
  1. drtbear1967

    Flexing to help Willpower?

    Achieving just about any goal is simple: there are some things you must do, and there are some things you shouldn't do. We make these "do it" and "don't do it" decisions all day long. They add up. And all of them involve willpower, whether it's doing the tough exercise you really don't want to...
  2. drtbear1967

    New Growth Hormone May Boost Production Of Disease-Fighting Cells In Elderly

    <article> Growth Hormone May Boost Production Of Disease-Fighting Cells In Elderly CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Growth-hormone therapy in elderly patients increases lean body mass and reduces body fat, helping them maintain fitness. Now, scientists say, the therapy also may dramatically boost the...
  3. Presser


    CAN RESISTANCE TRAINING IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH? You want to build muscle? Lift weights. You want to strengthen your heart? Put your running shoes on. This has been the conventional belief of every gym rat who has ever grumbled his (or her) way through thirty minutes on the treadmill...
  4. drtbear1967

    Lemon Verbena Extract - Cut out the soreness.

    by Matt Weik If you train legs and can wake up the next couple of days feeling like a million bucks, then you didn’t train legs. We all know what follows any brutal leg day – the inability to sit down to take a dump, the look of fear when you see multiple flights of stairs, and the all too...
  5. drtbear1967

    More info on Stretching..

    About a dozen years ago, word trickled down from sports academia that doing static stretching before a lift would weaken us. Many abandoned pre-lift stretching immediately. But new research shows that doing a static-hold stretch before a lift doesn't hurt performance and might even increase it...
  6. Musclebeauty

    Whey Protein's Impact on Insulin Resistance & Blood Glucose

    If you've*been in the lifting game for a semi-significant period of time, you've heard the Joe Gym-bro mantra that consuming whey protein and simple carbohydrates like dextrose immediately post-workout is crucial to "spike" insulin levels and maximize muscle protein synthesis (MPS).*Since the...
  7. drtbear1967

    Long term effects of high protein diet.

    theguerillachemist This should dispel some outdated rumors about too much protein and kidneys. A diet that consists of high protein intake - 2.5-3.3g per kg of bodyweight - does not have any deleterious effects. It has been postulated that high protein diets can have negative affects on the...
  8. Presser

    Bioavailability, Potency of Theacrine Enhanced When Combined with Caffeine, Study Suggests

    Bioavailability, Potency of Theacrine Enhanced When Combined with Caffeine, Study Suggests A new eight-subject human, clinical trial found that TeaCrine, Compound Solutions Inc.’s (Carlsbad, CA) patented theacrine ingredient, shows greater bioavailability and potency when consumed with caffeine...
  9. drtbear1967

    Eggs = YES

    by Matt Weik Without a doubt, eggs are one of the best protein sources you can find. I’ve done several content pieces on how great eggs are not only for your health, but for putting on quality lean muscle mass. It seems just about every year some new research comes out showing more benefits...
  10. drtbear1967

    Longer Life with more anabolic and less catabolic hormones.

    Your life expectancy grows, the more anabolic – and fewer catabolic – hormones your body produces. Researchers at Harvard Medical School reached this conclusion after performing a molecular-epidemiological study on 925 men and women over the age of 54. Study The researchers used data that had...
  11. drtbear1967

    Beer is Good For You!!

    by Matt Weik We live in America. And as American’s, many of us enjoy a nice beer every now and then—some of us enjoy beer more frequently than others. One thing we all know is that beer isn’t the healthiest beverage to be consuming on a regular basis. All of those added calories add up and...
  12. drtbear1967

    Sodium can increase your appetite.

    By Sarah Chadwell, NASM CPT The average American consumes 3,400 milligrams of salt per day far surpassing the upper end of the recommended daily allowance of 2,300 mg per day. Why? Salt can make cardboard taste good. So what’s the harm? A study published in The Journal of Clinical...
  13. Iron Game

    Inflammation Important for Muscle Growth!

    Ibuprofen Inhibits Muscle Growth & Strength!Inflammation Important for Muscle Growth! A study published August 21, 2017 in the journal Acta Physiologica, conducted by Swedish researchers, found that the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen inhibits muscle growth. These results are quite...
  14. Iron Game

    Human study: power training builds more muscle with vitamin C and E

    If elderly men and women take 1000 mg vitamin C [structure below] and 600 mg vitamin E daily, they build up more muscle mass than elderly people who only do power training. Researchers of ageing processes at the Canadian University of Sherbrooke will publish an article on this soon in Diabetes...
  15. drtbear1967

    Gelatin for your Joints.

    by Matt Weik When it comes to sports injuries, most occur from wear and tear as well as damage done directly to our ligaments and tendons due to force exerted on the body either by another competitor or the playing field itself. The amount of stress and demand put on our joints and ligaments...
  16. Iron Game

    Aerobics vs. Weight Training for Fat Loss

    by Tom Venuto A recent study from Duke University comparing aerobic versus weight training to see which is better for fat loss was one of the most publicized studies of the year (my in-box was bursting with emails from Burn the Fat readers sending me links and asking me, “What do you think of...
  17. Iron Game

    Sniffing Insulin

    New Study - Sniffed Insulin: Can Cut Your Appetite! For bodybuilders, appetite suppression is key. Now a new study released in Scientific Reports, a nature research journal, by researchers at the German Center for Diabetes Research in Tübingen, shows that intranasal insulin can help you to...
  18. drtbear1967

    Stay Lean by Feeding Yourself

    Stay Lean by Feeding Yourself! If you’re looking to stay on your diet, the worst thing you can do is have an enabler feeding you food that you shouldn’t be consuming. Or someone who leaves out portioned snacks for easy consumption. You...
  19. Iron Game

    Increase The Efficiency Of Anavar

    Researchers in Portugal have conducted a study on Oxandrolone’s metabolites when consumed with caffeine. The Portuguese researchers acting on behalf of a doping lab Laboratório de Análises de Dopagem consulted the literature. Caffeine has been studied before about its ability to increase the...
  20. Iron Game

    New Study: Growth Hormone Does Not Boost Exercise Performance

    New Study: Growth Hormone Does Not Boost Exercise Performance Some bodybuilders use growth hormone (GH) to gain a competitive edge, but what are the real benefits? A study just published in Growth Hormone & IGF Research found that GH administration elicits significant changes in body...