
  1. Steroidify Rep

    Anabolic Steroids Explained by Dr. George Machin (Sports Medicine Specialist)

    Anabolic Steroids Explained Male hormones, mainly testosterone, are partly accountable for the tremendous modifications in development that happen during adolescence and puberty. Generally, natural testosterone is the body's main ingredient for bodybuilding, but anabolic steroids can...
  2. drtbear1967

    Adaptions to Training

    One variable of research that’s always important to consider is the training status of the subjects used. Untrained subjects will make gains of all kinds with pretty much any type of exercise – this is because exercise in general is a new stimulus to them! However, trained subjects follow the...
  3. drtbear1967

    Concentric Training.

    Muscles can produce much more force eccentrically than concentrically. Therefore, a limiting factor in strength performance is concentric force production - you can lower a weight but can't lift it! This study confirmed the specificity of strength gains in finding that subjects using...
  4. 9

    Want To Improve Your FIGHT Endurance Try This

    <iframe width="1423" height="620" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> **Receive 10% off your MC Store order of $50 or more using coupon code 9mm10**
  5. drtbear1967

    New Product from theguerrillachemist

    theguerrillachemist I’m very excited about this product! It’s a selective type 1 11beta-hydroxysteorid dehydrogenase inhibitor(you DO NOT want to inhibit type II) that has been shown to lower cortisol via inhibiting it’s conversion from cortisone(inactive), as well as aiding in glucose...
  6. drtbear1967


    ZMA has often been purported as a testosterone booster, and while that claim hasn’t always been proven, ZMA has several other benefits that may boost recovery and immune function for athletes and bodybuilders. Pick a formulation that has at least 30mg zinc, 500mg magnesium, and 10mg vitamin B6...
  7. drtbear1967

    How to improve your deadlift.

    Biomechanical analysis of elite powerlifters showed that these athletes produced significantly less force in the starting position compared to other positions of the deadlift. Train exercises like deficit deadlifts and speed deadlifts to improve your strength and power off the floor to overcome...
  8. drtbear1967

    Training Heart Smart

    by Matt Weik Those who exercise regularly generally do it for weight management reasons. Many forget how important it is to train in such a way that it improves cardiovascular functioning (heart health). Heart disease is our nation’s number one killer and is something many of us can prevent...
  9. drtbear1967

    Movement Variations

    A simple way to periodize your training is by constantly varying your movements for a specific muscle group. Squats are great for building your legs, but they’re not the end-all, be-all. Add variations to your training to maximize gains and to keep training interesting! - ◾️The Study: Fonseca...
  10. drtbear1967

    Improve your deadlift.

    There's the belief that deadlifting from a big deficit (like 4 inches or so) will improve your strength off the floor in a standard deadlift. It won't. It's too dissimilar to transfer over to your conventional deadlift. But with a very small deficit – my go-to is standing on a standard 45-pound...
  11. C

    Re:Sarms raws,free gift first order

    Re:Sarms raws,free gift first order Hi friend, We are one of the legit steroid/sarms raws source from China and can provide you a wide range of high quality raws, the best seller is as below: Test E,Tren E,Deca,Masteron,Dianabol,Winstrol,MK-2866,MK-677 (Raw Powders) Shipping advantages: USA,UK...
  12. Presser


    CAN RESISTANCE TRAINING IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH? You want to build muscle? Lift weights. You want to strengthen your heart? Put your running shoes on. This has been the conventional belief of every gym rat who has ever grumbled his (or her) way through thirty minutes on the treadmill...
  13. drtbear1967

    You have to put in the work.

    One of the most underused muscle-building habits is keeping track of progress. If you want to build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time possible, you need to measure your success. In the kitchen this means, yes, tracking your calories. I understand that it's inexact, a pain in the...
  14. drtbear1967

    Can Comfort Food improve you Mood?

    Feeling blue? People each have their own food of choice to eat when in a bad mood . These foods are collectively called “comfort foods” and include the classic Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream or the chocolate brownie. The foods are typically not healthy and have a high sugar and fat content. . “The...
  15. drtbear1967

    Have good Dental Health.

    by Matt Weik Being in the fitness industry, we are always trying to either maintain or improve our physique. One area that is focused on heavily is our dental health. How many bodybuilders or fitness models do you see with stained teeth or dental health issues? Not many. Why is this important to...
  16. drtbear1967

    Preacher Curls - Do not Ego Lift!!

    ebtofficial For those of you who don't know, I completely ruptured my bicep tendon doing preacher curls. Since then, watching anyone really push themselves on preacher curls makes me cringe and I have to look away. It is common for people to go very heavy. You will notice they are unable to...
  17. 9

    Bag Work Tips - Improve your Footwork, Timing & Movement

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Presser

    Trenbolone Acetate , Enanthate, Hex or Tren base PCT protocols

    Trenbolone Acetate , Enanthate, Hex or Tren base PCT protocols Why Is PCT after a Tren Steroid Cycle Important?Although Trenbolone doesn’t aromatize, post cycle therapy is still a very important consideration. Your body’s natural testosterone production effectively shuts down while using...
  19. M

    I'm new

    I have no pic of myself but its ok if i introduce myself?:) Just been watchin this forum for a time but only yesterday decided to join. Thx musclechemistry for the great job, its amazing forum. So if this my introduction i need to tell smthg about me: I'm James and i live in Maryland, my weight...
  20. Dean Destructo

    Bench Press is a PULL

    The bench press is like the Cinderella of the powerlifts. The squat and the deadlift tend to be like Cinderella’s domineering sisters, who get all the attention, while the bench press is left in the corner to its own devices most of the time. The bench press is rarely given a cursory thought...