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  1. X

    decision to not stay natty

    Thanks for the advice fellas, Been working extra to get my summer cyle I dont think gyno or bloat will be an issue with such a low dose..however pct should be used and I didnt add that the first time I thought of this since tren and test will shut you down fast. So im a gatherer...
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    decision to not stay natty

    Im going with what you recommended. I also had to make sure I had enough clean foods stocked up and nothing i could ruin my diet with before making the go. Got my workout routine down, diet and now the rest..its been so long what pct is available that I should go with since im not using anthing...
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    decision to not stay natty

    lets put it this way I have done several cycles in the past but after several years of being natural, Im tired of it and im only maintaining and want to grow some more. Im thinking EQ and tren again it was my favorite. Has anyone gained plenty of muscle and lost BF on IGF?
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    decision to not stay natty

    I made the decision today to not be natural anymore and its been years since I have done any Supplements. I decided to get lean and ripped and stay away from anything really harsh. Any opinions on this decision? Im 6ft 30 something 215. Any opinions on supplements not other stuff, but...
  5. X

    Anything OTHER than preworkout stimulants??

    So I didnt read all the posts sorry fellas but i used to use the G series fit pre workout fuel and nitric oxide together I loved it! Its not for everyone though but makye give it a try.
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    Been gone a while.....XXXX

    It's not over yet, we have to go to court and I actually have to see her DAMN! I just want to move on and get my crap together and I havent been to the gym in two weeks working 2 jobs. I guess its not about what happens in life its about how you handle what happens that makes you stronger! Right??
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    Been gone a while.....XXXX

    Yeah I wont fall for that crap..
  8. X

    The more I research the dumber I feel

    if your trying to gain its decent I think it has to much whey concentrate, i use isopure or musclemilk light (because i love the taste) you can find deals all over on them and they are decent, always know your different kinds of protein (casein and whey, isolate, concentrate, soy, egg white etc)...
  9. X

    Tren powder_different quality and purity?

    lol not if its heroin..lmao
  10. X

    Been gone a while.....XXXX

    Its been a while it would start mild so Im only running over squirrels and cats then duct taping them to the ex's house...maybe go harder later when im much Thanks for looking out for a brotha though. I hope your doing better, things could always be worse right? XXXX
  11. X

    HGH and sciatica

    Tell ya what fellas i will give it a try and let you know, oh and can I borrow some? JK I have heard and read studies of nerve enhancement but not directly affecting the sciatic but effecting nerve root endings in joints and other extremeties. I had an athlete once using it and after 12 weeks...
  12. X

    Been gone a while.....XXXX

    http://<IFRAME height=315 src="" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME> Thanks fellas, I just watched this video on youtube..I feel better Sometimes nothing hits harder than life but you have to take the hits and keep on moving...
  13. X

    Been gone a while.....XXXX

    Whats up fellas? So life has been kicking my ass and I have been gone a while..some serious shit happened with my ex wife and I had to move and all kinds of shit..she filed for bankruptcy and they wouldnt reaffirm the debt with just me because i need to make 3 times the mortage and still be able...
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    Gym temperature

    Mine seems to be good all year except the pool area the waters cool and the air is hot and humid as hell.
  15. X


    NOT SOURCE CHECKING OR VALIDATING FOR ANYONE JUST BEING HUMOROUS..Just to clarify that! Ask around in Europe if they are from there, it may be legit there. Honestly never heard of
  16. X

    8 new ways to try Tuna....

    My favorite is the tuna in the flavors by the can..thats great stuff! Give that a try to switch it up and I have some Tuna Burger recipes that are outstanding.
  17. X

    Energy Bar by XXXX

    So I could not find an energy bar that didnt taste like dirt or actually gave me energy I needed so I made one and it works and tastes great. Now for those of you on strict diets it may not be NUTRIONALLY SOUND but it works and is very tasty. Energy Bar By XXXX 1/2 cup honey less can be used...
  18. X

    Gotta get this out!

    right! I witnessed that at the dr this morning...they made the incision in my arm and she said "oh your bleeding", YOU THINK!
  19. X

    Gotta get this out!

    Thanks for the Its hard gettoing to the gym and lifting a lot with an injury. I actually have surgery tomorrow for it..maybe after then they see me in the gym with a messed up arm bandaged up and still working out they will think twice before commenting.
  20. X

    How do you like your gym crowd?

    I agree thats why MRP's are important in my diet. Its fast and easy and on mornings of cardio I do not consume anything and eat afterwards. In the evening I use an mrp go and then eat solid food afterwards. My day is usuaally 7-4 so its what works for me and I beat the crowds and dont have to...