Admit to Using Gear With Doctors?

Sorry gotta disagree with Skip on this: Have several friends and myself who have used different MDs going back several years. NO ONE HAS BEEN DENIED HEALTH COVERAGE, HEALTH INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, OR EMPLOYMENT OF ANYKIND.


My .02 but it is backed by facts....firsthand
Skip said:
You guys are phuking crazy. Don't tell them shit. If you think that they won't put that info in your file, you're nuts. Confidentiality my ass.....

You could be denied medical benefits, lose your employment, be denied life insurance or a life insurance payout.

I have told my wife that if I ever keel over that she is to make sure I am dead and then, before calling ANYONE, she is to clear ANYTHING that is gear related from the house. THEN call the police or ambulance or whatever. Otherwise, she could miss out on my life insurance.

I know that there are times when you might have something that you are taking that could not mix well with other drugs that your doctor might prescribe BUT... go out of your way to NOT tell them unless you absolutely have to. For every 1 cool doctor who will understand or be on gear himself, there are a thousand that will at the very least chastize you.

Just my opinion but........


When you tr to get life insurance you have to sign a medical release and if your doc puts the info in your chart (and he/she will, trust me) you will be denied life insurance.
Kiss said:
When you tr to get life insurance you have to sign a medical release and if your doc puts the info in your chart (and he/she will, trust me) you will be denied life insurance.

Sorry but DR has know of gear use(writes my scripts) for 4+ years. In the last 4 years I have increased my LI 3 seperate times to over 1 million dollars with multiple exams at the time of underwriting. Did this happen to you KISS?
bleed i don't think you have the average doc, 199 out of 200 would chew your ass for doing this put it in you file.
Bleed, if your doc writes your script, then he/she must have a medical reason to write them. Buying black market drugs and injecting them would definitely be looked upon differently by your life insurance company; most if not all perform a drug test prior to policy implementation (illicet drugs, not steroids).

I had a buddy get denied life insurance because he was taking test, illegal test that is.
Admit it? fuck no. if he/she Rx something that is harsh on the liver, there is probably a VERY good reason they are prescribing it in the first place. If it is contraindicated, it will be listed on the package insert for the medication prescribed, or can be found in the PDR. I personally have steadily taken two different medications over the last three years or so (for unrelated reasons), that specifically state that they should not be administered while using AAS. This has not stopped me. Am I stupid? Probably. Have all of my blood levels been within normal limits shortly after discontinuing exogenous AAS compounds, growth and ancillaries? Yup. Have I experienced any bizarre or abnormal sides? Nope. What does all of this mean...I'm not sure it means anything.....really. The main point I am trying to make is that medical records are NOT confidential. Practioners (especially HMO practioners), are subject to reviews of your medical history and records. Keep your mouth shut.. Just my .02
Skip said:
You guys are phuking crazy. Don't tell them shit. If you think that they won't put that info in your file, you're nuts. Confidentiality my ass.....

You could be denied medical benefits, lose your employment, be denied life insurance or a life insurance payout.

I have told my wife that if I ever keel over that she is to make sure I am dead and then, before calling ANYONE, she is to clear ANYTHING that is gear related from the house. THEN call the police or ambulance or whatever. Otherwise, she could miss out on my life insurance.

I know that there are times when you might have something that you are taking that could not mix well with other drugs that your doctor might prescribe BUT... go out of your way to NOT tell them unless you absolutely have to. For every 1 cool doctor who will understand or be on gear himself, there are a thousand that will at the very least chastize you.

Just my opinion but........


I totally disagree, u should tell u're doctor. Bro he's there to find out the problem not to make things worse. It could be hazardous to u're health if u have a problem caused by AS. It could be a joint or tendon problem. Something u don't know about. Be smart. Health is more important.