Anyone here an INCEL?? I am.


New member
But this is the best place for me to do this since im surrounded by all my iron bro's. I am what they call an "INCEL". That stands for "involuntary celibate". This is someone who has never had sex or hasn't had sex in a very long time period.
At the age of 35, I have never had sex, dated or even touched a woman. I have been chronically rejected by females my entire life. And, the few females that I have pursued have all rejected me. No woman has ever expressed interest in me ever. I dont understand why. According to statistics im an oddity. I tend to be a quiet person but that shouldn't have hindered me too much. I'm 6'1", 220 lbs with a 34" waste. I have all the hair on top of my head and i'm a college grad.
As in INCEL my life has been a living hell. I went in to depression at age 25 due to work stress and massive sexual repression. But i kinda got out of that with some therapy, medication and chage of work. I turned 35 a few weeks ago and it's given me a wake up call. The things that are happening to my peers are just not happening to me.
I'm desperately trying to get out of this situation. Maybe i should join a ski club? Maybe i should try internet dating? If things are going to be like this forever i don't think i can live anymore like this.
I give many thanks to my mother who has supported me and helped me.

There's even a website for people like me

I wanna hear some ideas.
wow bro. your story kind of struck me because i used to have a really hard time being around people i didn't know. whether is was guys or girls or both, i always felt self conscious and like everyone was judging me. but you know what...they are worried about what you are thinking of them too. i just told myself to relax and have fun...if people didn't like me for some reason, that's cool we just didn't hang out. you're 6'1" and 220, i assume you've got a pretty good build so have some self confidence (not cocky, confident!) and get out there and enjoy life. talk to people at the gym, go out with the guys...and so on. i think it's when you try to be someone you're not that people don't want to be around you, because they can tell it's fake.

Just relax and have fun and the right things will fall into place.
do you look for women in a manner of the ultimate goal being marriage and then sex? If so in today's society chicks are far more forward and the idea of not getting laid until marriage freaks alot of people out. Try hitting the bars, i have seen the ugliest of my friends get laid....and often get lucky with hot chicks.....pisses me off! Alcohol is the key to this form of intamacy though... good luck bud I have been with the same girl for 2 1/2 heaven forbid she leave me.......i have officially lost my mojo.....and it ain't like riding a can lose that pimp juice!

good will hunting bro
i need to come across differently because everyone seems to ignore me....maybe i should dress differently?
i honestly think this is just in your head. don't sweat the small stuff bro. just do your thing man, it seems like your really depressed that everyone is not bowing down at your feet and paying you homage.

if you really want that kind of attention and stuff i'd say get a dog, because people don't want to be treated like that.

i'm sure the way you dress has nothing to do with the way you feel.
Bro' Do you still live at home with your mom and dad?

Are you depressed all the time?

Do you have any female friends?

Do you have any male friends?

I dunno man, we're not really experts here. But maybe make a few girl friends and learn how to talk to girls.

You do want to have sex right?

Maybe try to stop focusing on that, and start focusing on yourself and having a relationship with a woman. Then let nature take it's course....

Don't make sex a goal :P That's probably the worst thing you could do. You'll just stress about it. Try just having fun with women. Go to the movies, go on a picnic, a nice dinner. All that date stuff. I'm sure if you get a girlfriend and enjoy spending time together and dating, nature will just takes it's course.

Maybe talk to a professional if it's this big of a problem.....
go to a bar and wait out the the end of the night there will be one bar skank buy her one drink (something like moonshine) and tell her your a doctor,as a matter of fact you should go dressed as a doc just to go out anyway LOL then tell her you'll give her aride and then bang her and give her bus fair and kick her out..thats how i met Englands wife...
ohh and this always works too...keep staring at a girl at the bar..make sure she knows your doing it..then in a very creepy manner walk up to her..whisper in her ear something lovely like, i hope your walking to your car alone later,then say i will just be watching you from this side of the bar...then slowly without turnin away keep lookin at her with no expression..damn women love this shit...i am a true pimp
LMFAO, irishpride that's some funny shit, and Campeon every dog has his day all you have to do is when some chick gives you the opportunity just go with it, forget all the BS and just let it happen eventually you'll get used to the idea it prolly seems odd at first but after a while you'll be smelling funny after the weekend like all the rest of us.
Start going to church and go to the singles classes. There are always woment looking for someone steady. I know it sounds corny, but if you're looking long term, that's where it's at. And of course the preaching can't hurt either.


Try wearing this:

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I do live with my mom...but that's not the problem...also i really have no friends at all, guys or gals...

i would like just someone to acknowledge my is not my main focus..
You are 35 and live at home with your mom?

But that's not your problem?


Yes, that might have something to do with it. Women that age don't want to go to your parents house and sleep in your bedroom down the hall from your mom.

An no friends guys or girls?

Bro, you gotta get out there and socialize. Make some friends, talk to people at the gym. Talk to people at work, ask them to hang out after work and go out for a beer. Shit man, you need to get out from under that rock you're living under. Get your own apartment. Start living bro'
I agree with Zylo, move out. Its one thing to vist your parents and help them out vs. living with them and them taking care of you. Also I assume you use AAS, when im one allot of test and tren I feel like one cock stong mother fucker. When I walk into a club I perceive all the other guys as pussies or fags. Maybe you need to up your test? Lastly try internet dating for sure, I have knows tons of guys that would get a new chick off the internet 4 or 5 nights out of the week. Just make sure to make your move soon, these girls are looking for sex, if not they will drop you.
I've been on the last month...i've gotten no responses at this sucks...i used to live on my own for 4 years and women didn't even acknowledge that I existed...

However, i do need to get out more in clubs and bars...that i really need to do...internet dating is hard if you are a guy..
Give the guy a break... I know how it feels. I've had a serious slump for over a year now. I woke up one day and all my friends are married, my job is nothing but a-holes, and my big night out is a corner at the bar and an boner the size of Texas.

Look at the bright side, atleast your not getting hit on by dudes. Seems every time I go out I get hit on atleast once by a dude. Nothing sucks worst....
Campeon, I think it is a confidence problem. You probably dont come off as being confident and women can sense that, even in e-mail. Also, you might not notice the signs that a woman is giving to you, I think this is a common problem with guys. A woman throw a million signs and we can miss them all sometimes.
I agree with Cordoba about the confidence problem, I've seen ugly midgets (oops littile people :) ) get some mighty fine tail much to my amazement so I dont care how unatractive you think you are, some chicks will definately dig you, I'm no prize pig and I've gotten wild with some of the finest and not so finest chicks around (much again to my amazement) attitude and how you carry yourself and talk go along way with chicks.