
  1. Iron Game

    Omega-3 fatty acids shown to exert a positive effect on the aging brain

    This is a little off topic but important for our members!! Preventing Alzheimer's disease through supplementation with natural omega-3 fatty acids.Changes in cognitive function and memory decline form a normal part of aging. However, in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or...
  2. Iron Game

    Salt could lead to weight gain by driving fatty food intake

    <header style="font-size: 19px; line-height: 26px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; margin: 0px 0px 10px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(229, 229, 229); text-shadow: rgb(253, 253, 253) 1px 2px 3px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px, rgb(253, 253, 253) 1px 2px 3px...
  3. Iron Game

    Pomegrante juice for Pre-Workout

    "Free radicals in your body enhance the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein – the “bad” cholesterol – to form plaque that can clog your arteries. Antioxidants present in the pomegranate fruit can protect your arteries by preventing the conversion of cholesterol into plaque. Drinking pomegranate...
  4. Iron Game

    Making d-bol more effective?

    A glass of grapefruit juice makes methandienone more effective Achieve the same results by taking less methandienone? With ordinary grapefruit juice its possible. At least, you can read this into a review article published by Israeli pharmacologists in the European Journal of Clinical...
  5. Presser

    A New League of U.S. Steroid Users by Rick Collins 2016

    In 2005, an ambitious psychology graduate student named Jason Cohen contacted me to ask for help. Jay, now Dr. Cohen, wanted to conduct an online survey of adult Americans who are using anabolic steroids non-medically. He was concerned that potential distrust among the target population might...
  6. Iron Game

    Testosterone Therapy for Men with Type 2 Diabetes

    Could testosterone therapy benefit men with type 2 diabetes? Written by Yvette Brazier Men with type 2 diabetes and low testosterone levels can benefit significantly from testosterone treatment, according to a study published in Diabetes Care. With testosterone treatment, fat turned to...
  7. 3J

    Correlation between poverty and obesity

    Its not every day i repost an article from a newspaper.. but after reading this, and having grown up poor myself (i was 34% bodyfat at one point in my life) im inclined to believe the claims made.. this is a good read guys What do you guys think? Poverty has a way of rearing its ugly head...
  8. Iron Game

    No time for healthy diet? Some Californians say they're too busy to eat healthy foods

    Some low-income Californian adults say their busy schedule is to blame for their unhealthy eating habits, according to a study from Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley. The study is published in Preventing Chronic Disease. Researchers surveyed more than 500 adults living in...
  9. Iron Game

    New study on testosterone replacement

    New study finds testosterone replacement therapy does not increase heart risk. A new study of generally healthy men who used testosterone replacement therapy to normalize testosterone levels has found that taking supplemental testosterone does not increase their risk of experiencing a heart...
  10. Iron Game

    Even just a few mg of SARM RAD140 has anabolic effect

    Even just a few mg of RAD140 has anabolic effect <tbody> </tbody> Four years ago we wrote about a study done by the pharmaceuticals company Radius, on new non-steroid compounds with a strong anabolic effect. The most promising was a substance that Radius called RAD140, but at that point we...
  11. Iron Game

    Dianabol and Winstrol Stronger Steroids Than We Thought?

    Methandienone and stanozolol are stronger steroids than we thought Scientists have underestimated the strength of oral anabolic steroids such as methandienone and stanozolol. Incorrect methods have been used to measure the strength of these anabolics in test tube studies. Two researchers at the...
  12. Presser

    Researchers may have discovered fountain of youth by reversing aging in human cells

    Researchers in Japan have found that human aging may be able to be delayed or even reversed, at least at the most basic level of human cell lines. In the process, the scientists from the University of Tsukuba also found that regulation of two genes is related to how we age. The new findings...
  13. Presser

    Myostatin Inhibitors May Weaken Tendons.

    Myostatin blockers destroy tendons Researchers at the University of Michigan discovered this while doing experiments with mice that had been genetically modified so that they could no longer produce myostatin. The muscles of the mice were bigger and stronger, but their tendons were small and...
  14. Presser

    Font and Back Squats work leg muscles just the same.

    Front squat versus back squat Makes no difference to your leg muscles For your leg muscles it makes no difference whether you bring the bar down behind your neck or let it rest at the front of your torso on your shoulders when doing squats. Sports scientists at the University of Florida...
  15. Presser

    Standard Squatting versus Box Squats

    Box squat nearly as good as regular squat A normal squat stimulates your leg muscles a bit better than a box squat – the version where you sit for a second on a box at the lowest point of the movement. But the difference between the two variations is minuscule , say sports scientists at...
  16. Stickler*


    IS GETTING OLD A DISEASE? DRUG RESEARCHERS ARE TRYING TO CONVINCE THE FDA THAT THE ANSWER IS YES By Alexandra Ossola - Posted 5 hours ago Aging isn't easy -- On June 24, researchers will meet with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a very specific reason: they want to test a drug that...
  17. D

    Follistatin 344

    Follistatin 344 You can nag your dealer until he pins you on to the fender of his SUV, but you still won't get any. We're talking about the anabolic wonder stuff that researchers at Ohio State University are doing experiments with. A single injection will change you for the rest of your life...
  18. D

    Cocaine and Steroids

    <article class="post-11093 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-articles entry" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" itemprop="blogPost" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 60px;"><header class="entry-header"...
  19. D

    L-Carnitine L-Tartrate - is it time to consider this supplement?

    L-Carnitine/L-Tartrate- Reduces Muscle Soreness, Improves Recovery, Improves Androgen Response, and Improves Blood Flow? There are not many supplements that I can recommend to bodybuilders, but ones of the few is L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT). LCLC first appeared on the...
  20. gandhisays

    One injection of follistatin gene could add muscle mass for life in bodybuilders

    Double muscles for life with just one injection of follistatin gene You can nag your dealer until he pins you on to the fender of his SUV, but you still won’t get any. We’re talking about the anabolic wonder stuff that researchers at Ohio State University are doing experiments with. A single...