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  1. J

    is tren better than deca?

    my experience with tren is it makes me strong as hell and hard looking and some growth with no bloat... deca makes me swell up and grow nice to totally different results for me... I cant tolerate tren for more than 6 weeks but can live on deca and test
  2. J

    the worlds dumbest kid

    I think it was in anabolics 2002 I read that was a way to do it snorting them yuck it discussed the different ways its done DMSO snorting and injecting I love to make the homebrew LOL
  3. J

    sydgroup deca?

    I used there test cyp and deca last year and the deca was a little harsh then but very tolerable and the test was comparable to human grade... guess they got a good rep and lowered quality to make more money
  4. J

    sydgroup deca?

    I just shot 1ml of the deca with my 1.5 ml of cyopiotest and I could taste alcohol for about 30 min after the shot must just be real high BA content hope there is deca in there LOL and saving this stuff for the glutes LOL just after 13 weeks of ICN galeinkas this stuff cant compare ICN's...
  5. J

    sydgroup deca?

    well could be coincidence about getting sick so am gonna shoot it again but in the glute this time my tricep is was looking like greg valentinos LOL wasnt actually a bad thing like synthol and AAS all in one shot
  6. J

    sydgroup deca?

    I just got sydgroup deca.. ran it before . I shot 1/2 ml of deca with 1.5 ml denkall cypio test.. I ran bolth before with no problems in the past . I got so lumped up and sick after a week I need a script for levaquin sp?? I could taste the BA as I injected it into my delt one night and it...
  7. J

    When do you use straps?

    I am more concerned with finishing a set than having my grip fail before I finish working the muscle.. I use them lat pulldowns upright rows shrugs cable rows My forearms are strong but there comes a time when you get stronger than your grip I believe in most people. and the goal if your a...
  8. J

    this is pathetic

    that look rediculous... why would someone do that to themselves it dosent look natural or real
  9. J

    shut down libido

    hey on cycle if your having trouble Proviron will help... I take 25mg regularly but if libido is a problem 50 mg daily will make me a horny maniac... and cant figure out why but sometimes on long cycles with lots of test sex drive decreases sometimes... but proviron always helps... I...
  10. J

    AAS in Brazil?

    I believe my Duratestons came from brazil they are organon sust.. they were grreat if you can get ahold of them grab them :)
  11. J

    My first in a very long time

    exactly 500mg a week or cyp or enanthate would be better and a d-bol jumpstart for 4 weeks @ 30 or 40mg EDwould be better... and iven if it was your first cycle go 10 weeks... your best cycle is your first and make the most of it.. I didnt cycle for 8 or 9 years and my first cycle was 500mg test...
  12. J

    trenabol depot

    my window was to small I went back and moved things around and found trenabol depot there thanks.... cant wait to try this stuff
  13. J

    Problems with getting big...

    I do that also LOL like a bear scratching his back on a tree is what I was described as looking like LOL and the back brush I used to use is to small now I have a thing with two rope handles and its like 3 feet long to wash my back :)
  14. J

    Dissapation opinions?

    I always shoot before the gym... I like to work the bodypart I shoot right after... I have done it bolth ways before and after working muscle but after working out it is much more painfull to even strick the pin in a freshly worked muscle and I get blood a lot more and its not a vein just think...
  15. J

    Problems with getting big...

    and I cant scratch my back anymore... had to buy a backscratcher or have GF do it LOL
  16. J

    trenabol depot

    British Dragon Trenabol Depot... anyone use this stuff yet??? I dont see it on there website... they have trenabol ( trenbolone acetate) on the site but I have trenabol depot from them available to me also .Its supossed to be parabolan.. now I have anabolic 2004 and it lists parabolan as...
  17. J


    well for hcg it might be different... my amp of HCG makes 5000iu and if I add 1 ml of diluent every 1iu on the slin pin = 500iu of HCG... if I added 1/2ml of water to my 5000iu amp of HCG 1iu = 1000iu of HCG... the graduations on the pin are not necissarily representative or the actual amount...
  18. J


    Bro you need to tell us how many mg/ml your gear is... so if your prop was 100mg/ml you would need 1/2 ml or cc to shoot 50mg if your EQ was 200mg/ml you would need 2ml or cc to make a 400mg shot. slin pins are 100iu = 1ml/cc ml cc is the same on the 3cc pin I just call everything ml...
  19. J

    NYC vs. ECA

    ok got a question I know ephedra is not for sale anymore.... but is the NYC stack with norephedrine still legally for sale in NY ??? might give it a try.. I still have stackers with ephedra and just got ephedra 25mg with gustafassen SP???? which is like cough medecine which I can do without