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  1. F

    splitting capsules

    So I just got my Clen which comes in 50mcg capsule. I dont want to start off at 50, would much rather 25.... if it was a tablet id be able to just bite it off but since its a capsule what can I do? I dont think swallowing the powder on its own would work out too well lol
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    Cycle Critique - T3 or clen?

    thanks for the reply Dreww.... so you think Im best to go 2weeks on... 1/2 weeks off... 2weeks on again... 2 off again, then a final 2 on again? This completes a 10 week cycle that I posted above. Dosage recommendations?
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    Cycle Critique - T3 or clen?

    Thanks Press.... what do you recommend for dosage of clen and for how long? Why Why do you hate clen?
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    Cycle Critique - T3 or clen?

    Thanks Mike... recommendations on dosage of Clen and for how long? Id really like to use it during the cycle to obtain maximum weight loss rather than during PCT. Also trying to avoid muscle loss as much as possible... infact, id like to gain some size on my cutter lol
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    Cycle Critique - T3 or clen?

    Hey all, would love some feedback on my cutting cycle... Ive ran this before and liked it... looking to run it again but this time add in some t3. .. Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10 Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10 Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10 Now, the part I need some...
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    Liqui Tech

    MMX2, I have a reputable guy that says they're good but not very well known. Any suggestions on how to confirm whats in the bottle?
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    anyone know what happened to Crank? I havent seen him online in a long time. Anyone know where hes at?
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    Liqui Tech

    Any safer ways than to inject and find out? Im not too comfortable with that route... who knows whats in there. Theres got to be other ways to confirm this
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    Liqui Tech

    what? All I asked is whats the best way to go about dealing with a brand you've never heard of before. In other words, how do I verify whats in the bottle?
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    Liqui Tech

    I believe they're Canadian based.... Whats the best way to go about ordering from a brand you've never heard of?
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    Liqui Tech

    anyone ever heard of gear brand by the name of "Liqui tech" ?
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    aas induced acne

    About 8 or so weeks later... Ive been using the shampoo and the B-5... there no doubt in mind this works. My acne has been completely cut out... skin is as smooth as its ever been. I had a single zit on my face about 4 weeks ago... usually it would take a good week for the healing process...
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    Short on Test-P

    running a 10 week cutter cycle of Test-P (150mg EOD), Tren (100mg EOD) and Winny (weeks 6-10 for the winny). It seems I may have done a wrong calculation when ordering my test.... Im short a few ml... probably about 1.5 weeks worth... Question is now... 1) am i better off finishing the...
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    guilt for screwin up on the diet

    oh man, you call that cheating? Every Saturday is when I see my girlfriend. Thats the only day we see eachother in the week (she lives about an hour away and both are very busy with school and work). For the past 3 years, each time I see her we 1st go out and grab something to eat... so...
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    Looking best for vacation

    Presser, thanks bro... I guess thats a good idea, to look at it as if it was a contest prep Keep em coming bro's Doesnt have to be gear related only, all suggestions are welcome
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    Looking best for vacation

    Ive got a vacation to Mexico in a about 2 months with some friends. Im currently running a cycle of Test-P, Tren and Winny which will be finishing roughly around a week or so prior to my vacation. Question is, I want to look great for this vacation, as ripped as possible. i know it cant be done...
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    Allergy or aromatization?

    Im not sure what caused it - maybe allergic, maybe the Test... Im not even sure if its coming back yet, I just got that weird tingly feeling which I havent got since my last cycle breakout either way, im wiping myself with alcohol and using benadryl
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    Allergy or aromatization?

    same brand of gear... last time was Test-E and Deca this time is Test-Prop and Tren I think it may be the test and some sorta aromatization?
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    Possibly Gyno already?

    thanks Mike... Ive gone ahead and taken the 40mg of nolva and im gona order the MC dostinex just incase Do you suggest I take the nolva (or dostinex) throughout the cycle? Or should I stop if my nipple stops itching? Im thinking 20mg nolva EOD wouldnt hurt
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    Possibly Gyno already?

    does the MC store sell a form of dostinex?