
  1. drtbear1967

    Effectgs of Low-Dose Creatine

    The Effects of Low-Dose Creatine by Chris Shugart Creatine works, it's safe, and it's dirt cheap. And even though it's already the most studied sports supplement in existence, more studies are conducted anyway. Here's a new one that's pretty interesting. Researchers for this study wanted to...
  2. Iron Game

    Study: Aromatase Inhibitors (AI's)

    by Matt Weik If you are a bodybuilder or are heavily into using supplements to achieve a desired physique, there’s a good chance at one point or another you have used aromatase inhibitors (AI’s). You could have used them as a standalone product or as part of post-cycle therapy (PCT). Aromatase...
  3. Iron Game

    Do Lower Calories Equal A Longer Life?

    by Matt Weik I think it’s safe to say around 75% of Americans could put the fork down a little earlier in the day and step away from the table. To say we have an obesity crisis on our hand is an understatement. With no end in sight, a group of researchers set out to see how putting the fork down...
  4. drtbear1967

    Burn Fat With Every Cup You Drink

    Burn Fat With Every Cup You Drink Drink 3 cups of this a day and you could lose 14 pounds of fat in a year. Here's the science. by TC Luoma Green tea, made from the steeped leaves of camellia sinensis, allegedly benefits almost every organ system in the body. It may be cardioprotective...
  5. Iron Game

    Eating Too Fast Messes With Your Insulin Balance

    The faster you eat, the more difficult it is for the hormone insulin to do its work in your body. That means that fewer nutrients reach your muscles, and probably that more get deposited in your fat reserves. In the long term this leads to a much higher chance of developing diabetes type-2...
  6. Iron Game

    Training With A Partner or Solo

    Generally, when people work in pairs, things get accomplished much faster. The old saying, “two heads are better than one” comes to mind. So how does that translate when it comes to exercise? Do we need a buddy system in order to stay on track or is it unnecessary? Or is it simply a way to keep...
  7. Iron Game

    Insect Based Proteins??

    by Matt Weik Remember back when you were in school and you were taught that people ate bugs to survive in the wilderness? Remember how disgusting that sounded? Well, now companies are expecting you to do that for fun. What?! Well, it seems like my reaction is the same as the majority of...
  8. Iron Game

    Do Increased Cortisol Levels From Stress Make You Fat?

    We don’t need to tell our regular readers that cortisol, the hormone that’s released when we’re under stress, can have a disastrous effect on your body. The epidemiological study that British researchers published in Obesity confirms this yet again. The Brits were able to show that a chronically...
  9. Iron Game

    Should I Eat Before My Workout?

    by Matt Weik There has been a debate for quite some time on whether you should eat before you exercise or if you should exercise when in a fasted state. The banter has been enough to turn people blue in the face arguing their point of view. Theories have gone back and forth for both sides, yet...
  10. Iron Game

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy by Dr. Charles Mok, Contributor. It is time for all women to understand their options when it comes to seizing control of their quality of life. In the 1980s and 1990s the number one prescription medication in the...
  11. drtbear1967

    Improve Body Comp During Meals by Doing This

    <!-- react-text: 641 -->Do This During Meals to Improve Body Comp<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 716 -->• Do you consider yourself a fast eater, a slow eater, or a just-the-right-speed eater? • Compared to others, do you eat faster than them, slower than them, or at the same speed?<!--...
  12. drtbear1967

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier You

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier YOU by Matt Weik Are you a toe-tapper? Don’t think too deep into that question or become offended. In fact, let’s just get to the point. Many of us have jobs where we have to sit for long periods of time. As most of us...
  13. Iron Game

    Gain 1.5 kg lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033

    Gain 1.5 kg lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033 Despite the negative reports on S4, SARMs like ostarine have become pretty common among chemical athletes, so another SARM, LGD-4033, is likely to find its way quickly into steroids circles. Especially if you read about the successes...
  14. Iron Game

    Training At The End Of The Day or At The Beginning For Best Results

    If you do strength training because you want to build muscle, then working out early in the evening is a better time than in the morning. We’ve posted links to studies that have shown this at the bottom of the page. And if you combine strength training with cardio training, early evening...
  15. Iron Game

    Calf Muscle Size and Genetics

    Most men and women who do weight training complain that they can’t get their calf muscles to grow. It’s not just their imagination, American sports scientists reported in the late eighties in Physical Therapy. The researchers got their subjects to train their calf muscles well for eight weeks...
  16. Iron Game

    Can Gym Class Alone Improve Bone Density in Females?

    by Matt Weik With so much talk these days about having kids get in enough physical activity per day, now even more studies are coming out preaching the benefits—especially with respect to girls. But is 60 minutes of gym class each week enough to benefit from? The short answer—no. A new study...
  17. Iron Game

    Feed Yourself to Get and Stay Lean

    by Matt Weik If you’re looking to stay on your diet, the worst thing you can do is have an enabler feeding you food that you shouldn’t be consuming. Or someone who leaves out portioned snacks for easy consumption. You almost feel bad not eating it, right? New research says, feed yourself to...
  18. Iron Game

    How Many Times Per Week To Train For Strength

    As far as American sports scientist Brad Schoenfeld can tell from the literature, bodybuilders and fitness fanatics make more progression by training their muscle groups twice a week than if they only train each muscle group once a week. Schoenfeld writes about this in a meta-study that has...
  19. Iron Game


    DRUGS IN SPORT BREAKTHROUGH - ORAL GH MAY BE COMING! Written by William Llewellyn Human growth hormone (somatropin) is among the more common non-steroid drugs used in bodybuilding and sport. It is a powerful growth mediator, essentially identical to the growth hormone circulating in our...
  20. drtbear1967

    Creatine Monohydrade - Still the best.

    theguerillachemist<!-- react-text: 56 --> Ran across an interesting study last night while researching creatine. The study showed that guanidinoacetic acid elevated plasma creatine levels higher than creatine itself. It was a very small study, where subjects took either 3.4g or creatine...