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  1. D


    After searching around I found a post that Big Cat wrote.Garbage just what I Thought. Could anyone out there tell me is there any legal supps out there worth buying. And I don't wanna here about creatine. Never got shit off of it. Whats the best legal supps, prohormones ect. out there? ARE THERE...
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    Anybody here tried any of the stuff they are selling on l**.c**, is it just a load of sh*t or what? IF YOU LIVE IN THE U.S THEN YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO BE DISCREET. THE LAST THING YOU WANT TO DO IS CALL ATTENTION TO YOURSELF... THANKS,MMX2
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    Here are some more updated pics, hope you enjoy...

    you have a very sexy look to you, 135 -138 would really bring those legs out
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    We're going to play a little game

    Steven King What is the difference between a chicken?????????????
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    Just checking in

    Haven't been on the board for awhile, but I'm making pretty good progress. Getting plenty of carbs and protien. I'm up to around 170 , When I first joined this board I wieghed 140. I'm only 5'5 so 170 to me it feels heavy. Haven't really set a limit to the amount I want to wiegh. My bench went...
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    How Do You Feel About Competition?

    I don't mind but I have limits to the bullshit I'll put up with
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    Is sex on the 1st date ok?

    I would like a full time hooker! Sex is just sex, a relationship is allot more than just sex. If your compatible that is the important thing. But I would like a part time hooker if I couldn't have a full time one,lol
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    Dictionary For Women's Personal Ads

    thats some good shit
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    Instrumental Sex

    man thats a hard one, kinda wierd one at that, lets see maby a flute cause I love to get blown then I make awesome music, sorry thats all I could come up with
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    Panty Sniffer or Not?

    Love the smell of freshly worn panties can't get enough Ive actually seen a site where you can buy worn panties never bought any but I've smelled plenty of others
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    Doggie Style

    I can go forever giving it doggystyle. I always try to please my women, but I'm a sexaddict I can't get enough.
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    hyperhidrosis surgery

    I just read about that shot in muscle and fitness, think I would rather sweat
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    hurry before it starts

    I'm going to share that one with my wife , I get that shit right through the door no time to even flop my ass down lol
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    SHOULDER pain

    I messed up my shoulder in late 98 and it still gives me proplems. I can or better yet I don't do any flat bench, but I can do inclines and declines. I hear allot of lifters don't do any flat bench. I get a killer workout from declines anyway. You can get a shot into your shoulder (can't...
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    A few pics of me !

    you got some guns for such a light women. Keep up the good work. Sounds like a lot has been said about these pics. We all work out so we look better most of us appreciate a compliment. Although some overstep the bounderies, they may not have done it on purpose, We are talking about guys With...
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    japan69 back pics before/after

    damn you really blew up! great work
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    Diet Soda while cutting...

    I don't usually drink too much soda in general, but when I do drink them for awhile then cut them out of my diet I get a little groggy for a few days, what is the cause of that. I've always heard that soda is not good for losing wieght, but i see the difference between water wieght and fat.
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    dpsquat 4 weeks

    dp very lean , good to see another 5'5" bb you are about where I am looking to get maby a few pounds heavier, you can never have enough muscle
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    Protein is Protein right?

    what is the casein found in? Isn't that from milk?
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    Size of ur forarms

    forearms are 14 and bis are 16