Three full workouts in 24 hours


MuscleChemistry member
I did a full chest, back, and shoulder workout over a 24 hr period. Thing is, I didnt feel slugish at all. Even went up in the weight on shoulders. :sport:
I did a full chest, back, and shoulder workout over a 24 hr period. Thing is, I didnt feel slugish at all. Even went up in the weight on shoulders. :sport:

Ive done two workouts over a 24hrs....but never 3 full ones...have done hams in the morning, and then quads/calfs in the evening...or chest morning, and delts in the evening...nothing like what you did....
are you cycling right now? You must be....

You are truly a beast bro....two workouts in one day and I'm sore for the next week lol
cant say that i ever did 3 full workouts in 24 hours, I have banged 3 chicks in a 24 hour period but thats another fitness routine all together,lol

Seriously though i would be dead if I tryed that shit
cant say that i ever did 3 full workouts in 24 hours, I have banged 3 chicks in a 24 hour period but thats another fitness routine all together,lol

Seriously though i would be dead if I tryed that shit

I'll second this!!!
cant say that i ever did 3 full workouts in 24 hours, I have banged 3 chicks in a 24 hour period but thats another fitness routine all together,lol

Seriously though i would be dead if I tryed that shit
Pictures to prove it....or it didn't happen! :satan: