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  1. B

    How I put on 30 pounds in 3 months!

    True, the protein might be a bit high. I've read many different opinions on how much protein to consume at once and have always been confused about it. I didn't mean to sound cocky, I've learned so much from this board and others so I apologize if I came off sounding that way. I don't get a...
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    How I put on 30 pounds in 3 months!

    Sorry, bill the butcher, I wasn't trying to give a soapbox speech to all you huge guys on the board, lol... I'm sure you'd probably blow me away in the gym. I know a lot of people on the board are bigger than me. My speech is for the other people on this board who I read about all the time...
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    How I put on 30 pounds in 3 months!

    How I put on 30 pounds in 3 months!!! Let me start off by saying I’m one of the hardest gainers ever with a very small appetite. I was 6’4” and weighted 185 pounds when I started on a modified dog crap training method with sets. I now weigh 215 pounds. My goal is 240 pounds at 5% body fat...
  4. B

    Confused on calories burned during exercise

    Yeah, I put in the weight statistics, but I've never seen it for height or sex yet. It just feels like my body is working a lot harder with the moving stairs then it does with the corsstrainer. But when it's all said and done it says I burned off less calories. So I don't know what to go off...
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    Confused on calories burned during exercise

    I am confused when it comes to how many calories are burned during exercise for different machines. I usually do the Lifefitness crosstrainer machine and burn off about 600 calories in 45 minutes. When I jumped on the stairmaster today I was breathing and sweating much harder than I do when on...
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    IGF-1 & LR3IGF

    Here is some more information on it from Gro Pep's site with chart breakdowns for all the smart people out there. I don't see it being 500 times more powerful according to the charts.
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    do you take creatine?

    CEE is awesome. No bloat, no cramps, no loading. Strength up noticeably. Creatine Monohydrate is old news when it comes to creatine in my information.
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    Better that than every *@!^ bleep bleep bleep on a bleep CELL PHONE while they are doing reps then sit on the machine in between there set for 10 minutes talking off in their own little world. And they wonder why the look like bleep. All the serious people who look good at the gym don't use...
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    Leg days - Hurling

    Yes, that seems to be what I might be experiencing, going hypo. I would always feel on the verge of hurling or would actually hurl until I started taking baking soda. My body seems like it is starting to shake by going into hypo. I'll try some carbs next time.
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    Leg days - Hurling

    Yes, try baking soda. It works! I have not hurled since Cyphon recommended it to me. You don't wanna be throwing up every week from leg days it's detrimental to your health. I can't train leg days on a complete empty stomach or else I won't have enough energy to make it through my workout.
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    Cut the caffeine. I had insomnia for years and my mother always told me to stop drinking soda. I finally did like 7 years later, helped wonders. If you are on an ECA stack make sure you take it no later than 4 pm. I have taken it a couple of times past this and couldn't sleep the whole...
  12. B

    Clenbuterol and losing muscle

    I personally don't like clen anymore. Both times I've used Aqua-Clen it I've lost approximately 3-4 pounds of muscle with out dropping body fat according to my body fat calipers. After 2 bad experiences I switched back to the ECA stack and dropped another 2% in body fat both times, plus I put...
  13. B

    Immense Growth Factor Review

    I'm up 5.7 lbs after 3 weeks. I've been running igf-1 M-F at 40 mcg and Syntheselen 3ml M-F. I have also been running an ECA stack on top of it also. I started the ECA stack 2 weeks prior and with the combo of the three have dropped my body fat from 14% to just under 10%. Thumbs up on the...
  14. B

    I need a Transdermal! Help Please!

    I need a Transdermal. Does anyone know where I can obtain one, or make my own matrix? I don't know if DSMO would work for what I want. I am currently on 1gf-1 and "Syntheselen," aka Kyno for human use. I am shooting the igf-1 sub-q in my stomach area. Got the igf-1 from here:) But the...
  15. B

    Aqua Clen, real or fake?

    My buddy just took it and he's done clen before. He said it's the real deal. Those shakes only come from clen. I think it has something to do along the lines that they can't advertise what's in it for legal reasons. The Muscle Chemistry site say Aqua-Clen contains T2. So I did some research on...
  16. B

    Aqua Clen, real or fake?

    They finally put the ingredients up. So I know it's not real clen now. I wish I knew it before I bought it. Below is what's in it. that I lifted from their site. Similar To: (30ML per Bottle 200mcg/ml) Actual ingredients: Diiodothyronine (T2) - 250mcg Aqua-clen is a proprietary fat-burning...
  17. B

    Aqua Clen, real or fake?

    Maybe it ain't real clen. It might be something like VPX Redline. I've never done clen before so I don't know if this stuff is real or not, but I do have slight shakes. But from what I read the VPX Redline does the same. I will give this stuff a try for another couple of weeks and then buy...
  18. B

    Aqua Clen, real or fake?

    Ok, this stuff is obviously real. This is my first time on clen. I only took 20 mcg yesterday. Didn't really notice too much, so I upped it to 40 mcg and I'm shaking like a mofo. I don't like the feeling of the shakes; it feels like I drank 40 cups of coffee. My speech tone is like I'm...
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    Aqua Clen, real or fake?

    Yo, what's the deal with the Aqua Clen? I just placed an ordered for it thinking it was the real deal but realized that the ingredients are not listed. Is this stuff some knock off with natural ingredients? What ingredients does it contain? Anyone know?
  20. B

    Leg days - Hurling

    Does anyone know how to combat hurling on leg days. It happens about every 4-5 leg workouts. Either I will hurl or I'm on the verge of hurling. This usually results in a shitty workout. I usually drink about 64 oz of water when working out, but when I consume this much water on leg days it...