a dick, test will make you a bigger dick, but tren puts you in a diff level, from my experience. And I think I will run her out some more cans, she probably needs them more than I do. Lol)
So while I was on my first cycle of test cyp, I started a relationship with a girl. Of course I was horny as hell (having sex 5-8 times a day), but I was also talking all kinds of nonsense about our future and even at one point agreed to move in with her after 2 months of dating!! Of course it was all her idea, but it sounded so good to me at the time. This is so not typical of me, and a couple months after coming off, I came to my senses and began to freak the fuck out and explained to her it was just too soon and that I got too "carried away in the moment".

Have any of you had an experience like this or made any bad decisions on test or any other AAS?

Been there dude!! I started telling this chick I loved her after 1 week and got her to leave her husband after 3 weeks. We just spent all day fucking for like a month. She moved in with me and everything. As soon as I was off cycle and sobered up I was like "WTF HAVE I DONE?!!!!!!" Kicked her out shortly after. She was a heroin addict train wreck.
Been there dude!! I started telling this chick I loved her after 1 week and got her to leave her husband after 3 weeks. We just spent all day fucking for like a month. She moved in with me and everything. As soon as I was off cycle and sobered up I was like "WTF HAVE I DONE?!!!!!!" Kicked her out shortly after. She was a heroin addict train wreck.

Sorry to hear that, but glad to hear I'm not the only one lol
Been there dude!! I started telling this chick I loved her after 1 week and got her to leave her husband after 3 weeks. We just spent all day fucking for like a month. She moved in with me and everything. As soon as I was off cycle and sobered up I was like "WTF HAVE I DONE?!!!!!!" Kicked her out shortly after. She was a heroin addict train wreck.

So you had no idea she used heroin when you were dating/fucking her? or you didnt know how bad it was? I would think i would know if the chick i was fucking around the clock was a heroin addict
So you had no idea she used heroin when you were dating/fucking her? or you didnt know how bad it was? I would think i would know if the chick i was fucking around the clock was a heroin addict

The problem wasn't that she was on heroin. The problem was that the Testosterone disguised how ugly she was. Wasn't clear about that. Lol

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