Search results

  1. Shaptown

    HGH, morning or night or other?

    I disagree with you here. It is actually a fairly common pro protocol to take slin with HGH. The ones that you do not want to be coadminstering simultaneously are IGF and Insulin....obviously. I for one take my GH in the morning AS WELL as PWO. If I had to choose a one time a day...
  2. Shaptown

    The question we all hate to hear

    I get asked this all the time and usually I will just give the person a nice awkward stare. Most of the time they will get the hint and walk away, but occasionally they will pester me until i tell them that they have NO business walking up to a completely random individual at the gym and asking...
  3. Shaptown

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    I am not so sure i wholeheartedly agree with that one. The best oral adjunct to any cycle I ran was when I actually implemented 50mg Dbol and 50mg Anadrol ED together. Many would suggest that this is a lowish dose of anadrol (which it is), but it gave me the effects of it, which synergized VERY...
  4. Shaptown

    Fundraising through Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding.coms - In The News - Bench Press Competition Fundraiser to Fight Domestic Violence I really like the idea behind this. It really gives the sport some positive publicity as well as promoting PR amongst local clubs and affiliations that would otherwise have seemingly...
  5. Shaptown

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    I really don't like drol. It will definitely put on considerable strength and size. It was INCREDIBLY hard for me to control the estro sides, even at 100mg ED. The bloating is really bad too, and I just generally feel lethargic and shitty on it. I much prefer the pumped up, euphoric feeling that...
  6. Shaptown

    Best gear and/or pro hormone that doesn't cause hair loss???

    yeah if i were you, i would try what plang mentioned. other than that, it seems like people can have problems with just about every compound out there; especially noteworthy are: tren, mast, anavar, primo, and winstrol. I have heard that deca can be fairly mild on the hairline, but I am really...
  7. Shaptown

    How much fast food do you eat?

    I agree with Dude. I also love Chipotle, I got a burrito there tonight actually, and they had this offer on the iPhone, and I ended up getting a free burrito which was pretty awesome. I don't really eat the traditional fast food as in fries burger shake and whatnot. I'll maybe have that at...
  8. Shaptown

    what are you guys using for PWO shake?

    1.5 scoops ON Platinum Hydro Whey with ~3 tablespoons honey. This is all in water btw. When I'm not utilizing humalog I wouldn't hesitate to put this all in milk, it's just as you all know fats while running insulin, (especially on top of fast-acting carbs) is a serious no no.
  9. Shaptown

    loving this Jack3d stuff.

    Maybe it is just me, but I found that I did not necessarily build a tolerance to the effects of Jack3d. I was however using it in conjunction with Anadraulic State; 1.5 scoops of each and I was eager as a beaver to lift...
  10. Shaptown

    Please Welcome our new Site Rep "Shaptown"

    Thank you everyone! Glad to be hear and always eager to help.
  11. Shaptown

    Pct after sust 325 and primo

    as stated, in the future run HCG during the duration of your cycle that the AAS are active and at near peak concentrations in your blood (in general for a 15ish week cycle, this means I will run it from ~ week 3 until week 14). I am not an advocate of running HCG during the tail end of a cycle...
  12. Shaptown

    check this out - Killer ARMS

    SO FUCKING DISGUSTING. I just don't get how guys like that flabby synthol look...
  13. Shaptown

    Finally kicked my "coke" habit

    hmm i suppose i would say it is the artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and acesulfame potassium. Extensive research hasn't really been done (to my satisfaction at least) to disprove the role of these compounds in teratogenesis as well as neoplasm formation....
  14. Shaptown

    Finally kicked my "coke" habit

    ummm no. Coke Zero contains NO HFCS. Obviously, if something contains HFCS, then it wouldn't be a zero calorie beverage, as HFCS are simple sugars that contribute quite heavily to caloric content. It is debatable as to what is the "most" deleterious ingredient in the preparation...
  15. Shaptown

    Finally kicked my "coke" habit

    good for you bro! yeah i used to be addicted to cigarettes for a couple of years, but honestly had no problem kicking them. Looking back, that was an absolutely nasty habit that you don't even realize just how gross it is until you stop and are around smokers at that point. Then you see how the...
  16. Shaptown

    do I have this reconstitution correct?

    everyone stands correct, however crg left out some crucial information. you don't just simply swirl the vial. When reconstituting peptides, it is ESPECIALLY important, that you do not just spray the bacteriostatic water into the little disc of lyophilized peptide, as this will inevitably...
  17. Shaptown

    Most impressive thing in the gym ?

    ahh i see. Then I suppose that is karma lol
  18. Shaptown

    Most impressive thing in the gym ?

    that's really not even funny; it is simply embarrassing for the guy. I would never dream of laughing about that in a million years. Imagine yourself in his position, granted most people would not push themselves to that extreme, but it is hardly different than puking while doing squats. I think...
  19. Shaptown

    You ever take an extended break?

    took about 6 weeks off due to shoulder surgery, but now I am back on and ~6 weeks into a new cycle, and am absolutely loving it. I will tell you that, without a doubt, my CNS was OVERLOADED to the point where I was constantly sore and lethargic. Now, I am always pumped up to lift and my recovery...