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  1. Charliebrawn

    Stubborn lower ab fat. Should I try an OTC fat burner?

    Touché!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Charliebrawn

    Dexter Jackson, Guest Posing, Fibo 2014

    Lol funny that chick checkin out his ass Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Charliebrawn


    Sit an peee. No fcking way. Not givin up my birth right. Specially when I'm over at some girls place. Let em hear the thunder...bigger the pp, bigger the they say 😜 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Charliebrawn

    New attempt at calf growth... 30 days

    I still can't find the mechanism of action for this drug. Sounds to me like you will be carrying it around for rest of the life unlike Synthrol that gets absorbed eventually. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Charliebrawn

    New attempt at calf growth... 30 days

    I'm following this....calves suck balls Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Charliebrawn

    Tax question for the gurus...

    Check your local tax laws but after six month she becomes your common law partner and yes you can show her as a dependent. How much you save will depend in how much tax you pay in the first place. Sorry this is vague but I'm not living in states so I can only give you a general idea. At least...
  7. Charliebrawn

    Planning Aqua Burn + Cyto Burn. Few questions...

    I'd run Adex with M1t to ward off water related issues. Be careful with it and diet if you are gonna run it after Clen and t3 cycle. Or you'll get ballooned up and feel like you wasted your cut cycle. Adex certainly helps Though calling M1T the strongest....ummmm I'll have to disagree. I would...
  8. Charliebrawn

    Victor Martinez, 4 weeks from 2014 Arnold Classic (pic)

    I'd pick his built over ramy's any day. He's aesthetically pleasing like old school boys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Charliebrawn

    Insulin results??

    I thought fattening effect was after long term use. I heard in short term use you are suppose to lean out. I've contemplated using it but could never be too sure. Though I don't see how using once or twice a week post wo to bring a lagging body part up will cause gut descending of fattening...
  10. Charliebrawn

    top 10 BodyBuilding and Training mistakes

    Good stuff bro! Always good to be reminded of the basics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Charliebrawn

    What is your experience with Clen?

    Lol thanks bro! I donno why, but thanks anyways lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Charliebrawn

    DNP cycle advice wanted.

    Dude! I almost never say this to people but in this particular case I'd rather be discouraging than encouraging. Assuming you are NEW to chemicals of bodybuilding irrespective of your lifting experience, I will say this is one compound you want to stay clear of just on the basis of lack of...
  13. Charliebrawn

    The Dudes Recovery from Cervical Fusion

    Good to hear from you Dude! Best of luck with your complete recovery medically and in gym as well :) Good luck with new career hunt! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Charliebrawn

    What is your experience with Clen?

    I like Clen coz It works great with carb cycling. In fact it works better with carbs in diet. It makes me loose water and skin feels tight. Has a mild anabolic effect, probably due to fact that it increases metabolism by 3%, improves carb uptake and probably other nutrients including protein...
  15. Charliebrawn

    Blood in bowels

    Make sure you are not having ibuprofen on an empty stomach. It's hard on GI tract. It can for sure cause bleed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Charliebrawn

    Anyone ever Hire an Escort?

    Yeah! I've bounced at strip clubs too and that story seems a bit too short....common biggie, what's the full scoop??? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Charliebrawn

    MC IGF-1 Is No Joke.

    That's just pure awesome!!! I'm gonna start a piggy bank for IGF and my target in next 3-6 months will be to do my dream pep cycle. 10-20 days of follistatin and human growth factors (depending if I find a great source) followed by MC IGF @ 1mg ed for 10-40 day (depending on the weight of my...
  18. Charliebrawn

    Your Body Type - Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph?

    Ecto-mesomorph. I think years of lifting has tipped the scale (fast twitch fibers) towards meso a bit. However, ectomeso was a great gift for my martial arts days in high school and university. I could run circle around my heavier equally tall opponents all day and given my limbs were skinny and...
  19. Charliebrawn

    LEGEND PHARMACEUTICALS Monthly Specials For January!!!

    Just wrote you PM. Look fwd to hearing from you soon!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Charliebrawn


    Cool! Gonna place my order tonight. Thanks for reviews! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk