
  1. Iron Game

    Feed Yourself to Get and Stay Lean

    by Matt Weik If you’re looking to stay on your diet, the worst thing you can do is have an enabler feeding you food that you shouldn’t be consuming. Or someone who leaves out portioned snacks for easy consumption. You almost feel bad not eating it, right? New research says, feed yourself to...
  2. Iron Game

    Women on Steroids - How You Should Eat For Muscle?

    Women on Steroids - How You Should Eat For Muscle? Since every body type is different, it is difficult to generalize how one should eat for various goals (e.g. muscle gain, weight loss, competition, etc.). The following is an amalgam of information mostly generated from the personal webpages of...
  3. KngShisa

    Thoughts on sodium?

    We all know that one of the issues of eating out is the ridiculous amount of sodium in most restaurant foods. I typically eat out twice a week so the majority of the foods I eat are bought at the grocery store. I buy low sodium tuna packets (140 mg) and low-ish sodium tuna cans (180...
  4. drtbear1967

    Hardcore Bulking Introduction - Part 1

    Hardcore Bulking Introduction – by Gavin Kane Off-season; a bodybuilder’s favorite time of year and the favorite words whispered after a recent contest. So the time is here, what are you going to do about it? First step is to determine what you want...
  5. drtbear1967

    Breakfast - The Most Overrated Meal of the Day.

    Breakfast – The Most Overrated Meal of the Day by Anthony Roberts For decades we’ve been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To support this claim, study after study has been foisted on us, showing that people who eat breakfast have lower cholesterol, live longer, are...
  6. drtbear1967

    Logic Based Eating

    Logic Based Eating by Geoff Roberts The hurricane of information that comes at us from all angles in this day in age makes it exceedingly difficult to decide what is right, wrong, legitimate, or phony. This reality is especially true with...
  7. F

    Get me off this binge Rollercoaster!

    Keeping it short but a little background... Over the fall my mom got real sick with her cancer and wound up in hospice and dies a month later after Thanksgiving... leading up to her death and now 2 months past been using binge eating as a form of stress relief. It turned into a habit I...
  8. E


    Exactly what the title says! As Jim Morrison sang, "... I eat more chicken any man ever seen!" My wife and I are both so sick of eating chicken it ain't funny. She actually spit a bite of it out today at lunchtime and exclaimed, "I hate chicken!" I am currently choking down mine. I'm not sure...
  9. 9

    Dominick Cruz and Cody Garbrandt trade insults

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> "i'm gonna bust all over your face." "i'll eat everything you got." lmao
  10. Iron Game

    Long Term Fat Loss, 1-10

    1. Do some resistive weight training 3 to 4 times a week using short rest periods between sets of 30 to 60 seconds. Work out no longer than 1 hour to keep your anabolic (muscle-building) hormones high and catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormones low. Over-training is a quick way to lose muscle along...
  11. Iron Game

    Dallas McCarver Q&A

    Change Things Up for Shoulder Growth Hey Dallas, would you mind listing some of the tips and tricks you have learned for shoulder growth? Sure, man. I feel like the best way to train any muscle is to constantly change it up a tad. While my shoulder routine may be pretty similar each week as far...
  12. 9

    What to Eat Before a Fight

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. V

    Happy thanksgiving to all

    Eat today cardio tomarow
  14. Iron Game

    24 Hour Bodybuilding Fast--Opinions??

    24 Hour Bodybuilding Fast by Matt Weik This past weekend I had the house to myself since my wife and son were out of town. For most guys this means partying with booze and pizza with the boys. While the thought crossed my mind I decided to take it in a totally different direction. I did a...
  15. Iron Game

    Q&A - With Victor Martinez IFBB PRO BODYBUILDER

    Bodybuilding Q&A - Victor Martinez You’ve said that you don’t eat a lot of carbs. Do you still eat more on days you train larger body parts like back and legs? Also, something Evan said once stuck with me about carbs and I wanted your opinion. He didn’t think it made sense to eat more carbs...
  16. Presser

    Maintain your bodyweight with Catabolic foods versus Anabolic Foods!

    CATABOLIC FOODS Catabolic foods burn up more calories than they supply. Catabolic foods are the opposite of Anabolic foods. For example a medium sized apple (which is catabolic), would provide an average of 85 calories, however your metabolism would require an additional 99 more calories to...
  17. jimbosmith316

    Championship winning bikini bodybuilder to launch Denbigh fitness studio

    Never too late to be healthy and fit! Published date: 26 September 2016 | Published by: Rachel Nash AN INSPIRATIONAL woman who took up fitness as a means of achieving a healthy weight has opened her own fitness studio. Sonia Roberts, 37, has taken over the Old Church Institute in Denbigh...
  18. jimbosmith316

    Masters Bikini veteran proves age is just a number

    Doing well at 60! by: Shayne Stubbs, Sports Reporter - Published Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Bikini Master Sharon Bethel shows off the hardware with Sawyer's Fresh Market Owner and sponsor Sandy Sawyer. Sharon Bethel recently took part in the Bahamas Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation...
  19. E

    Hanging out with "normal" people

    I'll start this off by defining what I mean by "normal": 60% or something like that of the population is overweight; these people have no idea how to eat, what they should be eating, how often and in what quantity. They eat maybe twice a day, often junk food and snack on more junk here and...
  20. jimbosmith316

    How to Poop Better

    Let it flow!! by TC Luoma Weight lifters in particular often have problems with constipation. They often eat too much, eat too little, lack variety in their diet, or sometimes avoid any number of foods or even food groups that might otherwise ensure regularity. Clearly, constipation is...