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  1. D


    whats the web address for the site injection page that shows injection points thanks guys
  2. D

    Need help Guys

    I've been building tren for 2 years now and I always use the same guys kits, But the last kit I got came with a cheap millex filter and in conversion the filter busted costing me about 6ml and when filtered, the product came out stringy looking (like oil and water together) instead of blending...
  3. D

    need help guys

    Thanks guys, I ran buy his place to see the stuff for myself and I'm not sure what that stuff was but it aint gear so I passed it up but thanks for your fast responses. I'll just have to wait on the sus to get here :D :greedy:
  4. D

    need help guys

    guys I have a chance to get some tren in tablet form, anyone used this before? and same guy has some deca in tablet form anyone heard of this? cause I didn't know of deca in a tablet. lab name is GMS or Gmc something along those lines. anyone heard of them ? thanks guys for your help
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    androgel ?

    A buddy of mine has a script for the gel but he thinks he's losing to much in the transdermal and wants to convert to a injectable. has anybody heard of this and or can it be done? thanks guys
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    Liver question

    Guys , I went and had my blood work done and my liver is out of wack. all I know right now after testing twice is one number is showing 93 and the range they showed me was 40 to 70. my question is how bad out is that and what can i do to bring it back down. the doc is asking me how much i drink...
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    Hey guys, my cyber-rights account went inactive due to not using it for 3 weeks. my question is can I get that account back without going with there premium account?
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    pit bull owners

    Zylo, now thats some funny shit. LMAO
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    Once you have gyno?

    is there away to get rid of the knots,puffy nips, soreness? I've been taking Nolva about three weeks and can see no change. Is it more for provention and if so what should I use to cure it. Next question is this something that will go away if and when you quit using gear or is it permement...
  10. D

    upset stomach?

    never said I was taking winny as a oral, thats 1ml eod.
  11. D

    upset stomach?

    Guys, does Nolvadex give anyone a upset stomach or gas? I started nolva after a cycle of test/tren for gyno and while on it started a cycle of Winny/D-bol. 50mgEd winny 40mg ED D-bol. Now I'm hopeing that it aint the winny/D-bol, but I've had a upset stomach since before I started the cycle...
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    bad or not so bad

    what do yall think, stuck a pin in and asperated--- got blood in pin so I took it out and stuck it in a different spot and shot it. was that the wrong thing to do, should I have changed the pin? what can go wrong doing this?
  13. D

    question on winny

    got some Qv winny, and the best I read people have trouble with this stopping up pins. well mine draws about as easy as any gear I've tried , more like water in a 23G pin. does this sound right or should it be thicker and harder to draw. shoots like a charm. how long does it usally take for...
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    got busted

    Well I knew it would happen, just didn't know when. my wife found my shit this weekend and went through the roof. the dam shame was she knew about my past cycles, but I didn't tell her about this one. so my butt's in the dog house. I don't know about all yall, but I have found it makes life...
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    Numb Foot after Injection!!!!

    sounds is if you have swelling around injection site, pressing on a nerve. keep a eye on it
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    For all who bicept inject...

    I do outer without any pain at all, using a 23ga. pin
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    EQ question

    thx, bro
  18. D

    EQ question

    175lbs, 5'10" @ 10%bf 3rd cycle. been off cycle for 4 weeks. Oh and 37years old
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    Names you've been called

    popeye for me , I really need to train legs more often.
  20. D

    on line dateing?

    BS, you married your aunt? and wouldn't that , make your best friend your uncle. LOL