Pct after sust 325 and primo


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
How long would you wait for hcg and when would you start clomid. Im gonna run igf as soon as I take my last shot.
I would have used hcg during cycle, from what I've read it's not a great PCT choice. I waited about a week and a half after my last shot of Sust325 to start my PCT (which was only Clomid).
yea, use hcg the last 3 to 4 wks of cycle.
then hit up clomid.
id use hcg if you can.
The deconate in your sust is going to stick around for a while. I would wait at least a solid two weeks from your last injection and then start the clomid. 40mg of nolva your first week would help too. Second week drop down 20ed till the end of your PCT. Your going to have endogenous test at some level for a good month though so keep that in mind.
I'd definitely run clomid about 2 weeks after the last shot. The HCG could've been run throughout or at least the last couple of weeks, but you could take it now if you're close to the end if you've already got it
as stated, in the future run HCG during the duration of your cycle that the AAS are active and at near peak concentrations in your blood (in general for a 15ish week cycle, this means I will run it from ~ week 3 until week 14).

I am not an advocate of running HCG during the tail end of a cycle, because it is actually going to be inhibitory in terms of getting your testes to kickstart their own endogenous test production, as the whole point of running it during the duration of the cycle is to prevent testicular atrophy, and to keep your leydig cells at least SOMEWHAT active. Now that you have not done so, using HCG at this point is going to mimic the effect of LH. At this point you don't really want anything mimicing that effect; you want your own pituitary to actually start producing GnRH, which in turn will produce LH, and lastly your own testosterone.

I would wait ~2 weeks after your last pin, then that very day, run clomid at 50mg ED for 4 weeks at that point.
I agree to using HCG during cycle , but if you were to be like me and run long cycles. HCG isn't a great thing to stay on for long periods due to leydig cells becoming desensitized.
My pct is one I got from "Visions"...........
25mg Clomid ed and 25mg aromasin ed for 6 wks. Works well for me and I like his thread on 100mg clomid being overkill and you get the same effect out of 25mg.

Peace oz