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  1. P

    Regaining motivation....

    kidrock I feel for you!! all of use go threw that unmotivated days- what I did last year what helped was I had the poster of my show in every room that I sat- when I looked at it I remembered all the other assholes who think they are going to beat me at the show- I start giving the people names...
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    MC Lottery!!!

    317 come on daddy needs some pinz
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    Doggcrap Training Sucks

    Kidrocl would be very interested how you motified the training!!! Did quads/hams/calves/biceps last night actually wasn't as bad as chest and shoulders. Still sucked dont get me wrong but not as bad as shoulders and chest. Getnbigr jump aboard but you may have to change you name to...
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    Doggcrap Training Sucks

    Doggcrap Training Been reading the journal and desided to try it. Damn it sucked. The rest pause and extreme stretchign killed me. I thought I had intense workouts, no way, this blew the others away. I was shaking so bad on extreme stretching that I could barrly hodl the...
  5. P

    who would have a fling if your other never found out?

    Gotta say no but it is hard not to want to when the wife doesnt put out for a long damn time. I do think about it- but my wife is my very best friend and one night of passion is not worht messign up a life tiem of mariage.
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    Favorite Beer?

    Michelob golden draft light followed by Fosters
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    What do you like to do other then Bodybuilding???

    Love watching movies with the wife But most of all love spending time with my 4 year Golden retriever Bogie be it goign for walks,rides hanging out watching tv or playing football (he runs a hell of a nice post pattern and has a better reception record then Randy Moss. Love watching Vikings...
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    Favourite injection site

    Shoulders and Biceps are my favorite- I get no soreness from biceps and it feels pumped and full for a while dont like glutes hard to reach quads I need to try again but I have had 3 bad experience- 2 times hit a nerve and the damn needle was jumping all over and other shot was so damn sore...
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    DC's training manual

    Great read I think I am going to give it a try for a few months before i start cutting for my show. Hardest thing I can see is the mental part- 1 working set is hard for old schoolers to do- I have always done 4-5 exercise for chest and to switch to 1 will be hard bu the concept makes so much...
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    Personal Experience on Side Effects

    Slight gyno unwanted bodyhair- started with no back hair now when i lay down with out my shirt i look like a rug. mood swings- part aas and part low carbs painfull joints-winny thinning hair on head- wish th eshit from my back would go to my head. shortness of breath- part is from being a fat ass.
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    shoulder presses--which is the one that works best?

    Seated Military I can really add the weigth Dumbbells- great feel and less restictive Standing military- different feel and pull stabilizer muscle in try to do 2 workouts of seated then switch to dumbell or standing then back to seated
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    I'm starting to get a little cranky

    I have to say I have great workout intensity after a cycle- one I hate guys that can bench 315 for 10 reps then 2 months later after their cycle is over are only doing 3 rps- so I try to keep my intensity and strenght- only hard thing is trying to keep it up for over a year.
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    My journey to the 2002 Junior Nationals

    Dpsquat good read bro- I still think you deserved 2 but thats my opinion!!!!! Also glad you are doing it this year again- I feel this year you will make the impact you deserve and the trophy you deserve will finally be granted to you!!!! Quick question on your training. Why one legged squats...
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    I'm starting to get a little cranky

    Hey Mark I feel for you bro- I have been clean fro a little over 1 year- ordered gear got scammed-waiting to order again- am sick of being 240 when with a nice cycle of 800mg test week 600 decca and 50mg anadrol would add a few pounds and a few more pounds to my workout.
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    Sydney Groups Gear

    Thanks for the replies- just never heard of the stuff before and prices where very good- so wanted to check before giving to my dog he has a contest in 5 months and I want him to win best in show :D
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    found this article on stretching

    excellent post Getnbigr!!! How many of you guys actually stretch before and after your workouts? The pecialist I went to after my quad tear last months said that if I was stretching the injury probably would not have happened. Sd that the muscle had alot fo weigth in a position that was forced...
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    Sydney Groups Gear

    I better make myself clear- is sydney Groups enth decca drol eq good for my Golden Retriever :D And how does it compare to the other products you have used on your dog?