Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

Slin is humalog 12ius IM

Breakfast and post WO

Slin pwo is taken with 2 scoop whey banana 1/2 cup of oats 30g sugar, creatine and bcaa followed 40-60 mins later with a whole meal complete with protein and fats containing 50g of complex carbs, normally steak or salmon 8-10oz

Either my brain isnt working (most likely) or im just being stupid (also likely as im still avidly researching slin use) .. but IM ??? isnt slin systemic like IGF?

Im probably making a fool out f myself here, and most def showing the fact i need to read more before i jump on the slin bandwagon in January/Feb next year.
Either my brain isnt working (most likely) or im just being stupid (also likely as im still avidly researching slin use) .. but IM ??? isnt slin systemic like IGF?

Im probably making a fool out f myself here, and most def showing the fact i need to read more before i jump on the slin bandwagon in January/Feb next year.

Reasoning for IM is quicker in quicker out

Want that shit out of your system ASAP as soon as its done it job shutting nutrients u want it out , this is why u want rapid acting slin like humalog and not the others that linger around

Quick spike shuttle nutrients and out of there ASAP
Took. a days rest in anticipation of tomorrow carnage,

Chest/tris Am will be looking EK add weight on my 3 heart sets to 365

Then I have an evening meeting with my boy Bill the 32" wheel guy, I'm a mere 27" and I'm 4" taller let's see if he can make me puke never have yet but first for everything one thing I'm sure of is no merit will be given and no quartet taken ;)

Really starting to doubt the legitimacy of this tren ace :( day 9 no sides any one wanna chime in on their exp with ace and time frame to take effect, I know tren enthenate took me 4 weeksbefore I noticed the sweats
Let the brutality begin

90mins and counting to chest
Looking to get very code to PR's here smashing them next week

Shoulder feels great, ill do some weight assisted dips today just to test the waters tho I still want to leave these for another 3 weeks of deca

Morning WO
135 x 12
225 x 8
365 x 5 x 2
365 x 6
225 x 36

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 10 F

cables and out

Evening WO
exrensions warm up
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5 x 3 i needed help on 4 and 5
335 x 5 assisted me at bottom of each rep

My boy had me going ass to the ground

4 sets lunges

2 more sets extebsions
3 sets hamstrings

No puking but really hurting

However definitely established i have very bad form when it comes to squats my lower back was killing me my boy said i needed to keep bar further back and concentrate on not leaning forward, I might use wedges under my toes while i correct my form. Never really noticed this before as i would never go so so deep at that weight without a WO partner who knew his stuff

Dude commented on my shoulders “ur shoulders were jacked” that made me feel good :)

All in all good days work
Day 21

227.5 lbs


Stregnth continues to rise but rather than go crazy I concentrated on form and nice slow contractions

Still wiped out from yesterday :)
weight 227.4lbs +20 from the Bulk waist +1.5" but remarkably vascularity in upper body is more visible than ever and i still have visible Abs even a vein or two in my quads

Day 32 Bulk
Day 22 Orals
Day 15 Test,Deca,EQ
Day 12 Tren Ace


Well i dont really see any difference my lifts are only at where they were at height of my last cycle and im only 9lbs heavier than from the day of PR’s Having cut back from 255lbs to 217.6 so its not like i wasn't big before

but just about everyone is either saying you look bigger,buff or what are you taking.... Good job that Tren is bunk or id fugging rip their heads off a stick it up their arse (not really) well maybe the one guy today at the gym who walked past me smiled and said “Roids” i had to take a deep breath and say “Just hard work you should try it some time” fat weak nut hugger :)

I look foward to what u guys think? ill post up end of last cycle pictures and pics from end of my 30day oral run

Well just about right back to my PR’s with one endurance PR today

Flat B
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5
375 x 6 F +10lbs +1rep ONE REP SHORT OF BEST EVER(this is also where i blew my shoulder out)
365 x 5
365 x 5
315 x 10
225 x 40 F and a PR + 3
(Full disclosure: each rep touches chest but is short of full lock out except for last 5 where i had to take a brief pause press 2 pause press 2 long pause and gave every last thing i gad left and barely racked it bat hovered jus short of lock out and i just fought the bastard and racked it)


225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 8 F

cables to finish
really exhausted at this point

bench incline crushers using cables x 8-10 no rest rope pull downs
3 sets of these
Then skull crushers from the ground

I was totally spent but pumped with a great lift
Dowm loaded a copy of the PDF file if anyone is intetesed in taking a closer look or wanted to adapt to suit their goals

View attachment 9925











Peace of cake

Wont be attempting this any time soon, Chris aka Kabuzki pleasing the crowds at recent charity event
u were benching 450 already? how long have u been working out? straight bar skull crushers is what I tore my tricep tendon with 3 1/2 months ago, im never doin those again
u were benching 450 already? how long have u been working out? straight bar skull crushers is what I tore my tricep tendon with 3 1/2 months ago, im never doin those again

Got to an estimated 450 back in August where i blew out my left shoulder, i have been rehabing with just about every think known to man sicnce, physio, GHG, EQ, VAR you name it... Started this cycle prob around 400 and id say im the 440 range right now

The above program prepared for me by Chris Duffin will stay on hold until feel 100% confident on dropping bleow the 5 rep range also wanna let that Deca set in
looks like il be in the same boat with my tricep tendon injury, but I have been stayin safe with machines and pulleys, on the sit down bench im able to do 2 45's and a 35 with my right arm clean for 2 sets of 10 after warming up, but my left arm does 4 45's on that for 2 sets of 10 clean so I still have quite a bit of catching up to do

Been getting a piercing pain for about a week so just hit up gym to test out range of motion. Overhead press lateral raise ok but it I press my palms together and push I'm getting a piercing pain so not the same as before

Anyway I just aborted back as bent over rows were painful guess ill see how I feel tomorrow
omg ted lol

People are a little more serious over here bro but lots of good info and their Igf is really as good as it gets and at great prices

227.8lbs waist 32.9" :)
Anadrol dropped Sunday @ 4 weeks
Using dbol pre wo and wo days only
3 1/2 weeks into the injectables


Kept it pretty light and was a good WO shoulder is not bothered at all only experiencing pain during pulling exercises. Called my Dr and Ins. and I'm cleared for an MRI if need be

Shoulder WO was actually really productive I was so sore (in the good way) and pumped It was painful to lift my arms

Nothing crazy here and short
135 x 12
225 x 8
315 x 5
365 x 5 x 2
315 x 10
And that was it no inclines or cables

Shoulders - All performed TUT supersets
Over head presses
Reverse peck deck
Lateral raises

Kind of ironic that my rotator cuff is now 100% and I go and fuck something else up in there

Went and hit up back and decided that I needed to push a little to see what the next step is. Well I warmed up and went light and it was minimally uncomfortable and the more I got into it the more it loosened up

Bottom line I'm pretty confident that its nothing to serious prob just a product of doing to much to quick and to heavy so I'm gonna slow things up a bit and let the Deca and EQ do what it is there for

Weight 231.4lbs :)

Liking the scales this morning and on top of that the tren ace has finally kicked in :) more likely a result of my switching brands 3 days ago. Last night I had those unmistakable night sweats, better up the calories

Back has had a nice burn from Thursday wo and shoulder is pretty good, think I just strained something in there. I'm going to slow things up and keep the weights right where they r for now slow and steady wins the race.

Would love to get some pictures up and get your opinions but that prob have to wait until the weekend and have my son take, the wife finds the picture taking thing very narcasistic

Will hit up chest tomorrow
yeah I would like to see pics...thats alot of weight gain in a month and half..but looks like things are going the way you want...
yeah I would like to see pics...thats alot of weight gain in a month and half..but looks like things are going the way you want...

I had a good amount of muscle rebound from an extended cut I've put 1.4" on my waist so some fat to but still I can still see my abs, ill get some pics up so u guys can critique

Well so much for going light, i felt great and weights felt light

90mins Pre WO 100mg Dbol, 100mg Viagra
60 mins pre WO 1 ½cc Suspension
15 mins pre WO Shake 60g P, 80g C
Pre N2TKTS and PW for intra/post

135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 6 PR if id had spotter i would have tried 7
365 x 9 PR

315 x 12

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 12
315 x 4 F

Cables to finish

Super set Combination of
Incline skull crusders
rope and V bar pulldown

PWO 12ius slin
70g C, 60g P BCAA’s creatine

Shoulders are on fire and in a good way

Cant say i actually felt anything with the suspension but that extra streaking sure was amazing and can only be attributed to the suspension and top of that off the inj was smooth as butter zero pain :) Blood serum levels must have been through the roof at time of WO loved it looking forward to legs tomorrow

K time to chow down some steak