A few pics of me !

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Re: whatever

musclemagGIRL said:

It had nothing to do with .. making comments on how someone looks...... YOU ASS!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THE LEWD COMMENTS..

LEARN TO FUCKING READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW.. I FEEL FINE ABOUT MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Boo Friggen Hoo! I never said you said you were a fitness model...so why don't you learn to read...I said it was obvious you weren't a fitness model. I was just saying it is the woman who aren't that attractive that always have a problem with guys checking out good looking woman..and if the shoe fits...wear it! I am not condoning these guys making sexual comments to Claire, but c'mon already..what are you a Nun or something(NO offense to Nuns). Honestly, I don't even know what you look like, you could be the hottest woman on the net, it just seems kind of corny that you have such a big problem with some comments about Claire. Relax...deep breaths...in wit the good air....out with the bad......in with the good air....out with the bad...that's it...very good...in with the good air...out with the bad..........

P.S. Claire, can't wait to see your updated pics...keep up the good work. (But, not to make any lewd comments about)

Peace, Husker.
One of two things will happen from here on out.. Either you guys and gals can stop the name calling and profanity or I'll stop it..
It's one thing to curse, but when directed towards others, that's a little out of line.

Trust me, if you wish to stay here.. Please do it on your own, because there is no call for this.
Basskiller - I didn't think there was anything wrong with my last post...I re-read it, and there is no profanity in it at all. If it is a problem let me know and I will edit it out. I was not trying to cause a problem, I was just pointing out that it was one person, and this is a good board overall, so she shouldn't be upset by a few people's comments...most threads and comments are pretty constructive from what I have read. I apologize if any of this is attributed to me.

Peace, Husker.
i c nothing wrong with most of these posts...just a little disagreement...it has been over and done with nothing more...
Claire, you look VERY nice! If you start hitting the gym, you're gonna go from "nice" to "WOW" in no time. Good Luck!
Just read this thread from top to bottom. Obviously, Claire and Shiko don't mind sexy comments. But I'll keep mine to just BBing out of respect (although that ass is pretty nice). Claire, your BF is good, the biggest 3 things I would work on is:

1) legs (Need more muscle and definition)
2) Traps (I can't see them, a little would be nice)
3) Delts (heavy presses and lots of side laterals will add that nice cap)

Your arms look great. Keep lifting hard and you'll be looking amazing overall. And get that diet up to speed...that's the hardest part.

Wow- this thread took an odd turn..

Claire is a very sexy girl.. nice bum where you from?

God I really hope you guys dont start picking out my flaws.. on my thread- because I didnt ask for anyone to crituque my body.. shit- Id probably get my ever so fragile feelings hurt!!
Looking good claire, low BF.... a couple of months have passed since the post, any improvements done so far?
shiko24 said:
you know what I don't understand is this. A: this is my girl friend she like the way she looks, and want to look better by going to the gym with me. We took these pics to post here to show what she looks like now. And there will be more in the future as she progresses in the gym. B: I am not offended at what was said nor is my girlfriend so it seems that everyone (well musclemaggirl) is getting offended but the people who you think should be offended. What is the problem people? Grow up and get over it. I love the way she looks and am proud to have her as a girlfriend, and she is proud of the way she looks! So if you don't like the pics don't look and please don't post!! If you do like them then please by all means post your comment with some respect.
If you don't like the way you look I am sorry. It seems like only ppl who don't get comments like "you have a sexy ass" are the ones who get so offended cause they don't have a sexy ass!!!

Grow up Get over it

I am not offended and if I do get offended by something someone posts I will address it myself !

mods if you are not offended by the pics or the comments then they will stay if you are please PM me and I will take care of it ASAP!

Nicely said my man, you are with a beautiful women who takes care of herself....you can be proud of that and your obviously secure in your relationship...I love when guys drool over my woman makes me proud.
you got some guns for such a light women. Keep up the good work. Sounds like a lot has been said about these pics. We all work out so we look better most of us appreciate a compliment. Although some overstep the bounderies, they may not have done it on purpose, We are talking about guys With test levels shooting through the roof. Guys are just horndogs. Some just hide it better than others.
Sounds like muclemaggirl is running some intense gear, there is no reason to get so offended, this is a great sight and I am sorry if she doesn't feel that way. claire you look great, only 4 months of working out, you will even get better. if you ever dump shiko give me a pm, just don't tell my wife, lol
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