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  1. D

    is b12 illegal in the us

    yup, you can load and shoot with slin pin, very easy, the difference between human and vet, that's kind of a loaded question, when it comes to gear it depends on the company, but with stuff like this I think it has to be sterile regardless who it's made for. Either way they're a good company...
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    Inj. vit. C

    hey guys, just started using inj. vit C and B12. the B12 works great but I notice the C leaves a lump for several day and is slightly sore. I'm using 1ml slin pins and inj. sub Q. any ideas would help, thanks
  3. D

    EQ @ 500mg/ml ?

    I've made 400mg/ml @ 3% BA, so 500mg wouldn't be that hard..
  4. D

    is b12 illegal in the us

    do a search on google on injectable b12, you'll get plenty of info. I just got some from , it's like $6, stuff works great...
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    making boldenone acetate?

    the only acetate I've done is tren, most of the kit's are set up for 5% BA, I make my own at 3% BA and 9% BB. I would start out at 2.5%BA and 7.5%BB and work my way up 1% at a time till it holds......
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    EQ (and hunger)

    you are right about getting to peak blood levels but it doesn't get into you system faster, if an AS takes 2 weeks to kick in then it's 2 weeks regarless of how much you inject. I just didn't notice enough of a difference to justify using extra, like I said before w/ deca and EQ it's the...
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    EQ (and hunger)

    brew said it all.....
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    EQ (and hunger)

    It's called the placebo effect, if it works, go w/ it, but it won't kick in for at least 3 weeks, and IMO frontloading isa waste of time.... 400mg/week is good for 1st run w/ EQ, I like 600 myself, w/ eq it's not really how much you use but how long....
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    new face

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    Oral winny.

    does that work with nolvadex as well?
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    Oral winny.

    I just oil base my orals, I hate PG, I just made some dbol w/ olive oil @ 10 mg/ml,figured I'd try it, fucking awesome, might as well get some EFA's in....
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    Powder Nolvadex => Liquid Nolvadex ?

    no, shit? I guess I was looking at the wrong ones, thanks...
  13. D

    Powder Nolvadex => Liquid Nolvadex ?

    capping machines are mad expensive, I'll just suck it up...
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    Powder Nolvadex => Liquid Nolvadex ?

    if you use gelcaps, can you make a bunch at a time or will the solution melt the caps? I know this happens w/ my dbol, but I made that in an oil solution....
  15. D

    Getpins closed???????????

    in maine you can get them over the counter, New hampshire you can't, don't know about Mass....sorry...
  16. D

    Whats best for liver protection

    liv 52 and cranberry juice...
  17. D

    first cycle of deca

    I agree, Just figured since it was deca only it'll be fine...
  18. D

    mods only about tren

    when you are taking 250mgs of test ,it is not per day, all AS has an ester, which dictates the half life, in the case of omna there are 4. with EOD shots some weeks there are 3 inj. the next there are 4, that's why I said an average. one week it'll be 375, the next it'll be 500, but the daily...
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    mods only about tren

    yes and no, you don't have to double your dosage cuz it's omna, we're saying 250mgs a week of any test is too low. at that amount all you are doing is replacing about the same amount of test that your body would have normally produced, so then you're basically on a tren/dbol cycle. you will...
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    first cycle of deca

    I agree on all account except the EOD shot, IMO w/ deca once a week is fine...