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  1. Pinch

    Masteron, is it worth it ??????

    new stuff like masteron, way cheaper and legal M5aa
  2. Pinch

    OTC DHT stopper

    Nizoral 2% shampoo has a topical DHT blocking ingredient, i don't think the 2% version is OTC though, but you can buy it online i'm sure... as far as OTC i'd say Rogaine
  3. Pinch


    ALA isn't that great at liver protection but it does exhibit that effect the best liver protectants to use are NAC, or liv52
  4. Pinch

    (((((((((Free Supplements Contest)))))))))))

    thats a good way to make this board real lame, real fast
  5. Pinch

    stay away from proline

    this fckin sucks, i loved prolines gear
  6. Pinch

    proline gear, who has used???

    used it in my last two cycles, good stuff... but recently i heard he is not responding to emails or somethin... so i'd suggest not ordering from him, there are plenty of other alternatives
  7. Pinch

    qv anadrol???

    good stuff, cheap too rock on
  8. Pinch

    I'm back

    hah... dunno about that PCT is killin me
  9. Pinch

    I'm back

    sorry i was gone for so long bros, my internet was messed up cuz of that sasser virus...
  10. Pinch


    his shipping techniques are questionable
  11. Pinch

    Masteron Or Halotestin

  12. Pinch

    gyno lumps dissapearing question

    gyno can disappear i had gyno pretty bad around age 13, painful bumps, it sucked it went away after a few months haven't had gyno since though... maybe its like chicken pox if it happens when your young you never get it again =) ok maybe i should keep dreaming BTW: the gyno at 13 was from...
  13. Pinch


    i know, im just tellin people its effects it had on me
  14. Pinch


    i take 40mg a day pre workout been using it a week, hardness is incredible, but so is the acne that is popping up... m5aa gives worse acne than 75mg ED of tren
  15. Pinch

    Alternative to alcohol

    i never feel like eating on DXM
  16. Pinch

    Tanning before a workout....

    Warning... avoid tanning before a workout if at all possible it totally zapped my energy :eek:
  17. Pinch

    Alternative to alcohol

    awesome bro, lemme know how you like it!
  18. Pinch

    Alternative to alcohol

    I went all last year being completely sober, from alcohol and any drugs... i don't think doing DXM on the rare occasion is detrimental to my health i am very cautious about my health o well, i posted this thread to look out for my bros here because alcohol is VERY BAD for a bodybuilder...
  19. Pinch

    What Pisses Presser Off

    y'all should try liftin 3 hours a day, its actually kinda fun :arcade: