
  1. drtbear1967

    Don't beat yourself up - Overindulging happens

    Being consumed with guilt after overindulging, and then making extra restrictions with food for the next two days.Feeling like you didn’t work hard enough in your workout because you were unable to improve your performance, so you squeeze in an extra workout to “make up” for it. Feeling...
  2. drtbear1967

    Keto Diet and What to Eat

    What to Eat on a Keto Diet. To start a keto diet, you will want to plan ahead. That means having a viable diet plan ready and waiting. What you eat depends on how fast you want to get into a ketogenic state. The more restrictive you are on your carbohydrates (less than 15g per day), the...
  3. Iron Game

    Phil Heath - Eat Big To Get Big

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> DISCLAIMER by request= worthless piece of shit music video with zero useful information LOL
  4. Iron Game

    Successful Mass Building

    The 10 Commandments of Bodybuilding Success LIFT BIG - Give your muscles a reason to grow. Don't do endless sets, be intense. Go heavy, but don't remain much longer than an hour. Train 3-4 days a week. Hit failure and make that last set count. EAT BIG - You must eat to grow. For gaining...
  5. drtbear1967

    Don't Over Think It. Keep it Simple

    By Jay Ashman PQ: “Progressive overload is the number-one rule for gaining strength and size. As you increase workload, you will increase muscle.” Since man began lifting weights, we have sought to gain muscular size and strength. That pursuit is a huge reason why you read this magazine and...
  6. drtbear1967

    The Build Muscle Diet

    by Jason Ferruggia Confused about the best muscle building diet to become a strong, lean badass? Sick of trying to figure out exactly how to eat for optimal health AND physical performance? You’re not alone. With thousands of conflicting articles, it seems like you can’t eat anything anymore...
  7. Iron Game

    Learn From My Mistakes

    Learn From My Mistakes By Dave Draper. 1. What do you feel is the single greatest trait (genetics, discipline, intensity, etc.) that led to your success in bodybuilding and why? Nothing I possessed in the way of structure or body chemistry was outstanding. A six-foot frame with a large...
  8. drtbear1967

    Insulin - What You Need To Know.

    Many people believe that insulin is to blame for the obesity epidemic. When you understand how it actually works, you’ll know why this is a lie. Insulin has been taking quite a beating these days. If we’re to listen to some “experts,” it’s an evil hormone whose sole goal is making us fat...
  9. drtbear1967

    How to Modify Fast Food So You Don't Blow Your Diet.

    How to Modify Fast Food So You Don’t Blow Your Diet by Matt Weik Just because you want to grab a quick bite to eat while on the go doesn’t mean you have to completely blow your diet. In fact, if you make wise choices, you don’t need to feel bad at all for hitting a fast food restaurant...
  10. drtbear1967

    Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss

    Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss by Matt Weik Broscience once told us that we should eat 5-7 small meals (every 2-3 hours) a day in order to help lose weight and shed body fat. Everyone was packing their Tupperware containers each...
  11. drtbear1967

    Stay Lean by Feeding Yourself

    Stay Lean by Feeding Yourself! If you’re looking to stay on your diet, the worst thing you can do is have an enabler feeding you food that you shouldn’t be consuming. Or someone who leaves out portioned snacks for easy consumption. You...
  12. guardianactual

    Complete loss of appetite...

    So the past two days I have ate no more than 500 calories total. Idk if it's sickness (i did have an abscess and it has healed) the fact that my work is hot as hell and I get little to drink on the job or tren... I'm ok with not eating, honestly I feel like Tren and Var will shred me lmao, but...
  13. Iron Game

    How Pro Bodybuilders Eat To Stay Anabolic - Meal Spacing

    Eating to Stay Anabolic: Meal Spacing 4 Top Pros Have Their Say The Question is: I have heard that you are supposed to eat every two hours to stay in an anabolic state. Others advise that you eat every two to three hours. I guess you shouldn’t go much longer than that, but does it really...
  14. drtbear1967

    Vegan Pains

    Vegan Pains by Geoff Roberts With YouTube fast becoming the number one source of information in modern society, the amount of bad information and flat out incorrect information is at an all-time high. Brainwashed pro-vegan YouTuber’s are at the top...
  15. drtbear1967

    Protein Rules of Bodybuilding

    Protein Rules Of Bodybuilding The purpose of this article is straightforward and simple – help you reach your fitness or physique goals with three simple, science-backed tips for getting the most from your dietary protein. Protein consumption is such a popular subject that the basics can...
  16. yellow snow

    IM fasting

    I need someone way smarter than me to explain this diet............this is where I get totally confused. Have you ever had a steak for lunch, got sick at 2 AM the next morning or even 6 AM (18 hours later)and you throw up undigested steak? How does the IM fasting thing work if you eat for 8-9...
  17. drtbear1967

    The Great Debate: Fat vs. Sugar

    The Great Debate: Fat vs Sugar by Matt Weik Once upon a time people who roamed the earth would eat food to sustain energy and to survive. They didn’t have the luxury of half-gallons of ice cream, bags of potato chips, French fries, and...
  18. Iron Game

    Nutrition for Building Muscle

    Nutrition for Building MuscleYour Ultimate In-The-Trenches Guide Disclaimer: I am not a scientist. I do not hold a degree or any standardized certification in nutrition. There are many others in this industry who can spout study results, chemical names and detail the complex processes of how...
  19. Iron Game

    Keep It Simple BUT Consistent.

    by Anders JP Eskilsson It seems to me that when people of today finally buy gym memberships they often do it for the wrong reasons. It strikes me at times that new members are there for the purpose of either filling out their Instagram accounts or because they forced themselves to go there...
  20. drtbear1967

    Ravenous or Repulsed: That is the Question

    Ravenous or Repulsed; That is the Question by Geoff Roberts It is not uncommon for bodybuilders, or any other person for that matter, to think that their issues are the exception to the rule, when in reality, they are not. It is equally...