Search results

  1. Massive-E

    myostatin pro peptide(HMP) and follistatin...

    And if you want the propeptide its an extra 20€ on the price per 0.1mg
  2. Massive-E

    myostatin pro peptide(HMP) and follistatin...

    Interesting prices you guys are getting, i have been quoted (Direct from a lab) for Myostatin Anti-Bodies at 230€ per 0.1mg. And thats reduced to 174.80€ when buying 10 x 0.1mg. So doing the math for todays exchange rates for 1mg it 1748€ or $2270 plus shipping
  3. Massive-E

    Let the New Year Rush Begin!

    It bugs the hell outta me, fair enough people have to start somewhere but you can tell instantly the people that are gonna stay the course and those that will find they are missing their fav soap on tv and give in. They fall in to 2 main catagories in my opinion ... the 'resolution' crew and...
  4. Massive-E

    Young Jay Culter at 22 yrs old

    Truely amasing size ... but who the hell was the little guy that ran in and ruined the view lol ... he looked like a dwarf next to cutler
  5. Massive-E

    HGH dose for precontest

    Personally i did 8-10iu up until 3 weeks out, dropping to 4iu until 1.5wks out and then cut completely to drop the water out up to show day. This is how i have done it previously ... but thats jus me :)
  6. Massive-E

    Whats your dream stats

    bump ... my dream
  7. Massive-E

    up the test during pre-contest...

    Personally when i was in precontest mode i did heavy test enanthate right up until 2 weeks out, with a cross over from 3 weeks out up to contest day with high prop. Worked really well for me, and bump with the growth Chris250 mentioned above too.
  8. Massive-E

    Any organ problems...

    Last time i competed i was doing more than the avaerage amounts of everything like Test, Mast, Tren, Winny, Prop etc etc, and then right towards the end things like DNP, Dyazide etc etc. 3 months after my competition i went for my Annual MOT through my Private medical insurer, Full blood worx...
  9. Massive-E


    Have had ProChem and BlackWidow T400 both the same blend and i loved the stuff. Got HGHLabs T400 Sust right now and that is good stuff too. About to bridge to my next cycle using T400 enanthate.
  10. Massive-E

    i need some brotherly advice here...

    Bump, why spend the holidays miserable .. bad way to start the new year dude!
  11. Massive-E

    Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

    Either my brain isnt working (most likely) or im just being stupid (also likely as im still avidly researching slin use) .. but IM ??? isnt slin systemic like IGF? Im probably making a fool out f myself here, and most def showing the fact i need to read more before i jump on the slin bandwagon...
  12. Massive-E

    Would this be overkill

    Well i guess a first question or two would be ... Whats your experience with these compounds, what are your goals, what are your stats ... list goes on man Elabourate!
  13. Massive-E

    Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

    Dude, whats your slin protocol? Are you taking special shakes like bcaa, cretine, protein combos or what?
  14. Massive-E

    Your girl and comps....

    Im with theBIGness on this one .. my wife will never seriously hit the gym if she can help it. She has spoken of going running and maybe doing a half marathon, but it never took off. I bought her 2 gym memberships to date and she has gone errr 3 times i think ... just not that in to it...
  15. Massive-E

    insulin Q's Humalog versus Novolog humalin r

    What are your reasons for saying that the longer acting insulins like Levemir are not at all useful for bodybuilding? I have been suggested Levemir by a few of my trainers that use it themselves and compete at a national level ... im just curious as to why it would be no good for BB'ing in your...
  16. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Hi Guys, So i havent been on the board posting for a long time! A bout of heavy sickness and BIG problems with my job have really screwed me over. Im not quitting the run im on and i'll continue to post updates in the log ... but i no longer see it as an accurate 'Cycle' log due to the gaps...
  17. Massive-E

    Cutler ... You might love him or hate him but ...

    Yup your quite right on the year .. looks massive in this pic!
  18. Massive-E

    Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

    Your souce sounds a lot more reasonable Saudades, if your not offended by the question .. fancy sharing the source by PM? :thumbsup: ... bet you didnt get any starbucks cards with it though lol
  19. Massive-E

    Cutler ... You might love him or hate him but ...

    ... Wouldnt you just kill for some badass mass like this! Im a Cutler fan, im not ashamed to say. I dont get in to any of the politics surrounding the best or worst on the day ... i just think he's one of the greats. :bber: