Anybody have suggestions for how to maintain my size off cycle?


New member
I am about to come off my cycle very soon and I have heard a lot of people tell me that I will lose size and strength which I knew a little bit already. But what can I do off cycle to mainatain most of the size and muscle mass I have gained... I have been one Test E for four months now the fisrt three was 350mgs aweek and the last month has been 125mgs....please advise me? 26yo 511 192lbs 11% Also this is what im thinking for my PCT
1:Nolvadex 20mg Clomid 50mg
2:Nolvadex 20mg Clomid 50mg
3:Nolvadex 20mg Clomid 50mg
4:Nolvadex 20mg Clomid 50mg
Ive also been using HCG through out the cycle @500ius e5d
im thinking of bumping it up to 1000ius e4d untill the test clears... then starting the pct... What do you guys think of this does it look right??? <!-- / message -->
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Clomid 50/50/25/25 and drop the hcg for pct. I asked a similar question in regards to hcg for post and was advised this way.
IGF, HGH, Insulin and fucking eat!

If you can do it, this will have you continuing to gain, but based on your cycle, I think it's highly unlikely your ready for HGH and insulin. What you have proposed looks good. I would definately add in some IGF and you'll be doing better than maintaining.
I had a buddy, who just did ghrp 2 or 6 and cjc1295 and he was holding size very well on this program. He really didnt lose any ground and his strengh was pretty good...
do a search here for "the gains keeper formula" its a solid read, plus u can google that as well and find the article but im pretty positive we have had it posted here a few times!