OTC DHT stopper


New member
I was wondering what is the best OTC med. for stopping DHT. 5th cycle and now I can run my hand through my hair and have about 10 peices in each hand. please help.
Get a bunch of saw palmetto or a natural supp. that says something like Prostate helper/care, etc. It should have saw palmetto in it along with some other prostate protectants that help lower DHT in the blood or help stop the 5-alpha reductase enzyme from converting test into DHT.

Best of luck that really sucks.
Nizoral 2% shampoo has a topical DHT blocking ingredient, i don't think the 2% version is OTC though, but you can buy it online i'm sure...

as far as OTC i'd say Rogaine
oh right I forgot,


here everything is OTC; I thought propecia went OTC in the US but now I remember that was Rogain-minoxidle
rogaine is OTC in British Columbia, Canada, dont know where your from bro. but your way better off getting it online wayyyy cheaper.