
  1. Iron Game

    Using Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil to Make More Testosterone

    Some erection drugs have anti-oestrogenic effect Erection drugs like Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil inhibit the enzyme PDE5, thus making erections easier. Andrologists at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' discovered that tadalafil at least also inhibits aromatase, the enzyme that...
  2. Iron Game

    Oxandrolone (brand names Oxandrin, Anavar, Lonavar, others) reverses effects of muscle disease

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth Charcot-Marie-Tooth is a hereditary muscle disease which is a little like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The difference between the two is that Charcot-Marie-Tooth affects the nerve pathways that connect the brain to the rest of the body. As people with this disease age their...
  3. Iron Game

    Creatine Interacts With Myostatin

    We've been waiting for a myostatin blocker to come along for years now. Turns out we've had one this whole time! The chemical sports world waits with baited breath for the arrival of myostatin blockers: new muscle strengthening substances that sabotage the protein myostatin in muscle tissue...
  4. Iron Game

    100mg Dbol Cycle Goes Wrong

    100mg Dbol Cycle Goes Wrong Cycle The bodybuilder in the Australians' report was 35 years old and weighed 120 kg. He went to a doctor complaining of stomach ache, pain in his limbs, hepatitis and a body temperature of 39 degrees Celsius. His liver was enlarged. The man said he had been...
  5. Iron Game

    Breaking Research Shows New Benefits for Nandrolone

    THE CASE FOR NANDROLONE - BREAKING RESEARCH SHOWS NEW BENEFITS Written by William Llewellyn The Case for NandroloneBreaking Research Shows New Benefits I find the growing medical acceptance of anabolic steroid therapy for age-related hormone (androgen) decline in men to be quite remarkable...
  6. Iron Game

    2016 Trends in Anabolic Steroid (AAS) Use

    A group of European researchers took a look at how people are using steroids these days (through analyzing other studies, online postings, and surveys), and reported their findings. by Anthony Roberts If you spend most of your free time on the Internet talking about anabolic steroids, then...
  7. J

    Let's be honest here. High testosterone Levels make Men Truthful and Proud.

    More testosterone makes men more honest The more testosterone there is circulating in a man's body, the more honest he's likely to be. Even when he knows that no one is likely to find out that he is lying, he's more likely to tell the truth than a man with less testosterone in his body...
  8. Iron Game

    Endocrinological Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids (AAS)

    Endocrinological Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids (AAS) Endocrinological side effects The best information on the effects of anabolic steroids is not to be found in medical textbooks but in the user guides found in doping circles. The all-time best is William Llewellyn's Guide On Amazon...
  9. Iron Game

    Oxandrolone (Anavar) Offers Relief to Spinal Cord Injury Patients

    by Bryan Haycock Treatment with an anabolic agent is associated with improvement in respiratory function in persons with tetraplegia: A pilot study. Researchers: Spungen AM., Grimm DR., Strakhan M., Pizzolato PM., & Bauman WA. Work originated at Spinal Cord Damage Research Center, Mount...
  10. Iron Game

    Six weeks of testosterone-enanthate: more weight on the bench, faster sprint, often not detectable

    Six weeks of testosterone-enanthate: more weight on the bench, faster sprint, often not detectable <tbody> </tbody> A weekly injection with 3.5 mg testosterone enanthate per kilogram bodyweight is enough to increase trained athletes' sprint capacity, body weight and their 1RM for bench...
  11. Iron Game

    Nolvadex not only raises testosterone levels, but also saves your heart.

    Chemical athletes who use the anti-oestrogen nolvadex may also be making their blood vessels more healthy, and reducing their risk of a fatal heart attack. We deduce this from a trial done by researchers in Cambridge, England that was published eight years ago in Circulation. The active...
  12. Iron Game

    New reserach on Testosterone replacement in the over 45 age group.

    “In clinical trials where testosterone has been used in patients with pre-existing CV conditions, the effect on disease symptoms has typically been either neutral or beneficial,” the researchers wrote. According to results of the review, testosterone treatment significantly improved exercise...
  13. Presser

    Taking Thyroid Hormone T3 with IGF-1 May Inhibit The Anabolic Actions Of The Insulin - Like Growth Factor-1

    Can I Take T3 or T4 Thyroid Hormones at the same time as using Insulin -like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) or (LongR3 IGF-1) Long R3 IGF-1 Being the more potent and longer acting making it a favorite among bodybuilders, and All Athletes who may want to pay close attention to this report. One must...
  14. Iron Game

    Study: bodybuilders grow on 10mg dianabol per day

    Study: bodybuilders grow on 10mg dianabol per day Way back in 1975, sports scientists at Manchester University in England made a discovery that mainstream science would only come to accept twenty years later. The researchers gave bodybuilders who worked out in fitness centres pills containing...
  15. Iron Game


    GENE EXPRESSION IN TENDS/COLLAGEN AFTER HEAVY AAS USE Researchers in the European Journal of Applied Physiology examined how heavy use of the anabolic steroid Deca-Durabolin affected collagen strength in rats. The rats were separated into two groups: natural training and training with heavy...
  16. Iron Game

    Positive Effects of AAS on the Heart

    Positive Effects of AAS on the Heart by Doug Kalman MS, RD Steroids will cause your kidneys to implode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon. We read it on the Internet and saw an after school special...
  17. Iron Game

    Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids

    Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids While on a course of steroids, taking extra vitamin E [upper structural formula shown below] reduces damage caused to the testes. An animal study published 6 years ago in Andrologia by animal scientists from Harran University, Vitamin E...
  18. Presser

    Viagra (sildenafil) increases exercise, training, weight lifting capacity in bodybuilders

    Viagra helps mountain climbers: Popular drug helps with a different kind of performance By Valerie Reitman, Los Angeles Times September 13, 2004 Researchers may have found a new use for Viagra, after conducting tests on mountain climbers scaling Mount Everest, the world's highest summit...
  19. Iron Game

    Tren for Androgen Replacement Therapy

    <tbody> The use of the anabolic steroid trenbolone has a long history in the bodybuilding but it has never really been considered a steroid suitable for therapeutic use in medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved tren for use in humans. The media has often...
  20. Iron Game

    Researchers identify new route for release of steroid hormones

    <header style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18.5714px;">Researchers identify new route for release of steroid hormonesConventional 'free diffusion' model of steroid hormone release should be...