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  1. Massive-E

    Stacey Oster IFBB BIKINI PRO

    :bench: need to work harder! :bber:
  2. Massive-E

    The EZ Whey Cookbook: Clean Eats that Taste like Cheats!

    Looks like a purchase i might have to make, zero carb bread! gotta try it!
  3. Massive-E

    Losing oil with blood after withdrawing pin?

    Funny the very first pinning i did after commenting on this thread, i shot deca in one glute and test in the other. Deca i had a small amount of oil leak from the site after withdrawel, and the test shot man i thought i'd hit and artery or something lol. You jinx'd me man :D
  4. Massive-E

    Bringing up a badypart ... what do you do?

    Wicked information i'm gonna give it all a go, thanks so much for all the help so far ... will post how i get along!
  5. Massive-E

    Losing oil with blood after withdrawing pin?

    I have always thought that there is no harm in putting the blood back in ... it is yours after all. But a good question raised about the clotting below .. never thought of that really.
  6. Massive-E

    Mr.Olympia Web Cast !!!

    Cant wait, and was searching for this link the other day too. bump on making it a sticky!
  7. Massive-E

    GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC

    Dude, how you incorporating the MGF in to your cycle? I have a shed load of it but didnt think i could run it at the same time as IGF. I'd be interested to know bro, as i'd like to get full benefits from all this stuff i have
  8. Massive-E

    Bringing up a badypart ... what do you do?

    Am taking IGF at the moment and have just scored some MC immense Growth Factor too :) I'll be working with this to try and help it. IYO would you shoot IM direct to the muscle or just whack it in SubQ as it goes systemic any way?
  9. Massive-E

    Im loving the "full" feeling from MC's IGF

    So site appling in multiple dose shots or one direct shot? I was planning to fill out my tri's a bit with this and running 80mcg ED Bi Lat on training days. Think this would work or do i need to apply multiple areas of the tricep, eg the 3 heads, with a split dose?
  10. Massive-E

    who aspirate's and who doesn't?

    I have to say when i was a newbie i did, as it was what i had read on the first forum i found ... these days unless i had pain going in i never do, and have rarely had any kind issue. I too have been pinning for around 3 years now and stick mainly to my quads and glutes, but this is down to the...
  11. Massive-E

    Bringing up a badypart ... what do you do?

    Hi Guys, I know this question has been asked a 100 times and i have read numerous articals, posts, and professional advice columns on this matter. I have two body part areas im trying to bring up a lot for my next competition in mid 2012, and i could really do with some input on them as im...
  12. Massive-E

    How would you like to look like this at 50yrs old ?!?!

    I'd take that physique at 50 most definately ... hell if i looked half that now i'd be flippin' happy ...
  13. Massive-E

    Losing oil with blood after withdrawing pin?

    I have had this before in my quad, and asked the same question on another board i was a member of till i found MC. A well respected guy on that board gave me an explanation, even if in this case it was for a different reason. So you pushed the pin all the way in, aspirated and all was fine...
  14. Massive-E

    Favorite protein source?

    Damn it should have bottle my wifes when we had our kid, greedy little guy had the lot! hassle :p
  15. Massive-E

    MCAS FREE Lottery!!!!!! Winner Recieves .....

    Absolutely awesome! thanks MC!!! Have been waiting to try the covated Immense Growth Factor since joining the Forums :) Presser, i've PM'd my address to you, let me know if there is anything else i need to do. :gold:
  16. Massive-E

    Whats in your gym bag?

    belt, wraps, gloves, straps, grizzley grips, heavy gauge stretch band, peptides on ice, protein shake, 2 litres of water ... too much really but my gym bag is massive so i feel the need to fill it :)
  17. Massive-E

    would you rather bodybuilding go by height classes?

    I have competed in the 'Classic' class for my last two shows. This is based on an equation referenced to your height, and from this they determin your MAXIMUM stage weight on the day. for example Im 6ft 1" or 184cm ... maximum body weight = body height [cm] minus 100 + 6 kg So therefore on...
  18. Massive-E

    Creatine Mono vs Creatine Ethyl Ester

    Have to say i didnt notice shit from CEE, and i took it for a long while. Got some stuff called Creapump from my UK based online shop and this is based on mono. Not really much to report on it really but definately feel better during workouts. Could be the creapump .. more likely the IGF :)...
  19. Massive-E

    I just love the internet!!!!...must see.

    I watched 3 minutes ... its all i could take ... LMOL! What a f'in twat! Is he actually really serious?
  20. Massive-E

    Roelly recent guest posing !!!

    I have to say im in two minds .. He looks amasing dont get me wrong, awesome size and flexability .. but i agree with Shaptown that his appearance really isnt aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I dont think that his 'look' is going to go down to well at the 'O' knowing what they seem to look...