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    Zero Carb is tough. Ill use a little But if salsa from time to time, its pretty low. Full fat salad dressings are low or olive oil and vinegar is 0. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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    Can't go wrong with thanks, although they are really close in price to Kigs so you could go that route. K has a nice deal on ten kits. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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    NPP vs. Deca ? what is better

    I am loving NPP right now. Kicked in very fast, stacks well with legit EQ. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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    Running just one steroid vs. two or more ?

    A hefty dose of test alone should give you decent thickness and good strength. I would run that with 5-10iu GH though. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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    Morning vs. Evening workouts

    I just flat out feel better and have more energy training later. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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    Lol, its not GH15. He's still posting. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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    Who can beat Phil?

    I think Evan Centopani has the potential. He can be both massive and conditioned. He's got good proportion too. He's like Jay ten years ago.
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    Why All Bodybuilders Should Be Taking BCAAs While Dieting

    I'm prepping for my second show right now, and as I drop my Cal's lower and lower u will drop my isolate shakes and switch to BCAAs upon awakening and in between meals. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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    Why All Bodybuilders Should Be Taking BCAAs While Dieting

    The difference between isolate and bcaas, is you have still have to digest the whey, while bcaas are available immediately. I read once that 10g of bcaa have the same anabolic effect as 40g of whey. The key thing though is you have to take them on an empty stomach. People mix them in protein...
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    You might be a retard if... Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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    How many are ready for Monday gym action?

    Monday seems to be universal chest day. So I do legs in defiance! Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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    Staying natural

    You guys know anything about using deca to drop your T levels for the purposes of getting a script?
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    Proviron, Masteron, or both and how far out?

    I've had good luck with 300mg masteron for managing estro and associated sides. I was going to ramp up to 600mg at six weeks out. I guess I'll have to throw in some proviron too huh?
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    Cycle question...

    I think mast would be a good addition to any cycle. I will use it in all of mine from here on out. 300mg a week and I don't need any AI's and my estro sides are nill. Doing that usually ends up cheaper than using proviron too, with the same bennies.
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    Women and Weight training...debunking the myths

    You know what really sux? Some women that should know better still perpetuate this crap. For example, I was trying to help my wife prep for a figure show. She was doing really great, really putting on some quality muscle and losing fat doing pretty much the same routine as me. Then she hires...
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    Not healthy

    Omg yummmmmm
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    Somebody got wayyyyyyyyyy overlooked at the Arnold

    Eh, I didn't think essa was that great. If I was choosing someone that shoulda been higher it would be Ronny. I woulda had him in at second or third. Other than that I think it was pretty good.
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    Offseason Log

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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    Headed to the poultry farm.

    Chicken from the grocery store is probably fine. It is illegal to inject hormones in chicken. Even though many label themselves as "natural" or "no hormones added", they are just stating what is true about all chicken. The thing that can vary is their diet, depending on if they are cage free...
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    Debunking the myth of your body can only process 35 grams protein at a time

    Everything in this game is about macros, and how they relate to YOU. People that come up with a strict diet in terms of absolute number of calories per day and protein grams per day are missing the big picture. Once you get the macros right, the only thing left is hormones. Then you will build...