Search results

  1. Dim Mouse

    What are your comebacks for AAS?

    i ask them to see the study they are referencing, since they are usually only parroting some idiot newscaster broadcasting solely for shock value, that usually shuts them up.. i have actually had this debate with doctors (close friends) and asked to see the studies they were referencing.. it...
  2. Dim Mouse

    results with prop

    sounds like you are using prop for a mass building cycle... get your calories up - WAY UP eat them carbs and force feed the protein.. high test will dramatically increase protein synthesis, if you are not providing enough for your muscle to recover from your workout, your body will find the...
  3. Dim Mouse

    This is confusing how many reps

    what tonykemp said... look bro, if you are training for boxing then you need to focus on training for boxing you can't lift like a bodybuilder or a powerlifter and think you are getting in a ring the next day.. not being a dick just beng honest.. you go balls out squatting your lucky to be...
  4. Dim Mouse

    Most Painful Compounds

    UG prop 250.. yes i said 250.. tried it by itself a couple times.. couldn't walk, sit, lay down... yeah from that point i 'watered' it down with deca.. great stuff but OUCH ! !
  5. Dim Mouse

    Is HCG not being made anymore?

    HCG is made in the Netherlands by Organon and is available under the name Pregnyl in the US... it is a prescription only medication, speak with your doctor... and you should know better than to ask where you can get some in an open forum... ~dim
  6. Dim Mouse


    hormones do not change who you are..
  7. Dim Mouse

    Training without gear and all that stuff

    not bad ?? you look phenomenol for natural or for a chemically enhanced athlete... mad props for the dedication to train hard and consistent for 16 years to get those kind of results... would love to see some progress pics along the way, especially since you said your lat were lagging at one...
  8. Dim Mouse

    labido who?

    SO TRUE ! ! !
  9. Dim Mouse

    AAS and sex

    Testosterone Pharmacology Excretion About 90% of a dose of testosterone given intramuscularly is excreted in the urine as glucuronic and sulfuric acid conjugates of testosterone and its metabolites; about 6% of a dose is excreted in the feces, mostly in the unconjugated form. Inactivation of...
  10. Dim Mouse

    tamoxifen pharmacokinetics ?

    ok just an education only (teach me) question here... i know a lot of bros that "use" take tamoxifen to manage elevated estrogen levels, my question is on the risk of any of the tamoxifen transferring via bodily fluids or excretions to your partner... i see a lot of studies on the increased...
  11. Dim Mouse

    WHO ARE YOU ?????

    i think this is a great idea, about a year and a half ago presser and all the mods had their pics in the stickies and it REALLY gave some serious cred to those mods and of course presser... as for advice, i don't give much but my only pic is in the members forum... ~dim
  12. Dim Mouse

    Quad injections?

  13. Dim Mouse

    Prop pain and why?

    it's the crystallization of the esther, even the best name brand prop is uncomfortable (even organon sustanon which has very little prop in it) compared to a longer esther which crystalizes less in the muscle... think of it in terms of wee little shards of glass (crystalline salts) in the muscle...
  14. Dim Mouse

    70's bodybuilding

    not gonna comment on the amount of juice the old school boys took cuz i don't know.... personally i doubt it was actually less... just wanted to add this image when comparing physiques... i probably got it from someone on this board a while back just seems so appropriate here... sergio...
  15. Dim Mouse


    bro... let me repeat what some of the others have already said here... you DO NOT need steroids to achieve the goals you outlined above... seriously think about at least trying to modify your diet first, if you'd like some help why don't you post your current diet and let some of the...
  16. Dim Mouse

    Newbie Mistakes?

    WAY too low of calories for my first couple cycles... and then wondered why my gains were so low...LOL... then the one i am even more embarrassed about... i didn't have enough pins and i re-used pins.... that is just plain dumb, newbie or not i still can't believe i did something that dumb...
  17. Dim Mouse

    skinny fat

    thank you for the kind words... ~dim
  18. Dim Mouse

    skinny fat

    well i never actually had a pic to post before but my daughter wanted to take a pic of me - she even dictated the pose, she's 5 and is the best critic i ever met... and for those wondering, i am 5'9" and about 198lbs in this pic... ~dim
  19. Dim Mouse

    What are your measurements?

    all measurments are cold (well except height) and as of right now... 5'9", 198 lbs quads 25" arms 18" chest 47 1/2" calves 16 1/2" waist 30" damn... wish i hadn't done those, now i feel puny... gotta go eat. ~dim
  20. Dim Mouse

    Where Do You Buy Your Protein Online?

    bump for Trueprotein... and yes flavoring is included at that price, you can create your own protein blends and increse price from there if you are so inclined... buy in bulk for as low as $3/pound... ~dim