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    Another leg injury from the dislocated knee

    The opposite side always gets an overuse injury trying to compensate. Just do unilateral work for now till the weak side comes up or the strong side will over-compensate and you will get problems in the stronger side.
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    Three full workouts in 24 hours

    Pictures to prove it....or it didn't happen! :satan:
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    DID YOU KNOW THIS ABOUT YOUR MuscleChemistry.COM Acount look hot! Maybe I should post here more ofetn & use some of the features you have ;)
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    To lose bodyfat

    It all comes down to diet. No matter how much cardio you do, if your macros aren't in line, the body won't change.
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    saw this on my boys facebook

    All it goes to show you is that women can't lie as good as men! :laugh: :finger:
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    Tosh.0 - "Washboard Titties"

    Guy's always judge a woman by her "fuckability factor" :dead:
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    gorillas are the shit

    I watch a fair amount of Animal Planet and never saw them kill anything I like watching that stuff. Reminds me how violent the world really is.
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    Lifting music!!

    80's music an Motown :)
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    juiced racehorses

    The public is so ignorant Grrrr! Now when the see someone with muscles, they say "oh, are you on steroids?"
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    a funny story about a "private" female forum

    No, but sex with myself is more enjoyable :( I really should get a partner, I'm getting sick of myself :D
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    dog hero story

    I go ballistic when I see dogs running loose. When I walk my dog, I carry pepper spray. If a loose dog comes up to me & my dog I spray it, rather than have a dog fight & vet bills. I was way back in the country with my dog on a Mountain Bike ride and 2 dogs came out of the woods and...
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    dog hero story

    Poor little George :( I got 2 dogs to take with me in the mountains that are breed to hunt bear & mountain lion, because there were so many Grizzlies where I worked. I figured if a bear cam after me, the dogs would charge it and I could escape. better them than me.
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    Steroids V's antihistamines

    I sure hope not! I take antihistamines daily also.
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    Duration of Cycles

    I've been getting mine from a few good sources (I use a couple so I'm not stuck if one flakes out) we need to talk thyroid issues I was just diagnosed with low thyroid and I bet you know a TON more tha I do.... maybe yahoo IM when you are free? amazom.doll
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    Duration of Cycles

    Get on the gh and var and once you know the gh has kicked in good at the dose you plan to run....add the igf. You won't F'ing believe the way it adds to the whole "feel" In another few days I go off the igf for a month and it clears out of the system pretty quick so I am curious as to what...
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    Duration of Cycles

    It's probably too early to say what my results are since its only been 3 weeks on the igf but my muscles are pumped all the time (this could be water) I am very sceptical as to if this stuff realy works. So post cycle is really the only way to tell. BUt my body is responding very nicely...
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    Duration of Cycles

    On the first question: I'm not scientifically gifted, so I vcan't tell you exactlly what this stuff does. I can tell you I spent a month reading all the posts of articles and discussions on this topic before I decided to go with them. I will get you a short concise version later today or...
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    Duration of Cycles

    so you are saying lower the primo more? I just went from 140mg of paper primo down to 75mg of injectable been on it 6 weeks
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    Duration of Cycles

    EQ........50mg E5D primo.....75mg wk am gh .......2 iu's sub q pmgf.....150mcg EOD sub q (4 weeks on 2 weeks off) pm gh .......2 iu's PWO IM igf........30mcg PWO IM (4 weeks on 2 weeks off) followed by pwo shake 50g protein & 60grams carbs I was running the primo at 100mg/wk but my...
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    Duration of Cycles

    When I first got into using aas the motto of "low & slow" & "time off = time on" After awhile I talked to enough ladies that wre doing 8 month cycles (4 months bulking and then 4 months cutting) leading up to a show. Then they would take 4 months off before gearing up for the next season...