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  1. daveeyx

    Why DON'T you compete??

    Compete at bodybuilding? Why? Id rather compete at something where you actually have to learn skills, developing fast twitch muscles and endurance, To me thats competing. Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.
  2. daveeyx

    Private messages

    No worries. All's good.
  3. daveeyx

    Private messages

    Well, its actually not a big deal at all. I just raised a point, presser didnt have to act like a jack ass with roid rage.. I mean come on.. really? Nice way to treat new people. So here is my point.. Isnt the idea of pm's to talk privately to other members? Seriously, no need for the...
  4. daveeyx

    Private messages

    Look whos crying now.. dont be such a baby. Take a little criticism for christ sake, it wont hurt you.
  5. daveeyx

    No xplode nt

    Ive tried it, didnt do anything for me either. I have buddys who like it though.
  6. daveeyx

    Private messages

    Whats up with this forum? More specifically every private message I get is spam. Please stop. Thanks.
  7. daveeyx

    Do you believe in ghost?

    Ghosts? What the hell! You guys have waay too much time on your hands. Seriously guys..ghosts? Whats next..
  8. daveeyx

    My neighbor is an idiot.

    I have this facebook friend, an old highschool buddy. We sometimes talk back and forth about training. Sometimes I post my pr's as my status so one time I posted when I got 315 up for the first time, a couple weeks later I posted another pr where I did the 120 dumbells for 10 on the incline. He...
  9. daveeyx

    Divorce Anyone?

    I been through it, I know how you feel. It gets easier, then harder... easier.. harder.. ad nausium. Eventually you develop a tougher skin. It hurts having one of your kids hate you. My 16 year old wont even talk to me and Ive been nothing but a really great dad to her.. cant understand it but...
  10. daveeyx


    I did it before doing pins. Too hard on the liver, got good gains though. Probably never do it again.
  11. daveeyx

    back injury

    nuk nuk.. I didnt ask for a question, I asked for an answer. Tri- terror, No, I dont do them often, probably like you to see where Im at. Sometimes I forget that Im over 40. I dont usually dead lift over 315. I can usually get 10 to 15 reps. Thanks for the responses guys, will try to act...
  12. daveeyx

    back injury

    Hey guys, I had another first two weeks ago. Doing deadlifts, i was on my max at 405, on my third rep when I felt a pop in the lumbar area. I immediately dropped the weight and limped out of the gym. The next morn, I could hardly get out of bed. Went to emerg. They determined it was a muscle...
  13. daveeyx

    Where do you keep your rep range at on leg press?

    I do heavy squats (6 to 8 reps) one week then leg press etc.. the next- 20 to 30 reps.
  14. daveeyx

    Do you max out on bench on a regular basis?

    110's on the incline for 8, 300 on flat bb for a single. I cant even sit at the same table as most of you!
  15. daveeyx

    Do you max out on bench on a regular basis?

    I thought my 300 for a single was good... you guys make me look like a girlie man! I can do 2 plates for 10 to 12, sorry to dissapoint, thats my best.... so far!
  16. daveeyx

    Do you dress a certain way for the gym depending on what your going to do?

    Thanks for that, Ill keep that in mind if I happen to run into you!:drooling: Personally I have to change every day, cant stand to stink! I usually wear tank tops mostly cause it fires me up to see myself pumped.
  17. daveeyx

    This chick is ripped and hot as hell...

    aah, hello, havnt you seen Anita Blond? By far the best!
  18. daveeyx


    What are you trying to do to me? Now Ive gotta go run one out..
  19. daveeyx

    Heavy squats

    Thanks for all the replies. Will take the advice that I should go slow. I may try 455, see how that works out for me. I have a really bad attitude though and its gonna be hard loading a 25 instead of a pancake! Thanks again.